Black, Green, and Yellow
"you mean ash's housewarming?" "yeah. i mean, it'd be cool to meet some of your friends. or coworkers. or whatever they are." "god, i have no fucking idea."
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 50: Teach Me to Love You
"no, i mean--" max put his glass down and wiped his snout. he took a deep breath, but still not looking at the wolf. "i mean, if you want me to." tom forced himself another deep breath--how many deep breaths had he taken today?
Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 101 - "Wish you were here..."
I mean, i just check in on her to see if she hasn't killed herself... but in all honesty, i just want to put it all behind me... i'm just so tired of everything...'** **'i can understand...'** **'i mean, i try to move on but...
Chapter Five (Wendell)
"that doesn't mean his legacy is." "what do you mean. tell us or i'll put ya in the hospital." "listen, allan has a younger brother, rodger.
Fall from grace, Episode 1
"you mean to tell me that you are homeless?" again my sarcasm gets the better of me.
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 21: Reunion
"but what does that mean?" em flustered, "it doesn't mean anything; how could it? summit, please, look at me, how could you see anything special in this? summit... please... why can't you just see me for what i am?"
Only In Dreams
"sex, i mean." mano frowned. "what do you mean? we have sex together every night." the turtle rolled her eyes. "you know what i mean. i mean in waking life, with, like... real people." the octopus didn't like the direction that was going.
Facility- Chapter 7
Which means there would have to be some sort of camera system in this place.
Spaced Out
"just, on another level, it's still awesome, you know what i mean?"
Prism Pirates: Chapter 1
I mean if you are going to kill me at least have some class or originality... i mean you could challenge me in a large city or near a fountain and we have to duel while keeping our balance along the marble sides." "guys!"
Snow White and the Foxyote Dwarf
"so i guess that means i turned him into a stag." "you... did that to him?" snow white asked. "it was a kindness really." kickaha beamed up at the princess. "and i don't mean that in an ominous way.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 41 - "The only friend I have..."
I mean... if i hang out with him...?' 'i would be lying if i said i wasn't but... i know i can trust the two of you...' 'i-i know what you mean and i understand that you feel this way...' 'you do?' 'yes...