Cathedral - Kreet 70

Not exactly a wide variety diet. now she was eating human food daily and her body was taking full advantage of that. a smell wafted up from somewhere downstairs. pork belly. marge was cooking breakfast.

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Virishian History

The virishian race diverged from common ancestors with other not-sentient plains' herbivores of smaller size: a specialized diet on certain wild wheats rich of proteins provided the boost in terms of muscular and cerebral mass that allowed the sparkle of intelligence

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (6/??) -- {They're Nothing Like Us}

Kuroshingon are people too, their properties and diet are just quite different from ours; that is a scientific fact. but you can never tell from mere physical appearance of who a kuroshingon is." takizawa said. "that's.. unsettling.

A Long, Dark Road (Part 11)

Given the sparse diet they could maintain on such a journey, there was little to expunge other than water. he heaved twice more, bending at the waist as his body fought to find more to expel, then ceased.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twenty Eight

She'd been the one to convince me to take up the diet when our class had gone on a field trip to a farm. _"look at this poor little thing!"_ she had screamed, breaking away from the group and hugging a little calf that had wandered our way.

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Council Session

If they can work out an exchange, the dryad has a vegan diet; work with that." i wave my hand, "easy leaf. i am sure that harriet would be excited to have you live in her greenhouse, and to have dryads take up residence.

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A Lovely Day

I should probably put my boys on a healthy diet, it would do them some good." mila smiled and looked at her husband and son, noticing there dissatisfactory expressions upon hearing the word diet. d'arcy giggled and took a sip of her drink.

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A Close Port of Call

"i'm on a diet," she told him, "and i need some sleep." mark chuckled. "you? the day you need to diet is the day this station takes off at ftl speed heading for vega. sweet dreams, lady."

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2

One day it would only be a matter of pulling it over his head if he continued on his current diet.

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Flying High

His lifestyle certainly wasn't the healthiest, but he did make an effort to include some greeneries in his diet.

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 6 Part 1 of 2

Well, lunch was an option, although much longer on a diet of rhidayan cuisine and his stomach might revolt. how could humans survive with so little meat in their diet?

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:10

As of right now i'm on a diet of very tiny bits of food or nothing at all to try to ease it. i'd also like to start writing some other little stories and one-offs.

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