Flying High

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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#40 of 2021 Stories

A story about a life changing suit!

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A man sat in what appeared to be a doctor's office. His clothes were thrown aside with his nametag with 'Max' on it. Max was a bit on the short side, as well as very eager to jump into things; he jumped into the lab experiments with little hesitation in fact, if only because he also wanted the money.

A male doctor stepped inside and smiled at Max. "So, I see you're already dressed for the occasion. Do you know the details?"

Max nodded. "Yeah, I have to wear that one suit and see what happens to me. Something like that, right? I go out and live my normal everyday life while wearing the suit, and then come back occasionally for testing."

The doctor nodded. "Yup. Wear the suit, walk around, and see what happens. You will not be held responsible for anything that you end up doing in the suit."

"Uh, okay?" Max wasn't a mean person. For someone to tell him that he could do whatever he wanted in that suit made him feel as if he could just do literally 'anything' he wanted, not that he'd want to do much in the strange suit.

"Just do what comes natural in the suit." The doctor explained. "No matter how strange the urges might be. You'll get your payment at every Friday, starting next week." A nurse wheeled 'the suit' into the room. "Do you need assistance getting into it?"

Max shook his head. He looked at the suit, and then at the doctor. The outfit smelled strongly of latex, and it looked like a very powerful anthro falcon. He saw wings at the back, but he doubted they worked. The wings were partially folded in so as not to get in the way much, but Max knew they would. "I can't wear this robe too, huh..." He took off his robe and slipped his feet in. The inside of the suit felt like slick rubber. It almost felt as if he were going to trip inside the suit, but once his feet planted firmly on the ground, he swore he could feel the outside of the suit. He then put his hands into place, and then finally his head. He saw the inside of the eyes through the suit. "Can I just...get some help closing and opening it?"

The doctor closed the suit behind Max, and then stepped back. "There we go. How do you feel?"

Max waved his hands around in the suit. The suit felt larger than his body, but at the same time, it also felt fitting. The smell of latex and rubber filled his nose, and he wondered what kind of experiments they could really do in this suit. "It feels a little weird. I can't stop smelling rubber."

"You'll get used to it over time." The doctor chuckled. "Come see us if there are any problems with you or the suit, okay?"

"What kind of problems would I experience with this suit?" Max felt almost as if there was glue in the suit, but he didn't want to say it. He tried to move and free his hand, but it did nothing. He pushed his hand up against his waist, but that just made him feel even sticker in the suit. "Ugh. Besides feeling like there's glue in here. Am I going to be stuck in this suit forever? Is that what this experiment is?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, no. The suit will definitely feel strange at times, but you won't be stuck. We have all sorts of tools that can help remove you from the suit, if we so need to do so."

Max had a strange feeling the doctor wasn't telling the truth. Then again, he had little reason to distrust the doctor. "Okay, if you say so." He was getting bored of talking with the doctor anyways. He walked out of the room and glanced around. He took his time walking, as stepping around in the suit felt incredibly awkward. He swore he could feel the carpeted floor as he walked, but that should have been impossible. He remembered there was a condition some people experienced where they swore they felt things they shouldn't have. "So, I guess I'm just...supposed to go through my day to day life experiences with this suit?" He tried to remember his contract as he walked away from the office and to the exit. "Feels like the only kind of job I could get with this suit is a high school mascot." He held up his hand and flexed his fingers. He had talons instead of normal hands, but they worked just as hands should have. He figured he'd just try to get used to the suit.

Max grabbed his belongings and left the office. He walked over to his car, and he promptly realized his first problem. He was not going to drive easily in the suit. He could see out the suit fine. In fact, he could see out of the the suit better than when he left the doctor's office, but his wings were going to be a problem. He wasn't going to be able to sit down in any chair easily, especially in a cramped spot like his car. "If only this suit let me fly." He said, jokingly.

Max decided it was best just to take the bus home. He hated public transportation, but that was his only option with the new strange latex body. Max was lucky there was a bus stop, and he didn't have to wait long either. He stepped onto the bus, and glanced around. He could tell there were many eyes on him, and he blushed underneath the suit.

Max knew he wasn't supposed to go live day to day in the suit either. He had to come back repeatedly for testing, not that he was sure what the doctor would test, but he'd find out tomorrow.

Max returned to the lab the next day still wearing the suit. He took the bus, got to the lab, and visited the doctor with the suit still covering his body. He arrived to the same room he was in yesterday, and he waited for the doctor to return.

Max didn't have to wait long for the doctor. After only five minutes waiting, the doctor arrived. "So, how does the suit feel after day one?"

Max frowned underneath the suit. "It's Like, using the bathroom, sleeping, eating, it's very difficult with the suit. I can 'do' it, but I'd prefer to do all of that without the suit. Can there be times I take the suit off?"

The doctor chuckled. "Haven't you seen your contract? We do ask you take it off on occasion, but you have to keep wearing it until otherwise. Now, why don't we try a few tests?" The doctor pinched the wings. "Do you feel anything?"

Max watched the doctor perform such a bizarre test and he shook his head. "Why would I? I don't exactly have wings like the suit."

The doctor nodded. "Okay. Now, since you talked about getting out of the suit, let's take you out and see what you look like." The doctor grabbed the zipper and pulled it down for Max.

"Thanks. I can't take this thing off myself." Max was eager to get out of that suit. He stepped out from behind and took a deep breath. "Ugh, I still smell latex and rubber."

The doctor chuckled. "You're only out of the suit temporarily. Just long enough for us to perform a few physicals. Nothing difficult, of course."

Max stretched as he felt a sense of freedom now that he wasn't in the suit. He felt lighter without it. "By the way, what's the rule about clothing for the suit? It's uh...I wasn't sure what to do for clothes so I just kind of went straight home and was there most of the day."

"You didn't go anywhere?" The doctor frowned. "You're supposed to live your day to day life in that suit and act as if it's not there."

"Well I can't drive in the suit. Luckily I was able to get a buddy to drive it home after explaining the...uh, situation I was in." Max bounced up and down. He wasn't sure why, but he felt far more energetic than he did yesterday. He blamed no longer being in the suit, and figured his lethargy would return once he got back in.

The doctor scribbled something on his clipboard. "I see. So, you think the suit is too constricting. That's actually not surprising. Many thing the suit doesn't work well at first. You have to give it some time to adjust. I'd say in a few days you should be able to drive again when you can move the wings."

"Move the wings?" Max looked back at the suit. He saw no feasible way to move the wings. He tried all last night, but to no avail. He figured he just had to work his shoulder blades somehow, but nothing worked. It was impossible to sleep on his back with the position of the wings. "Well, okay. Let's get these tests over with."

The doctor took Max on a series of physical tests with frequent breaks. Lifting, jumping, running, the doctor made Max do things a child would do during gym at school, along with even a special diet.

Max wasn't complaining about the things the doctor made him do. He felt a bit strange doing it, but at least the doctor provided him with clothes. He found it a bit boring though. He kept his thoughts on the suit and, while he hated the smell of the suit, he missed it just a little bit. He liked avian creatures. He almost wished he could be an anthro bird, just like the suit made him appear to be. He wouldn't have to worry about public transportation ever again, or any transportation for that matter. He could fly from place to place high in the sky without a care in the world. A life as a bird anthro would be a life he would love, but he knew it wouldn't happen.

Once the testing finished, the doctor brought Max back into the first room where his suit hung on a hook. "Okay, I believe we're done here. Now, wear that suit for another three days and come back for another series of tests."

Max groaned. "Three days? Like, I have to eat and sleep in it like I did before?" It was such a pain to use the suit to eat, use the bathroom, speak, and even sight was almost impossible.

"We're paying you enough that you don't need a job." The doctor calmly replied. "You shouldn't need to do anything else besides relax, or maybe do some creative work. If you were to stream yourself in that suit, you might get some extra money. I'm not talking anything extreme of course. People casually playing video games in a special suit have often made extra money, so you could do the same if you wished."

Max began to undress again so he could slip into the suit. He thought about the idea of streaming or doing various things in the suit for money. He knew about many people with special animal avatars that streamed, as well as those who would make online videos with animated characters. He wasn't sure how many of them existed, but he knew there were a few that were paid very well. He imagined if he got some money, any sort of money, he could spoil himself a bit. "I guess." He replied. He then thought about something, something he hadn't even considered. "Hey, speaking of pay. You're paying me; I know that much. However, I have to ask. What are you getting out of me wearing this suit? You're going to be making more money off it, aren't you? How are you making money exactly?"

The doctor chuckled. "I see you know the basic fundamentals of how a business works. What we're doing is more of an investment with this experiment. The theory is wearing that suit should make you perform better at certain things. Falcons are better than humans at many things, so we want to see if wearing a falcon suit will improve a human's abilities, such as with eyesight."

Max didn't have perfect vision himself. He didn't wear glasses, but his eyesight wasn't the best. "So what then? Eyes, maybe claws and the ability to fly?" Max joked about it, but he could see the doctor's serious expression. He knew he signed up to be in a suit, but the idea of a suit transforming him sounded silly. No suit could cause such bizarre transformations, none that he knew of anyways.

"Do you remember the article about the gym that they had to shut down thanks to the mascot?" The doctor asked.

"Uh...the rat one?" Max asked with uncertainty. "I never went to the gym, but I heard the person in the suit was pretty aggressive. It felt almost like that video game with the whole mascot thing." Max paused. "I don't feel an aggressive tendency if that's what you're asking." He wasn't sure how a suit could have, unless the person that wore the suit had a mental illness and thought the suit hid their identity. Max stepped into the suit and reached around to get the zipper, but the wings were in the way. "Mind helping me zip up?"

The doctor nodded and sealed the suit for Max. "Well, we believe it had something to do with how they designed the mascot to be which caused him to act like that. We never really had a personality in mind with this falcon. Do you think of just eyesight and claws for a falcon though? Nothing else?"

Max stretched as the doctor sealed him in the suit once more. It felt familiar back in the suit, but he didn't want to get comfortable with it. "What am I supposed to think of with a falcon?"

"Strength, intelligence, speed, eyesight, flight, generally better than humans in many ways. A falcon anthro would be far superior compared to most humans. They may even become more egotistical than before because they 'know' they are better."

Max had to think about that for a moment. Sure, he was good at some things. Yes, maybe he was occasionally annoyed by how slow his friends could be. However, that's just having a healthy ego, right? 'Wait a moment... did the doctor say eyesight?' Max thought to himself. He hadn't thought about it before, but the thought just occurred to him.

"Actually, I do have a question if you don't mind me asking." Max stated in surprise and continued before the doctor had the chance to respond. "When I first put on the suit I noticed something odd about my vision. More accurately, it almost felt as if I could see everything clearer. At first, I thought it must have been just my imagination, but even today, as I took the suit off, it feels as if a veil has fallen from my eyes. This must be nothing more than a figment of my imagination, right?"

"Oh? Is that right?" The doctor responded as he furiously scribbled notes with a sense of excitement in his eyes. "Do not concern yourself with this. It's merely a placebo, nothing more."

Could a placebo really feel this vivid? Well, the doctor must know his stuff; after all, he must have graduated from some university. Max heard about all the strange kinds of things placebos did, although he never heard of one that changed eyesight, let alone for the better. "So, what should I do next?"

"As I said last time, just be yourself and don't feel discouraged from walking outside. If people are staring, think that they simply envy you for your extravagant appearance. Now then, thank you for your visit and we'll see each other in a few days!"

As Max half-forcefully left the building with still many questions in his mind, he grew wondrous about what the doctor said, or rather how he said it. It almost felt as if he was hiding something. Well, there's no use questioning things now, Max thought. The person was a professional, and he did sign a contract. Moreover, the contract mentioned something about becoming a literal lab rat, should the conditions of the contract not be met. This sounded quite ominous, but Max surely wouldn't stand to find out what this would entail. "Whatever, I can ask any remaining questions next time. To the bus I go!"

As Max entered the bus, he was, as last time, greeted with a crowd of staring eyes, all pointing toward him. At first, his mind filled with feelings of unease and a desire to escape to the comforts of his home. However, just as he was about to hide into the farthest backseat of the bus, the words of the doctor resonated within his mind. "What did he say? If people are staring, think that they simply envy you for your extravagant appearance." It almost felt too convenient that he would mention it just then, but as Max thought long and hard about it, with every repetition those words began to feel more and more truthful.

"Of course they are staring at me. I would also feel jealous if I saw someone else, who was given the opportunity to make a living just by wearing a suit, and such a nice-looking one on that!" Disregarding the holes in his logic, as none of the passengers could have possibly known about the agreement, Max began to confidently strike poses, as if he were a superhero. To the surprise of perhaps any other person, the adults stopped staring with piercing glances of disgust, but looked on with curiosity, thinking that Max was merely a performer for children. This was matched by some "Oohs" and "Aahs" of children, one of which even walked up to Max and started to pull the feathers of his wings.

It was just then, when something particularly strange happened. "Ow!" Max exclaimed in a bit of mild pain. Max then immediately halted. "Wait. Ow? Why would this hurt?" While Max was quite curious about this odd development of events, he didn't want to disappoint the excited children and started to quote some cheesy one-liners from superhero comics he read in the past, much to the dismay of anyone who actually read those, but to the enjoyment of all the children. This would continue on, until he finally reached his destination, home.

As he entered the comforts of his house, Max sighed a breath of relief of having endured this bus-ride without any major incident. However, before he would even consider resting, matters those were more urgent needed explaining. He quickly rushed to the bathroom, in which a large mirror was positioned and looked at himself. He stared deeply, with great focus at every single detail of his bod... err, his suit, and just realized immediately, that he had never really taken the time to look at himself.

"What fine artisanship", Max muttered emptily to himself. However, the suit was definitely a remarkable sight. The beak had a radiant shine to it, the claws on his talons looked so sharp, as if they could cut through steel, and the feathers had such a realistic look to them and then... "The feathers!" Max almost forgot the reason as to why he came to the bathroom in the first place after seeing himself, but now he decided he wouldn't get distracted again. Therefore, without further ado, he pulled at his wings.

Once again, he felt pain. "Ow!" What had been a surprise the first time in the bus had now turned into shock and confusion. Max wished that at that moment, he could have felt the material directly with his fingers, but as he was stuck inside the suit, there was no way for him to do anything. The question remained. "What's going on?" Max questioned with deep concern in his mind. Sure, the suit was tight and every touch against his body could be felt quite clearly, but why the wings? They were just a loosely hanging accessory after all. Max was close to panicking, but just then, he remembered the other thing the doctor had mentioned. "Right! Of course! That's it! Didn't he say it was normal to start associating more with the animal the suit is shaped after? What was it again? It has something to do with the mascot that's chosen?" Max of course felt as if there was more to this than just a weird figment of his very vivid imagination, but he chose this comfort over unnecessary feelings of panic and decided to carry on with his day. What was next on the list? Oh right, food!

As Max went to the kitchen to scavenge his fridge for food, he gazed into a deep abyss, which gazed back at him. Alas, no food. "Darn, I should have thought of buying more food beforehand, but I suppose I was told to go outside more, so I guess I could go shopping for groceries." However, as it was already getting late, Max decided to head to bed on a hungry stomach and simply go shopping early in the morning.

After a good night's rest, Max woke up with a feeling of great hunger in his stomach. Without further ado, he got ready quickly and made his way to the store. One walk and many looks at Max later he found himself at his local supermarket. It wasn't by any means the largest one around, but it had a wide range of different types of food for an affordable price.

"Let's see..." Max thought to himself, as he contemplated what he would need to buy for the week. "I suppose I should get some veggies first." His lifestyle certainly wasn't the healthiest, but he did make an effort to include some greeneries in his diet. As he approached the vegetable aisle and looked at a vast palette of different types of plants, such as tomatoes, avocados, zucchini, potatoes, different types of salads, etc., a strange feeling occurred within him. Try as he might, but only one thought crossed his mind, as his stomach started churning. "Disgusting..." Of course, Max wasn't fond vegetables, but he certainly didn't hate them either. Moreover, with such a great selection to choose from, surely there must be something he would find appealing.

As much as he forced himself to choose anything at all, he just couldn't stomach the thought of eating any of the food that was on display. After a while, he decided to give up and decided that he would just make up for it next week. "Maybe I'm just craving something sweet right now!" While he knew that stuffing himself with sweets wasn't the healthiest option, there isn't much of a point in forcing yourself to eat healthily without rewarding your body with some treats every now and again. With that said, Max made his way to his next destination.

Much like before, as he saw stacks upon stacks of pastries, cakes, cookies and candy, he almost felt like gagging. "What's wrong with me?" Max thought to himself, as he got increasingly concerned about himself. "Am I getting sick?" Worries regarding his physical wellbeing arose within him, but before he had the time to do anything else about it, a sudden smell started tingling his nose. It was a familiar smell, but at that moment, it smelled like nothing he's ever experienced before. A smell so fantastic, that it arose almost carnivorous feelings within him. "Poultry!"

He rushed toward the meat aisle and as he saw the arrangement of all sorts of meats, instincts overwhelmed his mind, and without being able to waste a second thought on it, he filled his shopping cart with a mountain of meat. As he went to pay for it, it seemed, for the first time since he started wearing the suit, that bystanders were more curious about his shopping cart than his suit. But Max didn't care either way, for all this meat would allow for a meal worthy of a falcon err, king! That and the doctor would pay for all of this anyway, so score!

The remaining time went by without any major incidents. He made himself rich meals, played video games, and studied up on how to start streams on Tweetch. However, before Max had even realized it, it was already time for the next appointment with the doctor. One time-skip later, Max found himself in the doctor's waiting room, as the doctor excitedly approached him.

"Greetings! I assume all is well? Please proceed to the testing room as you tell me all about your experiences these past few days."

Max was already familiar with the procedure and asked the doctor once again to lend him a hand with removing the suit. As he did so, a strange feeling overcame Max. He felt oddly light. Sure, the suit's dense material does weigh quite a lot, but he felt almost as if 20 pounds had been removed from his body. Max had suspicions about that before, but with the suit gone, it became very noticeable. Jumping around a bit just confirmed his suspicions.

"Feeling light, aren't we?" The doctor said with an almost expecting and somewhat sarcastic voice, as Max started blushing in embarrassment. "There's no need to feel ashamed. I told you that wearing a suit like this could result in some changes to the wearer. As you may know, birds have hollow bones, which make them incredibly light. That's how they fly, you know?" The only problem was, Max didn't know. Whatever placebo effect could have been in place couldn't have possibly affected Max. How could it, if he had never heard of this before?

When the doctor was quickly distracted with the preparation of some physical tests, Max quickly ran to a scale that was standing in the corner and measured his weight.

"I knew it." Max thought to himself with a bit of panic. He had always been on the lighter side with a weight of about 160lbs. Sure, it's been a while since he last measured his weight, so there's a certain margin of error. In addition, yes, maybe the scale could be off by a bit, but what it read just didn't make sense. "140lbs." At that point, his ribs should have been clearly visible, but nothing of that sort could be noted. He looked just the way he did before, except now he felt lighter, and indeed... he was lighter. For a moment, Max considered running away, but then a thought struck him: "What if this suit is actually turning me into a falcon? Would it be that bad?" Sure, he would get strange looks from people, but he's gotten used to them by now. And to fly! Wouldn't it be awesome if he could really fly? If things really go wrong, he could just remove the suit with someone's help. Although...

"Doctor? I noticed something strange two days ago. I went to buy food, but the mere sight of anything that wasn't some sort of poultry simply disgusted me. Is something wrong with me?" While Max did have some suspicions, he wanted to see what the doctor would have to say about all the changes he was experiencing. He knew they were fully unnatural, but what felt most bothersome was how he seemed to avoid answering any of his questions directly.

"Oh is that so?" The doctor scribbled some notes furiously again. "It's funny that you say that. Falcons are known to be predators. More accurately, they primarily eat smaller birds, among a few other sources of meat. However, they are not known to eat any plants. Quite interesting how the suit seems to affect you. I am also glad to see that you seem to go outside more." The doctor sounded quite satisfied, but before Max could respond, the doctor continued with a slight shift in his tone.

"And also... you could have just asked me if you could use the scale. It's fascinating what the human mind is capable of doing, isn't it?" So Max was right! Did the doctor know all of this would happen? "What is happening to me?" Max finally managed to ask, wanting to remove the veil of uncertainty that is shrouding his changes.

"Do not concern yourself with this." Again this phrase. He used it last time as well. "Just embrace the experiment and let yourself soar through this experience. In any case, our next and final appointment for the avian suit experiment will take place in three days. Enjoy your time and make the most of your final days. I'll see you then." Before Max was even able to protest, he found himself outside the doctor's office, similarly to last time.

Much like last time, Max felt as if he had been virtually kicked out of the office. Moreover, the way he said "final days" sounded quite ominous. What could he have possibly meant by that? Regardless, the day had already been quite exhausting and long, so Max decided to go to bed a bit earlier. Besides, his body was feeling quite sore today. He couldn't really pinpoint how to describe it, but it felt almost as if his skin was skewered from within by a thousand tiny needles. It wasn't as painful as it likely sounded, but his skin felt quite tingly and it was itching a lot.

This night, as Max was sleeping, he had the most vivid dreams of diving through oceans of clouds in the sky. Like a bird, he was spreading his wings and glided through the air, as the ground underneath him felt as distant as any worries he had previously had. Up there in the vast blue of the heavens, there was only freedom. No bills, no gossiping, and certainly no judgement from others were there to haunt him. Indeed, this feeling could only be described as the most pristine freedom he has ever felt. As much as Max was enjoying the dream, the sun was rising, and so was Max out of his bed.

However, as he was stretching his body, he felt a lot of pressure in his mouth. Inspecting his teeth with his tongue revealed a horrifying sensation, as he could not make out any gaps between them. The surface wasn't entirely smooth, as rough outlines of his teeth were still noticeably present. Try as he might, though, he could not find any spaces that would separate them from one another. Moreover, talking proved substantially more difficult, as his teeth have flattened themselves against the edge of his lips, as if they wanted to press outward. A quick rush to the bathroom and a look into the mirror confirmed Max's suspicions and worries. For a lack of better words, gritting his teeth made him look like he was starting to show first traces of a beak.

It was just then when Max also noticed a scratching sensation coming from his skin. A quick glance revealed an odd outgrowth of small, white dots, which, as Max felt for them, were quite hard to the touch. In fact, it felt as if his entire body was covered in them underneath the suit, as they tried to penetrate through it. Looking at those changes, it became quite apparent that Max was beginning to grow first traces of feathers. While the feeling could only be described as alien, he became quite excited at the idea that he was in fact going to become a real falcon.

While Max would have loved to go outside, he was at that moment more concerned with growing more accustomed with his changing body. That, and he hasn't eaten anything from breakfast yet, and his new set of... tooth? Beak? It was certain to cause a multitude of issues. As such, he headed toward the kitchen and prepared himself a hearty meal with a handful of the vast amount of chicken Max recently purchased. The wonderful smell permeated the air and filled his nostrils. Unable to wait a single second longer he immediately went for a bite.

That was when he encountered his first problems.

Max opened his mouth and almost felt a sense of lockjaw. He couldn't open his mouth very far for the food, and it hurt to shut his mouth. He managed to close his jaws, but he heard multiple cracks inside his mouth. He felt horrified to check on how his teeth were doing. He took a deep breath and waited for the pain to subside. It felt so long since he'd eaten, almost like an entire lifetime, he felt his stomach growl impatiently with the desire for more food.

He rotated his jaw a few times before attempting another bite of the food. This time, he managed to get a bite of the chicken, but it tasted off. He knew he cooked the chicken right, but it tasted a bit overdone. He swore he cooked it right, but with a sigh, he kept eating. His mouth felt strange as he ate, and the chicken didn't taste right, but he was too hungry to care. He kept thinking how his body felt so different in so many ways. It felt so short, but it also felt like a lifetime since he wasn't in the suit. He wanted to get out of the suit now, but he knew he had to wait a few days beforehand.

Max tossed the chicken away after only a few bites. He was still hungry, but he'd have to wait. He wanted to get to the doctor's, and he wanted to get there now. The suit felt as if it constricted his form, and he was even itchier than before underneath the suit. He flapped the wings in frustration, and he felt himself left off the ground from the one large wing flap. He touched back down on the ground, and felt himself freeze. "Did I just...?"

Max flapped the wings again. He looked back at the latex wings and saw he had some control over the wings, but they were hard to move. It felt as if he wore shoes that were three sizes too big, and filled with concrete. He 'could' move his wings; it was just hard to move them much. He flapped again, and he felt exhausted from the flaps. Still, the flaps made his body feel so much lighter. "Maybe I could fly..." Flying was something impossible for a human to do without some sort of technology, but for Max to fly freely, he knew it would feel divine to kiss the sky, just like in his dreams.

Max decided to spend the rest of the day at home. He put an ice pack over the base of his wings, which felt very sore, but he wasn't sure what else he could do. He thought about showing off again, but that would require him to travel around more, and while he'd love little more than to do that, driving in a car with wings was impossible, and the more he thought about the bus, the more he thought about how he was too good for that bus. It was amusing to show off in the bus, but the bus was a cheap place. He was better than that. He shouldn't need a bus, or any other technological means to transport himself. He had him, and that was all he needed, after another day or two.

Max lost track of time quickly. Time seemed irrelevant. With his wings feeling better, he stood up and stretched his arms and legs. He heard his body pop multiple times. His beak felt much better, but the inside of his mouth still felt strange. He decided it was best not to focus on it. If he was truly becoming a falcon, he was becoming something far better than what he once was. There came a time when he was tired, so he fell asleep. He wasn't sure 'what' time that was, but he was sure it was dark at the time he was tired. He didn't sleep in his bed that night though. He fell asleep standing next to it and one foot on the bed. He didn't know why or even how he was capable of sleeping like this. It was just how his body told him to sleep, so he did. Like before, the idea of flying filled his dreams.

Max awoke the next morning bright and early. He knew he should wait a bit longer before going back to the doctor, but he had enough. His body felt constricted in the suit, and tremendously so. He knew once the suit felt too big, but now it felt too small. He wanted out, and he wanted out now. He decided to give the doctor's office a call and he sent a message that he was coming now, even if it was a day early, whether the doctor liked it or not. The doctor was smart, but he was also a human after all, and Max thought himself beyond that. He wanted out of the suit so he could eat and live properly as he damn well wanted. It felt as if a switch clicked in his head that just made him feel so assertive, but he liked it.

Max stepped outside and spread his wings. He knew he had movement in his wings before, but now it felt better than ever. He flapped his wings, and he felt himself lift off the ground slightly. He flapped his wings a few more times, and he found himself going up in the air a few meters before he flapped slower and landed on the ground. With a smile, he shifted his body at an angle and flapped. He not only flew up in the sky, but forward as well. He flew his first flight, but not the last. He flapped his wings and experimented with speed and shifting himself in the air as he flew to the doctor's. He couldn't believe how amazing it felt to fly. He knew with time he could fly so much faster and farther, and with less energy. He didn't fly very high in the sky so he wouldn't hurt himself much with falling, which he fell more than a few times when working out the kinks of flight.

Max eventually made it back to the doctor's office. With a smile on his face and confidence in his heart, he walked inside and back to the doctor's room, and waited patiently.

It took only a few minutes for the doctor to arrive, and the doctor had a smile on his face. "Well, I can see the confidence in you is beaming. You're also here a bit early."

Max nodded. "I can fly! Sort of. I'm sure I can fly better, but this suit has to be removed. Can we do this a bit early? I'm a little impatient, and I want to see what I'm really capable of doing."

The doctor slowly nodded. "Well, we can remove the suit I suppose. Here." The doctor unzipped the suit for Max to step out. With a grin, he stroked Max's bare back. "Look at yourself. I bet you'll be impressed."

Max struggled to get out of the suit. He found he couldn't step back and out of the suit as he used to. He got his feet out, and then he pulled his arms out, but it still felt as if something was trapped within the suit. With his legs and arms out, he pulled his head out and ducked down as he freed his new wings. He then looked in the mirror, and gasped.

Max was no longer a human, but a falcon anthro. He had light gray feathering in front, and dark gray feathering on his wings, complete with a sharp beak and falcon eyes. His hands were claws, and his feet were talons. "Oh my god...I am perfect!" Max said happily. "This looks so awesome!" He grinned to the doctor. "Whatever your experiment was, I'd say it was a total success!"

The doctor nodded. "Oh yes. I'd love to hear about it. I bet your time at home was a very interesting process. Now we can move on to the next experiment involving your flights, perhaps we can get some delivery companies involved."

"Huh?" Max looked at the doctor with confusion. "I thought the experiment was over?" He knew the experiment wasn't long, but he didn't care if he voided his pay. Transforming into a falcon anthro made it all worthwhile.

"Your contract specifies it has a 'human' subject." The doctor explained. "You are no longer human, thus the contract is still in place. You still get paid, but you'll have to continue doing experiments, just as an anthro falcon instead of a human."

Max felt irritated that the doctor fooled him. He was about to argue with him over it, but then again, he 'did' get a better form out of it, and he 'would' still get money. "Fine." He said with a groan. "So much for living free as a bird."

The doctor chuckled. "You'll love it. Give it a chance."

So, Max lived a comfortable life as a falcon anthro. The doctor didn't transform him anymore, which allowed him to perfect his flights. He could fly higher, faster, and see farther. It may not have been a glamourous life working for a doctor for what would likely be the rest of his life, but it was a comfortable one.