Loss for Words

A young dark furry cat anthro awoke to the sound of his alarm ringing. He hated getting up so early for his school classes. He had to take all of his classes online, which meant he didn't have to get out of his pajamas, but he also still had to get up...

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Safe For Work

Xel jumped out of his bed with joy. Finally, he was able to get in another one of Myu's stories. He waited what felt as if it were an eternity. "Finally! Today's the day me and Myu can (REDACTED)!" Xel paused. "Huh?" He looked up at what he said....

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A young cat anthro sat outside the door to the headmistress nervously. His paws gently swished as he sat on the bench. His heart pounded nervously. He tried so hard to get into the exchange year, and he was only a few steps away from finally getting...

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Roo's Day

A female kangaroo anthro entered the potion shop on a warm sunny day. She put her hands against her fur as she glanced around. She wished women's pants had pockets. If they did, she'd wear them with no hesitation. She was grateful she had a pouch as a...

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Swimming With The Fishes

With some extra money in the bank and finally free to vacation where they want. Taylor and Kristen were two teenage friends. Where Taylor had short brown straight hair, Kristen had longer blonde hair tied in a ponytail. "Hey, you heard about that...

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Long Cat

It was a bright sunny day and a young feline anthro stopped next to a wishing well. This feline anthro, named Luna, knew wishing wells were often a hoax. He hadn't seen one in ages in fact. He was surprised to see there was one in front of a restaurant...

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The Great Swap

The great swap. The great swap was not a well known effect, but it did impact enough people to make news on the internet, just not enough for the general public eye to be aware of it. The swaps occurred randomly, someone falling asleep as their...

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Path To Stardom

Silver medals were better than no medals at all. Kai read his email time and time again, confirmed it with the company, and he was now waiting at his computer to get a message from a vocalist named Len. While Kai didn't win the grand prize to win...

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Online Regression

Luna both liked and hated online learning. On the plus side, it allowed him to study at his own pace and turn in work whenever he wanted. He could stay up until four in the morning if he so desired doing his homework, and then sleep in until lunch. On...

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Flying High

A man sat in what appeared to be a doctor's office. His clothes were thrown aside with his nametag with 'Max' on it. Max was a bit on the short side, as well as very eager to jump into things; he jumped into the lab experiments with little hesitation...

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Horse Fever

Today was a special day. Rather, it was a day of surprises. Opis was today's unlucky rabbit. The gray, orange, and white colored rabbit awoke from his bed knowing today would be different, but unsure as to how. He glanced at his phone, and then spread...

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Culture Change

'Why did I wait until the last minute to do this?' A young cat anthro said. He wasn't so excited about culture day tomorrow, but he was excited about getting a Japanese item. He wished he hadn't waited so long. He was in the Asian district in his town,...

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