The Guilded Cage, Ch 7

One other benefit of following a non-deific individual was that vax was able to provide direct input to his followers without the need for prayer or omens or prophecy or whatever-it-was the gods used.

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How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 3

It looks like i am in chapter eleven of the dragonet prophecy.

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The youngest ArchMage: Prologue

Jotham, the royal arch-mage had been keeping his ears tuned to rumors of such a being and even the prophecy was kept secret to avoid any unwanted attention.


Through A Glass Darkly - 5

We have performed the rites for months now, seeking the goddess that our prophecies promised. the one who will replace the fading gods of old and wake the light of the moon once more. the one that will save our dying world.

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Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust

The prophecy mentioned at the beginning is a dualism. it's about both benayle (silver) and sajani (copper). that section was to be read by someone during the story, but i haven't found a place to put it yet. i doubt i needed to interpret that.

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Three little pigs

The prophecy of cooking is made up, but it's also true. it's about all of us. right now, it's about you. and you... still... can change everything. we are from the planet kitchen, and we're here to destroy you. oh, man. and uh, guys?


Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 20

"it was a strange prophecy, though..." sin added quietly, and the two glanced up in surprise to see her sitting up on the futon, smiling faintly and rubbing at her face slowly.

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Spyro: The Colliding Worlds Chapter three

Dairu had seen many prophecies and books of the dark master's evil reign over the dragon world. it seems though as if the dark master has figured of a way to take over other worlds. "stay close everyone." dairu yelled to the wolves.

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Part 8: Kaos and a Darker Power

Something about a temple under the water, the dragon demon, a prophecy of sorts and a large silver dragon with a shocking message... but it is all fading rapidly from my mind, i cannot seem to hold on to an image.'

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MAGI: Chapter 01 - Beginning

"the... prophecy." s'sythrael and mia cast a knowing look to each other. the swan rested her delicate feathers on stella's shoulder, her soft voice soothing the fears and doubts away. "tell us, child. where will it lead us to?"

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Just as the branch came into grasping range, vander was hit with a pain which came from the scar across his face that he received after being marked with the prophecy that dragged him into this mess. "what?"

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Nine

But i _do_ know that bad moods are a self-fulfilling prophecy. if you tell yourself everything is going to be a disaster, then it _will_ be a disaster. so stand up, toughen up, and never, ever give up."

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