How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 3
#3 of How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic)
I am so sowwy! I mixed up the chapters! Here is the true chapter 3! OnO regretful dragon noises
Okay, calm down. Just. Calm the freaking down. You don't wanna wake up because of this. JUST. CALM. DOWN. NOW!
I was totally not calming down. If someone were to look at me now, I would probably look like a dragon that has eaten too much sugar and is in ongoing process of 'Sugar Rush'.
I tried to control my breathing as I took a peek again at the three dragons.
Clay, the Mudwing is obviously shaking with fear at the presence of Queen Scarlet, one of the Sandwing sisters that started the war, at least, that is what I heard from Tyler.
I never got the chance to read the first book since work tend to get in my way of reading the entire series. Still...
"How did my mind managed to create such a great photographic memory of a book that I just barely read? The trees surrounding me, my sense of touch, everything. Almost feels like I actually got reincarnated as a dragon in another world." I shook my head at the ridiculous thought.
"Nah, there is no way this is real, this must be a lucid dream like I said at the oasis. Yeah, that's right, just a dream." I muttered to myself to avoid making the three dragons that are having a conversation notice me.
Somewhere above high up in the heavens, God facepalmed at the ridiculous statement that I said to myself as he stared at my form with a deadpanned expression.
"Now, you Mudwing, make me curious. " Queen Scarlet shifted her attention to the frightened Clay. "We're on the same side. So why do you not recognize me?" Queen Scarlet said as she circled around Clay like a predator.
I see. It looks like I am in chapter eleven of The Dragonet Prophecy. I remember Tyler say that Queen Scarlet's first encounter was with Clay and Tsunami alone in a woods, not far from their hideout where the rest of the dragonets are planning on an escape. Interesting...
I can see Queen Scarlet getting annoyed with every second passed, her patience seems to be running out as Clay tried to find the words to say to her, but albeit failing.
"Like I said we-" Tsunami tried to speak up on Clay's behalf, but she was silenced by Queen Scarlet with a flick of her tail. Did I mentioned how strangely attractive Queen Scarlet is? Wait...
"Where did that come from?..." I silently questioned myself from the ridiculous thought that I came up with. Seriously, what the fuck? She'll kill me if I say that to her upfront.
"We, uh," Clay's words was in shambles. No doubt trying to find a way to get out of this situation, but with Queen Scarlet giving him the death stare, I doubt he is gonna find the right words to reply to her. "We've been underground... Kind of... always...?" Clay cringed as he looked at the imposing Queen.
"We're just passing through.." I heard Clay said as he mumbled some illegible words to Queen Scarlet as she looked at Clay with disbelief.
You know? This is kinda getting boring. I already read the first few chapter of the books so seeing them literally saying the same things in the book kinda makes me feel bored all of a sudden. I mean, don't get me wrong, its nice to see them in the flesh (even thought it is in my mind) but this is just so boring.
I sigh as I stopped listening to their conversation momentarily when suddenly, a roar that is as loud as thunder booming echoed throughout the woods, temporarily making me cringe as fire started to spread all over.
No doubt Tsunami must have stabbed Scarlet with the spear that was on the ground and made a break for it with Clay in tow.
"Fly!" I heard Tsunami shouted as I heard the flap of both of their wings and flew as fast as their wings can carry them. Lucky, I wish I can fly.
Still hiding behind the tree, Queen Scarlet shouted a few words that I don't understand, probably curse words that was in dragon language, and ripped off the spear that was plunged in her tail.
"Those dragons. I will kill them." Queen Scarlet said with venom in her voice as she roared angrily to the air and took flight, perhaps getting to her sky palace and gather some reinforcements.
I let out a breath that I did not know I was holding as I came out of the hiding place. Everywhere I look, scorch marks covered the ground and some trees were lit ablaze except for the giant tree that I was hiding, luckily for me and the environment, it looks like the flames from the trees will die out soon. Hopefully it won't spread into some kind of forest fire.
I shook my head. Great, now I lost them! I was supposed to follow them right? This is how dreams work!
Then I remembered something in the book that they were planning to send some kind of smoke signal in the early time of the day, since I can clearly see the sun rising, I might be able to see the smoke that they set up for Clay and Tsunami to find. Lucky me!
"This dream is getting pretty interesting by the minute! I hope I never wake up!" I said with glee as I started to sprint outside the forest and look for the smoke that is signaling the two dragons. It won't be that far, right?
"Huff, It was actually very, very far." I panted I came to a full stop to take a breather. "But thankfully, It looks like I managed to reach them in time." I said as I saw what seems to be jagged terrain and some cliffs overlooking the wastelands. The smoke was high in the sky that even the naked eye can see as I started to jog towards that direction.
"Dragon endurance is amazing! I can run practically as fast as a... cheetah I suppose?" I asked myself as I continue my line of thought while moving.
Unbeknownst to me, a certain Skywing queen spotted my pearly white body that sticks out like a sore thumb in this brown landscape and made its way towards the smoke as well with a few dragons in tow.
Arriving below the rocky landscape, hid myself behind a giant boulder and peeked at the duo. They are probably looking at the mechanism that moves the boulder that is blocking the only path that separates them from their friends.
While Clay and Tsunami are busy looking for the lever that was hidden under some kind of mud, I surveyed the skies, hoping that I won't be spotted by her highness, the Queen and her lackeys. Fortunately, for me, there is this big tree that managed to hide my entire white body from eyes in the sky.
The ground shook under me. Clay and Tsunami finally found the lever that moves the boulder as the rest of the dragonets walked outside.
A smile formed in my face as I saw the ever so energetic Sunny leapt out of the cave and ran towards Tsunami.
"You did it!" I heard Sunny whispered below me as Tsunami's attempt to shush the Sandwing failed.
"Where are the others?" Clay asked quietly with worry in his voice.
I closed my eyes and try to focus on their conversation but it seems like I was a wee bit far to hear them properly when they started whispering. Oh well, I guess I could just watch them from here and imagine that they are saying the lines that are like in the books I've read.
"I'll get Starflight." I imagined Sunny say it. She then went inside but for some reason turned around to look at Clay with a worried look. Hmmm... I think she must be worried about Glory.
I remember something about the book that Glory was about to get killed because she was not a Skywing? That is so racist.
Immediately after Sunny went to look for Starflight inside the cave, Glory appeared out of nowhere and was now beside Clay, surprising him.
Glory's scaled changed color from gray and black to a warm golden orange color with tiny blue spots. She was there the whole time? It was like she was invisible or something!
Clay seemed relieved and glad to see his friend alive and well. His tail wrapping around Glory's as she tensed up, but didn't seem to let go of it..
"Ohhhh!! I think I know what to write when I wake up! A One-shot with Clay and Glory! With Glory being the top and Clay as the bottom! Eeeeee!" I silently cheered as I saw Sunny walking out of the cave with.. What the heck is that?
Starflight walked outside in the cave with a very weird fashion which made double-take, but then I notice the ridiculous amount of scrolls that he is carrying in his back. Just how much does he love those scrolls anyway?
I shook my head as I watch the amusing scene right in front of me unfolding. Tsunami and Glory started criticizing Starflight for being too attached to his scrolls while he just stood there, being protective of his scrolls.
Tsunami then tried to yank his sack of scrolls from him but Starflight protested, it then went to a full blown tug of war with Clay watching the two and Glory complaining how they don't need the scroll and that Starflight has practically memorized every word and picture that is written in those scroll that he love so much.
Just when things started to die down, huge wing-beats caught my hearing as I looked up and an angry Queen Scarlet with a few dragons in tow who is not that happy looking as well.
"Well that escalated quickly." I muttered to myself as I walked closer to them by sneakily walking up to another boulder. Did I mentioned how many hiding spots there are in this place that are coincidentally the perfect spot for me to spy on them?
Finally, with how close I am to them, I can finally hear what the rest of the dragons are saying. It looks like Queen Scarlet commented on how utterly gloomy the place that the dragonets are living in. I mean, can you blame them? They are like shut-ins that never got to see the light of day or the stars above the night skies.
I saw Clay quickly moved in front of Glory and Tsunami, trying to shield them from the Queen. What a brave dragon! It's no wonder people said that he was the most wholesome dragon in the series! I kinda like that guy!
"My goodness!" Queen Scarlet said with glee as she squinted her eyes and looked at Starflight who tried to do his best to hide within the shadows but failed. "You're a Nightwing!" She then grabbed Starflight from the chin and started to inspect his body...
"I can't believe I thought of something lewd just by thinking that.... Stupid hormones." Note to self, do not in under any circumstances let any Nightwings read your mind. You do not want them to experience the horror that is circulating in your lewd mind. That is, if this is not a dream. But it is so that won't be a problem... Right?
When I was busy with my thought, the dragon that was named Dune who tried to attack the Queen got his neck snapped in an instant. He didn't stood any chance with the Queen's graceful movements and finesse attacks.
I heard chains crackled and the next thing I knew, the dragonets and Krestel was chained up. Probably will be sent to the Arena in Queen Scarlet's palace where they will be fighting like gladiators for the Queen's amusement.
"Oh, and don't forget about the white dragon that is hiding behind that tree." Queen Scarlet said as she eyed the tree that I was hiding--- wait.
"What-" The tree that I was hiding suddenly exploded into tiny bits of pieces with ashes flying through the air as the dragon that was responsible for exposing me was non other than the Queen herself. Fuck.
"Well... this is awkward..." I said to myself, no doubt they heard what I said too since they looked at me.
I stood there awkwardly, never moving as I looked at the dragons before me who is giving me a mixed reaction. Clay and the rest of the dragonets just looked at me with confusion, no doubt wondering what the heck is a dragon like me even doing here, Krestel looking at me like she was about to murder me, and last but not the least, Queen Scarlet smiling at me creepily as if she just managed to snag herself the Golden Chalice that grants her immortality.
The rest of the dragons that are with the queen slowly came up to me with chains in tow, no doubt trying to bind me and take me to the Arena when suddenly, a brilliant idea came into my mind.
"Wait stop!" I said defensively as I raised my forearms in front of myself. Oddly enough, the dragons that were carrying the chains stopped in their tracks as they looked at me.
To be continued.....