The Legend of Spyro: Brothers Until the End, Chapter 1
Dark storm clouds rained red droplets of water, bringing fear over hundreds or yet thousands of creatures in Avalar as The Dark Master has been freed from His Prison of Convexity and went somewhere where he could stay and come up with a plan to bring...
Oh Joy... I Got Reincarnated as a Dragon in Wings of Fire and now Every Dragon Wants Me
"...and that is how you solve logarithmic equations using imaginary numbers. Any questions?, Good, now to the next equation...." The professor in my screen 'asked' without giving us some time to actually ask a question. Well, not that I have any...
How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 5
I held in his hands for quite some time, letting the tears that I have been holding back, the emotions that I endured during my life, flow freely. I can tell that this man, for some reason, cared about me. Why? I do not know, but I do not care. I have...
How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 4
They caught me. The secret technique failed. Now I am tied up in chains while my captors dragged me in front of the Queen and the rest of the captured dragons. Well, at least things won't get any worse. "So," Queen Scarlet purred as I lowered my head....
How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 3
Okay, calm down. Just. Calm the freaking down. You don't wanna wake up because of this. JUST. CALM. DOWN. NOW! I was totally not calming down. If someone were to look at me now, I would probably look like a dragon that has eaten too much sugar...