Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

Early in the revolution it was deemed imperative for the nation's survival that they exploit this advantage of biological diversity to a maximal degree.

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9. Academics

General relativity makes certain predictions that are at odds with what we know about quantum behavior, and these inconsistencies lead to exploitable properties of a reimannian manifold we shall designate as subspace. ..."

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Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life

Anthromals have very advanced technology and resources but this is only plausible because the anthromals have learned to live in sync with their planet rather than exploiting it for easy resources.

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610 Viewpoint Like A Missile

The ability to live off the land, to natively survive in the deep rainforest, was the advantage she had intended to exploit in an area where traveling the muddy and easily sabotaged tracks in a badly-repaired range rover was simply asking to be kidnapped at

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Against All Odds: Part 1 - The Proposition

It didn't take long however for their offensive exploits to attract the attentions of their target. "it has a lock--" alexei stopped mid-sentence, a hail of laser fire from the battleship forcing him and nathan into panicked attempts at evasion.

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Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

When people speak of your exploits in battle, what do they emphasize?** **your ferocity** **your skill** **your trickery** **your luck** **something else?

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OR: Varandions

They construct the starships necessary for their exploitation of interplanetary resources and their solar system's asteroid fields richly laden with minerals required in the design of their warp engines; grc recruits arcathion tribals as their muscle to secure

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Unyeilding Warriors Chapter 3: Isvurthalre

Even while exploiting this weak point, it would prove to be very difficult to defeat one of talon's kin. dragons were the perfect killing machines. they were masters of the sky and could utilize one of many elements- from earth and rock to fire.

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Unyeilding Warriors Chapter 2: Dragons for Heroes

There was an advantage of flying that talon loved to exploit: in the air, he wasn't confined to the paths that the roads chose to follow. he could pick any direction and go there without any impedance from land-based obstacles.

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Chapter 3: Perspective

How could he best exploit this situation? "yes. both our sides would benefit from a cease fire on the borders of our two outposts. surely you can see that further fighting and further bloodshed would hurt us both. a cease-fire is for the best."

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Jack: Rexi and Talon: 13. Rexi (!)

If i'd been thinking a little more, or realized i'd end up writing so much about jack and his exploits, i would have done that from the start. it doesn't relieve me of the obligation, and i intend to make good on it.

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chapter 5-getting to know ryan

"we used to" said ryan sadly "but after hundreds of years of exploiting our natural resources and polluting the earth places that are anything like this are rare and are even now becoming rarer, i'll tell you more about the place i come from when spyro comes

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