Gates to misery ch: 8

I was already placing them in random places of the thing i stole from espeon. she came over to see. "are you sure you know how to use them?" "no." i said honestly. "but we don't have any other choice." i placed the last one in and a gate was made.

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Master of Aura Chapter Six

She tapped her chin lightly, "he had a jolteon, a flareon, an espeon, a leafeon, glaceon, and umbreon." "why did i never see the umbreon?" zane asked silently. "before they all ran away...your dad kept the umbreon in its pokeball until night.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 7 - Team 76

"ey kyu...that espeon was quite beautiful, the one from yesterday!" mays death gaze changed blazes intended saying "ehh...i mean she was average...of course i mean..she wasn't that good. but ey, di-" "blaze....that topic is tabu, okay?"

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SHK 13: Crystal Chronicles (First Ch. of the recruitment drive)

"father was an espeon named sunset... tragic life story, met his end during his stop t rockets where he mysteriously vanished, he lived from one tragic instance to another, indulging in some unhealthy sexual practices, making a life goal to search out the

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Final Requiem: Chapter 2

The espeon yawned then jumped at the sudden cold ground under her paws. "ack! it's so coold!" she glanced and saw ardent trying to hide a smirk while comfortably resting on will's bag.

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COM: Poketon High (Anthro Braixen and Vulpix TF TG)

Sitting at the desk was an espeon who wore a well-made suit. she carried an aura of authority but one of also kindness. it was obvious to both brian and vincent that she was nice but they never wanted to get on her bad side.

Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 4 - Meet my new friends, friends!!

Kyurex looked at the dark, light blueish sky. He tried to surpress his sorrow, but it didn't work well. „I'm just...going to" he closed his eyes. He would regain his strength, and plan his next intentions when he...

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My New Best Friend Chapter 2: The Theater fight

"my espeon got injured in a battle...what are you doing here? i thought you were leaving today." "i was, but someone got in the way..." "someone?" "yeah, rather more like a black and blue dog got in the way!"

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 3: Research (Pt 2)

"if i may," he began, "given that we are on open plains between here and hadleigh, i would say our course would be south," suggested the espeon.

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Two

"some bigwig trainer is coming by to get some help for a problem with her espeon, and it's got the cops in a tizzy. the 'crippled leader,' or something.

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Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters

The orange espeon, he was the one who had magic! and then he opened up some kind of portal in the lake! and six years passed before we came back out, but it was over in an instant." "yes, so you have told me." his mom rolled her eyes.

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Opal's Story - Chapter 5

The espeon i knew just seemed too confident and sure of herself for me to believe she had ever been like that. finally shells stretched and hopped off the bench. "i'm going to go talk with perry now.

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