Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 3: Research (Pt 2)
#105 of Pokemon Team Valiant
The Crusade, following an ambush at Marilogne, realize that their time in the East is coming to an end, and so join the race in the search for the East Nexus, and Calhoun uncovers the identity of a voice he has been hearing in his mind...
Meanwhile, the team reaches the city of Lindenberg to begin their research expedition.
Nothing could have prepared them for what awaited them in Marilogne when they landed...
As Seji stepped off the boat, he could already sense that something had changed, and he held up a hand to order his escorts to wait as he took in their surroundings. The town was quiet, which wasn't anything unusual itself - it was early in the morning. In a downbeat community like Marilogne, no one was an early riser, staying in their homes until the sun was high before daring to leave and risk being robbed by their neighbours.
That was not what troubled him. Something about the air of the town had changed. The dockworkers who tied up his boat disappeared almost as quickly as they had arrived, taking their payment for the work and vanishing into their cabin. Every instinct in Seji's body was telling him to stay alert as ordered his troupe forward, making their way to the inn to meet with their contact. Tabiss had not reported in at Marilogne in some time, and Seji suspected it had something to do with the new air about the town...
For once, he despised being right. No sooner did they reach the door of the inn did the attack come. His only warning was a flicker of movement from the roof above, and he ducked to avoid a jet-stream of water, shooting like it was fired by a cannon and striking down one of his escorts. On the roof stood an Inteleon, one who eyed Seji with clear recognition shared between the two.
"Well, well, fancy running into you here." The Inteleon remarked with a leer present in his eyes. "Seji, if I recall, right?"
The Alakazam stared back in silence for a moment, then he began to grin as he drew his hilt out from behind his back and ignited the blade. "Ah, yes. I remember you," he answered back calmly, "I had quite a time dissecting information about your little stealth group down South. I'm rather surprised to see you're still alive, considering the state we left you and your comrades in."
"We had help," Fisher answered cryptically as he pointed his finger down at Seji, already preparing another Snipe Shot at his fingertip.
In the moment following their brief exchange, doors from the nearby houses flew open, and multiple Pokémon stepped out, hurriedly forming a ring around Seji and his entourage. In addition to Fisher atop the inn, heavyweight Pokémon approached on foot, covered by other types focused on distance combat. Seji was certain he saw at least two Rescue Teams among them providing muscle, but the rest were unmarked, bearing no visible identification between them. He didn't need any such thing, though, for Seji already knew who they represented.
"Surrender now, Dark Crusade!" One of the Rescue Team members, probably their captain, shouted, "There is no escape! We have you surrounded!"
Seji couldn't help but laugh at the situation, finding it to be rather amusing despite the gravity of the situation. "It's funny how you think that capturing me or my group here will bring your side closer to stopping this war," he said in a cryptic manner, continuing to laugh for a few more moments before he calmed down and his stern demeanour returned.
"There is no stopping what is already set in motion... In the end, your Guilds will fall to the might of the Shadow Corruption, and we will be the ones in control of the world. If anything, you should be surrendering and sparing yourselves both the humiliation of defeat, and the cold embrace of death."
"I guess we'll have to take that as a no," the same captain said, "Take 'em out!"
The ranged attackers, including Fisher from his perch above, unleashed their volley. Projectiles, both solid and energy rained upon the Crusade's forces. Seji had only come ashore with eight followers, who were already scattering to look for more defensible positions. Less than half remained.
As he looked up, he saw a Glalie closing in on him, its small mouth opening to unleash an Ice Beam at the Alakazam. He in turn merely shot a glare at the Glalie, and his Ice Beam suddenly vanished before it could even finish charging. When he went to charge it again, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring forth the attack.
In that same instance, the Alakazam then turned his attention to the projectiles raining down on him and raised his blade. He then began swinging it at any attack that was an immediate threat to him, deflecting them away from him with swift, precise motions until the attacks ceased.
"My turn," he said with a broad grin before he turned to the closest foe and grabbed him in a telekinetic hold, then yanked him forward and ran him through with his sword before tossing him aside like trash to the wind.
Those closing in on him looked on in shock at the callousness Seji had shown,
He got his challenger. Out of the crowd stepped a Ninetales, but not one of the Fire-type. Seji had become acquainted with the ice-type sub species of Ninetales during his time in the Great South Islands - a rare sub-species that adapted to the cold mountaintops of one of the island's tallest peaks, scarcely seen amid the other dwellers. This one met his gaze with absolute stoicism in his own eyes. Yet, behind them... the Ninetales emanated a power that Seji could not immediately explain.
Regardless, he shifted his posture so that his blade was held in front of him, pointing toward the Ninetales and his stance was more sideways, with his offhand held behind him. "Do try to make this entertaining, young man. Nothing gets under my skin more than a duel with a predetermined outcome..."
The Ninetales scoffed. "I am not nearly as young as you believe," he returned as his eyes glowed, shining brightly like snow catching the light of the sun, "Nor am I here to entertain you. I am here to bring judgment upon you." He added before his nine tails splayed outward, and the air became deathly cold as snow and hail began to fall around them.
Seji took note of sudden change of the weather, knowing that it would spell trouble if he let the fight drag on too long. Despite his proclamation, he was not going to fool around with this opponent. His opening move consisted of his spoons appearing around him, each charging up a Signal Beam each before firing at the Ninetales in front of him. The Ninetales did not move from his spot, the very mist and snow in front of him seemed to solidify as the attacks approached, both Signal Beams dispersing before making contact.
Then, the mist deepened, and Seji lost sight of the southern Ninetales, the creeping cold intensifying around. He turned on the spot, wary of an attack from another direction. He couldn't see anything but the mist, he couldn't hear anything except the clicking of the hailstones hitting his body or the stone street around him. His nose was cold and starting to run from the chill. He had to fight the urge to wipe it or sniff too hard, else give himself away or expose a second of vulnerability.
Then, he saw it. The mist ahead of him swirled, and a Blizzard attack erupted from it. He in turn held his hand in front of him and used Psychic to redirect the attack around him as best he could. However, while he was spared from the damage, the cold was another thing. He started to feel his body going numb quickly from the exposure to the cold, which left him no choice but to try and escape the mist surrounding him and retreat to a warmer area to recover.
He quickly began backing up once the Blizzard ended, still keeping his senses trained for any sign of the southern Ninetales as he sought an escape from the mist, his body becoming number by the second. However, behind him he heard a crackling, and spun just in time to see the outline of the Ninetales again, this time forming Ice Shards at the end of each tail and sending them one after the other toward the Alakazam.
He scoffed in annoyance and started deflecting the shards with his blade. However, his body was heavily slowing down due to the intense cold. While he managed to deflect the shards that were an immediate danger, others managed to slice against multiple points of his body, causing him to grunt in pain and leave him feeling even more cold than before. Once the onslaught ended, the Alakazam was forced to kneel, his breath shaky and ragged as more of his body became increasingly numb.
The mist abated then, and the cold began to lessen as the sun shone bright once more, but his body remained chilled and shaking. He could barely grip his sword hilt anymore. As he raised his head to glare defiantly at the Ninetales, he suddenly realized that he was surrounded.
His escort was nowhere to be found. All around him Pokémon had projectiles prepared to fire upon him, including Fisher who had not moved from his spot on the Inn, and now had a tubular barrel fitted over his shooting finger and a scope lens resting upon the tube aligned with his eye., with his eyes covered by a black film fixed solely upon Seji. Any movement by Seji would surely end in getting shot by the Inteleon...
"It is over," the Ninetales stated. "You are beaten. Surrender now."
Seji scoffed in defiance, extinguishing his blade and slowly lifting his arms up as if to surrender. "...Perhaps next time, you'll have better luck in apprehending me." He commented, then in a blink of an eye he was gone, leaving no trace of his existence behind...
"Tch. He teleported away," Fisher said in irritation, lifting the Scope Lens away from his eye and removing the barrel from his finger.
"Any casualties?" Ernoul called out, looking around at the other teams and bureau enforcers.
"None, Captain Ernoul," came the reply, "Eight enemy combatants successfully apprehended."
"We may not have apprehended the enemy leader, but we may yet gain valuable intelligence," offered Ernoul as he watched Fisher hop down from the inn and approach him, "I believe this operation can still be considered a success. You and your fellow bureau members performed admirably." He gave a respectful dip of his head to the Inteleon.
It was no secret that the establishment of the Guild Investigative Bureau, founded by Romulus of Team Phobia, had created a slight divide in the guild's ranks. Rescue Teams lost members as more and more people, who preferred the subtler approach of the Bureau, joined its ranks. Having survived the battle of Hadleigh, Ernoul's experience with the Crusade exceeded anyone else present - except perhaps Fisher himself - necessitating his team's presence. Yet, Fisher didn't mind having Ernoul there. He was respectful, wise, and offered excellent tactical insight.
"You fought well against Seji yourself." Fisher commented back to Ernoul, "Here I was hoping to be able to take another shot at him, but you single handedly took him down with very little effort. Commendable."
Ernoul dipped his head again. "Thank you," he said, and then turned his head to look at the spot where the Alakazam had been,"So, that was Seji, then? A shame he escaped," he shook his head, "It cannot be helped. Let us get the insurgents back to Hadleigh for questioning."
With a nod from Fisher, Ernoul rejoined his teammates while the Inteleon directed the rest to begin preparations. Four sentries remained to keep watch over Marilogne, concealing themselves among the population while the rest of the Bureau's agents, along with the rescue teams, began their return trek to Hadleigh...
Seji reappeared on the bridge of the ship. It had taken several teleportations to take him all the way back to the 'Ravager', their replacement flagship for the 'Oppression' since its untimely demise at Hadleigh. His appearance immediately alerted Asya and Calhoun to his arrival, both whirling to face him. They knew immediately something was wrong.
"You're back already?" Asya asked.
"What happened?" Demanded Calhoun.
From behind them, Crane stepped out from his spot at the table, moving to Seji's side to assist him. The Alakazam brushed him off angrily and raised his head to address the first two. "They were waiting for us," Seji answered with a scowl present on his face. "The Guilds have taken over Marilogne. That Inteleon was there, the one from before, and they had a Southern Ninetales with them that felt... Off," he explained, "I fought him, but he was too powerful."
Asya spun away and slammed her paws on the table behind her. "No wonder we haven't heard from Tabiss throughout the summer!"
"We knew Marilogne would fall eventually," Calhoun interjected, "It was only a matter of time after that pig discovered us. It was why we took all the most able-bodied individuals out of there long ago."
"But that was the last port town we controlled in the east!" Asya dared to shoot back, gesturing at a map on the wall. "We no longer have a working port that can hold the Ravager anywhere! It is only a matter of time before it needs maintenance, and we can no longer-!"
"I am aware!" Calhoun interrupted her with uncharacteristic irritation, "Losing the Oppression was difficult enough... Now we risk our only remaining ship the longer we stay out here."
"Not to mention we have lost much of our recruiting power here," Asya added in a calmer tone. "All that remains available to us now is Blackcoast, and many of the gangs there see us as rivals rather than employers after we lost Sandjaw and Holgan."
Seji rose back to his feet. "We need a new plan, sir. The Guilds are gaining ground at an alarming rate, and considering that Inteleon was among their ranks, it is a safe bet that the other teams survived our trap from down south." He said with a scoff. "Resilient maggots... Always finding a way to slip out of death's grasp..."
Asya spun on him again. "They still live?!" She demanded.
"A hypothesis but given the evidence of that Inteleon being present, it's likely," he returned calmly before he turned to Calhoun, "Dare I say, I warned you of this sir. We should have nipped them in the bud back at the fortress, but instead you had your pet toy with them. Now your overconfidence is coming around full circle and we are losing men and resources faster than we can replace them..."
Calhoun eyed him sharply, but Asya surprisingly spoke in his favour. "He's right, Calhoun," she said, "We cannot maintain our presence here in the east any longer. We've lost too much. We must consolidate our forces back at our last stronghold."
"We cannot leave yet," Calhoun returned. "The east nexus has still not been found - until we secure it and take its power, we must hold our position in the east."
"We have nothing left!" Crane dared to speak up. "We have maybe a few hundred combatants, including the Saberwings, but without our informants and recruiters-"
Again, Calhoun's uncharacteristic irritation flashed across his vision as he glared at Crane. "When I need advice from a hired thug, Crane," he said in a threatening tone, "I will ask him for it."
Crane went silent, taking a step back from the dark Blaziken before he pressed his luck too far. Crane had been serving with the Crusade as both a front-line soldier and, in many cases, a sergeant, stepping well beyond his station as a hired goon. He had never officially become part of them, though Calhoun never brought that up before. Over the summer, Calhoun had grown increasingly agitated, often complaining of headaches and excusing himself from meetings when they grew too severe for him to concentrate. Or so he said...
Calhoun's mind had been closed off to Seji's attempts to scan his thoughts. Not because Calhoun was blocking him, but it was as if a perpetual darkness had fallen over his mind. Seji couldn't see into it, and at that moment he saw that darkness again. Almost as soon as Calhoun began rubbing his temples once more.
Asya noticed the signature body language as well, "Another headache?" She asked.
"Yes... I must excuse myself," returned Calhoun, turning to leave the room. "Asya, the ship is yours. I will be in my chambers."
"Might I suggest a stronger dose of painkillers for your growing headaches." The Alakazam offered. "Given your... Situation, I imagine your body will be able to endure a stronger dose with minimal side effects."
"I will take that into account, Seji. Thank you," the Dark Blaziken replied.
Once he was gone, Asya turned to Seji. "This is the second time in days he's suffered from those headaches, even with the medication you prescribed him," she said, "before now, he's never had such health concerns. It is troubling."
"I concur." Seji answered with a nod. "Perhaps the darkness he absorbed long ago is starting to have adverse side effects from being exposed to it for so long... It's possible it might be wearing him down."
"What will that mean for us?" Crane asked, looking sidelong at his employer.
"I'm not sure," Seji answered warily, "Though I believe we should consider the worst possible scenario if he truly is degrading, and plan accordingly for it."
In his cabin, Calhoun let his defenses fall. Previously, he'd been unwilling to let his subordinates see just how much discomfort these 'headaches' caused him. In truth, it was not like a headache at all. More of a perpetual, unending whispering filling head. Not heard in his ears, but in his mind. He shut his door with a clang, and fell against the wall, grabbing his head.
"Shut... UP!" He cursed, pounding the wall with his fist before stumbling over to the mirror, peering into it. No other face but his own stared back at him in the mirror's reflection.
"I don't know who you are, or why you keep tormenting me," he said, glaring angrily into the reflection. "But if you do not stop this incessant blathering in my head... I vow, that when I find out who you are, your pain will be legendary!"
He blinked his eyes, expecting nothing to be looking at his own reflection again. But in that instant of his eyes being shut and opening again, the image changed. In front of him, the mirror had become completely black - no, not entirely. He could see an outline within its reflection. Utter darkness with sharp edges, if one could describe such a thing on it. But peering back at him, two red eyes, staring right into his own.
He leapt back, clearing the distance of his cabin so swiftly he hit the opposite wall. His eyes were wide, staring back at the mirror. But the shadow was gone... Once again it was only his own features that peered back at him...
"What... What was that?" Calhoun asked, putting a hand on his head as he considered what he had seen.
Though he never denied that the power had changed him when he had become a Shadow Pokémon, he'd always thought he was still in control - still sound of mind. True, he craved power, and longed to prove that power to all who stood before him - thoughts he had never had before his transformation. But always, he retained his awareness, his control - he did not cave to bloodthirst, though the death of others did not bother him, and held back the rage always gnawing at him.
Now though... Was that all coming to an end? "Am I... Going mad?" He wondered aloud.
He then heard another sound that caused him to freeze for a moment. A deep, dark chuckle that was absolutely brimming with an overwhelming sensation of dread and maliciousness echoed in his mind before the owner of that chuckle started to speak directly to Calhoun.
'You make such bold claims... For one who covets my power,' the sinister voice spoke, its words echoing within Calhoun's mind in a way that made it so it sounded like it was all around him.
"Wha- who's there?!" Calhoun demanded, alarmed. He looked all around his room, seeing only the steely gray walls and the porthole that let natural light inside, but no sign of anyone who could have spoken to him, "Where are you?"
The disembodied voice chuckled once more before giving its response. 'I am all around you... I am within you... I am the source of the power you seek to unseal,' it answered cryptically, 'You are the first to ever touch my essence and still retain your identity. I must admit, I am impressed. You have adapted well to my power... Calhoun.'
"You know me?" Calhoun asked, taking a moment to consider what he was hearing. It did not take long for him to piece together, though, just who it was he was hearing... Nor was it the first time. "...It's been you, all along. I heard your voice before, when I first became this," he looked at his hand, studying the charcoal feathers along his arm. "But I was never able to hear you clearly before... Why now?"
'As your power grew, so did our connection,' The voice answered plainly. 'However, as much as it has grown, it is still far from complete. The bond you forged when you tapped into the Northern Nexus only gave you a portion of my power. You must access the remaining Nexi if I am to be set free from this.... Prison.' It explained, the voice dripping with malice upon uttering the word prison.
"Access them," Calhoun repeated, considering, "When I took the Northern Nexus' power into myself, it went dormant... Since then, the Southern Nexus has also been cleansed. Only two remain..." He looked up at the ceiling, as if somehow the being speaking to him was some heavenly entity that he could not see. "What will that mean, even if I should make it to another one?"
'You only need to open one more, wide enough to form a gateway that I may finally escape from this realm,' the voice answered. 'Clear your mind, and I will show you where to find it.'
Calhoun considered the words. He knew just who he was speaking with now, as well as what he would unleash if he were to do as the being asked him to. Still... Calhoun felt like this was the moment he had been waiting for; that this was the very purpose for which he had become what he was. This was destined; he could feel it... It was always meant to be.
With that, Calhoun sat down on his bed, and adopted a meditative pose, shutting his eyes and clearing his mind as instructed. He had not meditated like this for some time, but the act of doing so returned to him easily. He became completely still, silent, waiting...
After a small moment, everything suddenly went dark in Calhoun's consciousness, and his head started to throb as he saw images made of shadow suddenly flash into his mind. He could make out a dense, foggy area, moist, humid and decaying. He then saw what could only be described as a traditional fortress on a small islet surrounded by a peat bog moat. Finally, he saw the very same structure that he found up north, hidden in an underground chamber lined with natural foliage and low hanging vines, before the images faded, and he was suddenly brought back to reality with a lingering headache to show for what he saw.
"That land... That was the Aporagorev Boglands, wasn't it?" Calhoun asked.
'It was. That is where the Eastern Nexus lies.' The voice answered. 'Find it. Access it, and free me from this prison. Only then will you earn the right to fully access my power...'
"So, Sakkaku was telling the truth after all," said Calhoun, rubbing his chin, "We are in luck then. We have a guide who can lead us there."
'If that is the case, then I suggest you stop wasting time and make haste...' The voice practically ordered Calhoun. 'Get to that Nexus and release me from my chains, and this power will be yours to command.'
With that, the voice became silent, and Calhoun was once again alone in his room. He took a moment to ponder what had just happened, and who he had been speaking to, before he stood up and started walking to the bridge. Along the way, he encountered one of his guards, and turned to them.
"Inform our guest in cabin five that I wish to speak with him," he said, "He will find me on the bridge."
"Yes, Master Calhoun," the guard replied before he departed to carry out the request.
Calhoun arrived at the bridge, and there he found Asya and Seji, still in conversation when he returned. Crane had since departed with his cohorts, leaving only the two of them until Calhoun entered, surprising both of them to see him back so soon.
"Sir?" Seji spoke up, turning to fully face Calhoun as he entered the bridge and approached them. "Are you alright? You look... Oddly shaken." He commented, taking note of Calhoun's demeanour.
Calhoun took a few seconds to answer, making sure he knew the voice he was hearing was not in his mind. "I am fine, Seji," he assured him, before he turned to the map on the wall. "Asya."
"Yes?" The Lycanroc asked, stepping forward.
"I have reason to believe Sakkaku was telling the truth about the Boglands, and that one of the Nexi is indeed there. I'm expecting him shortly; we will need to send a team to explore the swamps and find the temple."
"What about the assassins, and the Guilds?" Asya asked, "We have lost Marilogne, our last port in the east, and all of our recruiting staff have been compromised."
"I am aware, yes," Calhoun replied, studying the map, "we will need to choose the participants for this expedition carefully, and move the ship somewhere it won't be found, to keep us out of reach of the Guild. Do either of you have a suggestion?"
"With how rapidly the Guild presence is expanding, our best chance at remaining inconspicuous would be to remain away from any of the main landmasses," Seji answered, leaning forward to study the map himself, "We... Could make port at one of the islands we bombarded earlier on in the Crusade. The Guilds wouldn't think to look for us at a place we destroyed, especially one so far removed from the rest of the world."
"A good idea," said Asya, nodding, "The last place they'd think to look for us is somewhere we've already left."
"Let's see here," Calhoun traced his finger over the map, "Arc Island was one of the first places we hit... But many ships likely still pass by there; there are many ports not far from it," he trailed his finger along, "Our old fortress, perhaps? The one we left?"
"Too obvious," Asya stated, "and likely still being watched by the Red Talons in case we attempt to recommission it."
Seji hummed a little before giving another idea. "We don't necessarily have to make port, per se," he began, "We could remain out in the open waters, and just use Mewtwo's powers to teleport our men where we need to go."
"That is my thought as well," said Calhoun, "but it won't do for us to simply be sitting Duckletts out here either."
Before they continued, a new figure appeared at the door. Sakkaku stepped into the bridge, shooting a small leer at one of the crew that happened to glance his way as he stepped over to the briefing table and crossed his arms over his chest.
"You better have given what I've told you some thought, otherwise I may as well cut my losses and leave you to fester in your squaller," he warned.
"Not to worry, Sakkaku, for we are indeed moving ahead with your proposition," began Calhoun, "we simply are looking at ways to secure ourselves while we venture into the Boglands and finding suitable candidates for making such an expedition. I was hoping you might offer some suggestions on who to send with you. Once the temple is located, my... Servant, Mewtwo, can take care of the rest."
Sakkaku narrowed his eyes slightly, but nodded nonetheless and placed his claws on the table. "For starters, you'll need troops that know attacks such as Ice Beam or Ice Punch. These will help render the peat bogs safe to cross without falling into them." He began. "Aerial units can also avoid most of the hazards and fauna of the swamps and can scout ahead a great distance to warn of any potential hazards."
"The Vikavolt swarm could serve for air cover," Asya offered, "As for Ice-types, we do not have many in our employ anymore. I shall have to make inquiries to see what we have left or if there are any with knowledge of Ice-type moves who can substitute."
"I would also like you to take Asya with you on this expedition," Calhoun said, looking back at Sakkaku. "Asya's keen senses will serve as an extra layer of defense against potential danger, and I need her tactical insight when the fortress is found. As for Tory, he will be on standby should any of the Assassins get in your way. He is more than capable of handling them."
"Given what I saw of him upon our first meeting, I shall take your word for it," Sakkaku answered, "However, one elite soldier will not suffice."
At that, Seji let out a reluctant sigh. "I suppose my apprentice and I could stand in as well..." The Alakazam offered, "Despite his bloodlust, Sash is a capable warrior, and I myself know how to hold my own in a battle."
The elder Zoroark gave Seji a once over and scoffed. "If you insist..."
"Then we have our expedition. Once the Ravager is secure, we shall send you to the mainland, and you can be on your way," said Calhoun, "And Sakkaku?" He continued when the Zoroark looked at him. "I take it you are not after the assassins simply for revenge against their headmaster, are you? So, what is your end goal with our assistance?"
At that, Sakkaku's glare hardened, though it wasn't directed at Calhoun or any of the other lieutenants present. "...That clan was supposed to be mine to lead," He growled, his claws clenching and leaving claw marks on the table, "I was to be the successor to the Brotherhood after Fusaku passed," his eyes then shrunk to beads as he then slammed his fists against the table, "That damned blade would have been mine were it not for that damned spawn of his!!"
"Blade?" Asya asked, looking at him quizzically, "All of this, for a sword, and rule over the assassins?"
"Not just any sword," he answered, "the Emera Blade. A sword that's been passed down from generation to generation in the Brotherhood. Whoever lays claim to that sword earns the right to wield the Brotherhood however they see fit."
"I find such a claim hard to believe," Seji stated skeptically, "You make it sound as if this sword is some sort of ancient weapon forged by the gods."
"Keep talking, and when I get my claws on that sword, I will show you firsthand just what it's capable of..." The Zoroark growled threateningly at the Alakazam.
"There will be none of that," said Calhoun, "because, Sakkaku, if you want the Crusade's help and will have the allegiance of the assassins if we succeed," he grinned. "I expect them to be put to good use for our mission. You understand what I mean, don't you?"
The elder Zoroark shot a glance back at Calhoun, still wearing that hateful glare of his in his eyes. He then relaxed slightly and gave him a small nod. "Crystal," he growled.
"Having the Kaeru Assassins on our side would be a tipping point," said Asya, nodding in approval.
"A highly trained force of assassins that can take out most foes without them even realizing it until it was too late. I agree, they would make a valuable asset to the cause." Seji agreed.
"Then we are agreed," said Calhoun, "Sakkaku, let us make it official. You will lead us to this temple, and we shall help you claim the Emera Blade and leadership of the assassins. Our only price besides our alliance is the Nexus, sleeping below the temple, and if it indeed has a Guardian as the others have, we shall deal with them as well. The rest will be yours."
"Do whatever you please. I have no interest in what lies beneath the Temple," Sakkaku answered.
"So be it, then," said Calhoun, "let's get to work."
Lindenberg was like traveling back in time as the airship drew close enough that the group was able to see it. Though they had heard its name several times, for most of them this was the first time they had ever seen it. The city seemed to be composed of layers, with the innermost part enclosed in an old, crumbling stone wall, and filled to the brim with equally old-looking structures that seemed to date back hundreds of years.
Many of the buildings within the inner city were built of pale stone, supported by tall columns and many of the more important-looking structures sitting atop stone foundations, elevated with stairs to lead up to the doors. The oldest of them looked to be a temple of sorts, with an open roof that revealed the weathered statue of a legendary Pokémon - though they couldn't tell which one from their present distance.
Beyond the wall were the newer constructs, taking on a more modern aesthetic not so unlike the architecture in Hadleigh. This included the city's waterfront, where they could see boats arriving or departing from the network of wharfs that spread along the entire width of the city.
"Wow. This place is huge," Volcan commented, leaning on the railing as he looked over. "I thought Hadleigh was big, but I think this one's bigger."
"Lindenberg is a very old city," Aerendyl piped up, "As you can see by the innermost areas, its origins date back to the ancient kingdom period. It is much older than places like Hadleigh or Westport."
"Reminds us a little of Calygrad, doesn't it, sister?" Zamazenta asked.
"It does, yes. It is certainly a lot older than Calygrad, but I can see the resemblance," she replied, looking around at the buildings around her.
"Hard to believe there once was a kingdom that's been around longer than Calygrad." Luke remarked, completely awestruck. "Isn't King Calyrex supposed to be like... several hundreds of years old?"
"More than five hundred years, in fact," said Zamazenta, "and we have been in his service for more than half of that time, since he first founded Calygrad and brought the gift of his powers to the northlands."
"What exactly is his... 'Gift?'" Minato asked, glancing over at the knights curiously.
This time it was Volcan who answered. "Apparently, he's able to accelerate the growth of crops, even in soil that isn't normally very fertile - which, up in the north, is quite common," he explained, "When Luke and I went there, it was barely late spring, yet Valvatna and Calygrad itself were already enjoying fresh produce, before there should have even been any available."
"It is how he became known as the King of Bountiful Harvest," added Zamazenta proudly.
"Well damn... Sounds like quite a nifty power to have. No wonder the North thrives as well as it does." Minato answered, mildly impressed.
"The Northern Continent owes much to his highness for this gift." Zacian added. "The people of Calygrad hold a festival every year to celebrate and to pay their gratitude to his highness for blessing them with his gift."
Minato cast a glance at Zacian for a moment. "...Sounds like you admire him for it." He remarked.
At that, she tilted her head up indignantly, "Of course I do. Everyone does, but as Royal Knight I cannot allow my own admiration to get in the way of performing my duties."
"...That doesn't sound very healthy," the Lucario remarked, but decided not to pursue that train of thought and redirect his focus to the task at hand. "So, where's this archive?"
"Over there," Aerendyl said, pointing with his tail, "See that structure on the rise, with the white stone construction and columns supporting that overhang above the entrance?"
They followed where Aerendyl was pointing and saw the building in question in the inner city. As most of the older buildings seemed to, the structure followed a symmetrical layout, with the front entrance shadowed by an overhang supported by columns. Two adjoining buildings were connected to the main structure on either side, each one sporting a tall window, reaching from floor to ceiling, and an angular roof. The front entrance was accessed by a pair of curving stairs, which formed a semicircle around a large statue.
"Well that certainly looks like a library," said Lashanne, squinting her eyes as she peered at the statue. "Huh... I think that's a Nidoking."
"The city was founded by the Kingdom of Nido; it stands to reason their king was in fact a Nidoking," commented Aerendyl, "if I remember correctly, his name was Zenayda."
"Well at least it's not hard to find," said Volcan, "let's land this hunk and get down there."
"We'll have to touch down outside of town," Toby commented from his place at the helm, "the city's too cramped to risk comin' down over it."
"Even if that wasn't the case, setting down outside the city walls would still be for the best." Luke called back. "I've no doubt the townsfolk would be a little concerned about a large flying ship landing in their town at the very least."
"True that," agreed Lashanne, "bring us down, Toby."
"Aye aye!" The Meowth called in affirmation.
Once the ship was brought to a low enough altitude to sit idle outside the city, the group was ready to disembark, with the Royal Knights offering to stay behind. By Zamazenta's own words, they would be of little help in the archives, as neither one was the bookish sort, or really had the anatomy for reading. With Luke leading the way, the group entered Lindenberg.
As they entered town, Neilla spoke up. "Hey, guys? Is it okay if you all go ahead without me? My mother lives here and she'd flip if I didn't visit her while I'm in town."
Luke smiled and gave her a nod in response. "Go ahead, Neilla. If we're not back at the airship by the time you get back, meet us at the archives." He answered.
"Alright. I'll see you guys later," said Neilla, waving as she turned her course to head up a different street, leaving them to head for the archives.
Aerendyl walked beside Luke and led them to the large library. They passed through an old gatehouse to access the inner city, which seemed like a portal through time itself as all semblance of modern settlement vanished as they exited the gatehouse. The old buildings, well-maintained as they were, held firm to their ancient aesthetics. Lashanne in particular looked on in wonder at the buildings around them, positively glowing as she took it all in.
"...Anyone else feel like Dialga suddenly sent us into a temporal rift without us knowing and we were sent thousands of years in the past?" Minato asked as he took in the surroundings, not quite as amazed as Lashanne but still impressed.
"No, I'm getting that feeling too," Luke commented, "It's hard to believe these structures existed, and yet they're so well maintained it's like they never aged a day."
"It's like an archeologist's paradise," Lashanne said, almost breathless, "I could spend weeks studying this whole city."
"Let's not make our friends wait that long," Volcan commented with a chuckle.
"Indeed. The research we're here to do could take days alone," Aerendyl agreed.
"Then we better get to those archives and get right to work. As beautiful as this place is, we're not here for pleasure." Luke commented firmly.
Lashanne frowned, but she fell into step with the others as they headed deeper into the inner city, making their way to the library.
They reached the front sidewalk of the archive and came upon the statue. As Lashanne suspected, it was indeed a Nidoking, and quite a large specimen of his kind. He was clad in armour, including a helmet that was open on the sides for his ears, and a hole in front for his horn, with a wide cuirass to cover his broad chest. The statue depicted him holding a shield at his side, and a spear raised high above his head, pointed at the sky. The spear had a leaf-shaped head, and the shield was round, and nearly large enough to cover the front of his body from the helmet down to his knees.
"Is this statue actual size?" Volcan asked.
"I truly do not know," replied Aerendyl.
"Well, if it is, this guy is huge," said Volcan, looking at Luke. "Are we sure-"
Luke spoke up, interrupting him, "He is not related to Nido, at least as far as I'm aware," he answered. "Nido isn't of any royal blood, otherwise he would have told me. Even then, he's not the type that would care about being a ruler of any land."
"Alright," said Volcan, looking up at the statue again, "I guess some Nidoking just get... Huge," he said before they headed for the stairs.
Entering the archive, they approached the reception desk, attended by a Gothitelle who had a book open in front of her until they came. She set it aside, and addressed them, asking how she could help them.
"We're looking for information regarding the Kingdom of Nido," Aerendyl spoke for the group, "documents dating back as far as the kingdom's origins."
"Right this way," she said, rising from her seat and stepping out from behind the counter, where she led them through a set of double-doors on the right. "Due to the importance of the kingdom to this city's history, we have an entire section dedicated to the preservation of its history."
"How big is this section?" Volcan asked.
"Big enough," she replied, plainly, as she opened the doors.
They entered the next chamber and found themselves in a large room with the walls lined with bookshelves. The Gothitelle led them to the right, and through another doorway, where they entered a separate room, once again bearing bookshelves on each wall, each one as tall as the ceiling, with another set of shelves filling the middle of the room. On the far wall opposite the doorway, a tall window let natural light into the room, illuminating a circle of chairs and a table, and off to the side, a display case containing four old-looking books.
"Here we are," said the Gothitelle.
"Wow... There are as many books in here as in my library back in Hadleigh," Aerendyl said, breathlessly.
"All this, for one kingdom?" Volcan asked.
"The Kingdom of Nido lasted more than three hundred years," the Gothitelle said, "and here is the most complete collection of its history outside of its former capital, Gildhorn."
"Well, no time like the present I suppose." Minato remarked, walking over to the nearest shelf and pulling a book down to look at it. "Let's get to work. Pick a book and start reading."
"Some rules to keep in mind," the Gothitelle spoke up, "the library closes at eight o'clock. No food or drinks are allowed in the sections. Also, be careful with the books - most of these are transcriptions but some of them are still quite old and must be handled with care."
"Understood. We'll be careful," Lashanne promised.
With that, the librarian departed, closing the doors behind them to give them privacy.
"Alright... Where do we start?" Volcan asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"From what I was able to deduce," began Aerendyl, "the investigator who was trying to track them lived about two hundred years before. We could use that as an endpoint and start at the beginning of the kingdom's history up to it."
"Sounds like a good place to start." Luke agreed with a nod, "Let's get to work."
"Let's indeed," Lashanne said, rubbing her paws together with clear anticipation.
"Someone's excited," Minato remarked, looking away from the book he was reading to regard his girlfriend for a bit before resuming his reading.
"This is my thing, hun," Lashanne replied, turning in a circle with her arms outstretched, "Just because I love fieldwork doesn't mean I don't still enjoy the more passive aspect of being an archeologist. You never know what kind of secrets a good book will reveal to you."
She walked along the shelves, checking the dates and titles of the volumes she passed until she found one in the right time and category, pulling it from the shelf and handling it gently as she tucked it under her arm, and went back to searching the shelves to search for more...
The first day of their research yielded no promising results. It was not until the second day of their reading that anyone located something related to the Kaeru Assassins, mentioning an altercation between them and the Kingdom of Nido. According to the document, the assassins had been hired to infiltrate the estate of an aristocrat of the kingdom, who was suspected of planning an uprising against King Zenayda. This marked the first encounter between the Kingdom and the assassins, but far from the last, as they found.
The uprising was confirmed by the assassins, who were then given a kill contract, and the uprising was stopped before it could begin. They continued with books of the same time period as this document, with Aerendyl and Neilla taking the task of searching the volumes made by the same archivist. They uncovered more dealings between the two sides, but by the end of their second day of research they had still found nothing concrete.
They left the archives that night, weary, as they headed back to the ship for the night. Lashanne however looked like she was deep in thought, barely keeping pace with the rest of the group as she walked, her gaze fixed straight ahead but not really looking at anything...
It was Minato who first noticed that his lover was lagging behind, when he saw she wasn't walking beside him. He let himself lag back so he was walking in tandem with his girlfriend, gently tapping her shoulder to get her attention.
"You've been silent ever since we left the archives," he pointed out, "And you have that look in your eyes... Something you wanna talk about?"
"Just feeling like we're missing something," said Lashanne, "I can't quite put my paw on it, but it feels like what we're looking for in that library is right under our noses."
"Well perhaps we should all share what we found when we get back to the ship. If not tonight, then tomorrow morning when we're fresh." He said as he gently rubbed her back. "I know how much you love your research, but even a sharp mind like yours needs to recuperate."
"I know... Just that is going to bug me all night until I figure it out," she said, sighing.
"Knowing you? You'll figure it out." Minato answered, chuckling gently.
"Let's just hope I don't lose sleep over it, trying to figure it out," she said, leaning into him as she put her arm around his waist.
"Want me to knock you out if you can't sleep?" He asked with a bit of a grin, sliding his paw up and down her hip slowly. "Or perhaps offer you a more... intimate means of winding down?" He added.
She let out a sigh. "Well... I suppose I could use something to wind down," she agreed, smiling at him. "At least it'll take my mind off things."
Minato gently nuzzled her cheek and gave her side a small squeeze. "Something tells me we're going to be as incorrigible as Luke and Volcan can get... And I don't think that'll be a bad thing~"
"Depends on how well you perform, hun~" Lashanne teased, saying it like she was challenging him.
The following morning, the group returned to the library to pick up where they left off. Lashanne, after managing to relax for the night with help from Minato, was back to where she had started. She once more was trying to piece together a puzzle in her mind that she wasn't even sure of what the final image was. But she had an idea on where to find the first piece, for as she walked past the display case, one of the volumes inside caught her eye.
The book inside the case was a historical documentation from the Kingdom of Nido, dated to the same year as a book she was already holding, but much older. She couldn't recall seeing this particular volume anywhere else on the shelves. The title was faded, and she had to squint her eyes to make it out. "Biography... of... Zenayda?" She read aloud.
She shrugged as she set down the book she carried, letting the others know she was stepping out for a moment while everyone kept reading. Later, she returned, accompanied by the librarian, who followed her over to the display case. By now, Luke, Volcan and Neilla had come closer, and saw Lashanne with the Gothitelle, who looked at the tome Lashanne indicated.
"Ah, that one," she said, "Well, you see, that one is the original manuscript of King Zenayda's personal biography. There are transcribed versions in Gildhorn, but this is the original. We had one of the rewritten copies of our own, but it was checked out last week and won't be due back for a few days."
"Is there any chance I could look at this?" Lashanne asked.
The Gothitelle looked warily at her. "This is a one-of-a-kind document, miss," she said, "supposedly penned by King Zenayda's own hand. You realize that makes this book extremely valuable, not to mention very delicate."
Lashanne turned to the Gothitelle, putting her paws together as she spoke. "I understand that the book in this case is one of a kind," she began, "but we are not here for leisurely reasons, and time might be of the essence. I can only offer you my promise, as a fellow student of history, that I will be _very_careful with that book."
The Gothitelle looked at her squarely, as though sizing her up. After a moment or two of silence, she produced a key from the pocket of her gown and unlocked the case. "Remember, the pages are extremely delicate," she warned, "avoid touching them if you can."
"Understood," Lashanne replied.
With the permission given, Lashanne levitated the tome out of the display case, carrying it over to the table and setting it down gingerly. With that, the Librarian departed, letting the others come over to see what Lashanne was up to.
"What's that?" Neilla asked, speaking for the others.
"Possibly a missing piece of our puzzle," said Lashanne, using Psychic to handle the pages, wary of touching them. "This is the oldest book I've seen in this whole collection, and it is related to King Zenayda. Considering he fought the Kaeru assassins and maybe was even the reason they went into hiding, there may be something in here we're missing."
"It's worth a shot," Luke agreed, nodding as he leaned on the table and looking into the pages as Lashanne turned them, "At this point, what do we have to lose?"
The others gathered as Lashanne read through the book, looking for passages significant to the Kaeru assassins. The tome contained information about the Kingdom eventually declaring war on the assassins, under the justification that the Kaeru - despite having worked for Zenayda, were involved in the coup to overthrow him. But Zenayda - if indeed this book was written by him - went on to mention that he had fabricated the tale; the Kaeru had worked for him for several espionage missions, and done their job well, but they knew too much about his shadier dealings...
He had decided it was necessary to eliminate them. So it was that the Kaeru were hunted to their mountain fortress, placed under siege and trapped within for ninety days and nights, until their leader came out to confront Zenayda himself in one final battle. A battle which Zenayda claimed to have won, only to be stopped from advancing further when explosives detonated and sealed the entrance.
"Yeesh," said Lashanne, "extreme measures aside, this Zenayda guy sounds like a real two-timer, using the assassins and then turning on them just to secure his rule."
"No mention of where the assassins went?" Volcan asked.
"No," said Lashanne, turning the page, "Evidently, they got out of their fortress somehow - he thought they had trapped themselves but considering we know Kage was once one of them, obviously they didn't stay there."
"So, they managed to escape from Zenayda's attack and retreated to the Boglands." Luke deduced, rubbing his chin slightly. "Either they had a stronghold there already, or it was the only place they could retreat to and ended up settling there."
"Still doesn't tell us where exactly they are," said Volcan, sounding disappointed, "I guess Zenayda, even with all his resources, wasn't able to track them down."
"Well, it was worth a try," said Lashanne, closing the tome and standing up to return it to its case, placing the book inside with the utmost care. "So, any further research focused on Zenayda is a dead end..."
"Maybe," Neilla piped up, "but perhaps it has given you a clue as to where else to look."
The others turned to look at her. "What do you mean, Neilla?" Volcan asked.
"The assassins had a fortress in the mountains, right?" The Lopunny suggested. "Maybe there's some clue there; they had to at least have some idea where they were going, right? Something could have been left behind - they could only have carried so much."
"Does the book say where exactly the fortress in the mountains is?" Luke asked, turning to look at Lashanne.
"No, but..." Lashanne started to say, until Aerendyl cleared his throat.
"If I may," he began, "given that we are on open plains between here and Hadleigh, I would say our course would be south," suggested the Espeon. "The only mountains near here, and near the territory once controlled by the Kingdom, are on the north-eastern corner of what is now Daffodil Valley."
"Right. That's also where Gildhorn is, about halfway across the valley," added Neilla, "if that was the kingdom's capital, then those mountains must be the place."
"Then that's where we'll search next," Luke stated firmly, taking a step back from the book they were all reading, "Let's gather the others and reconvene back at the airship."
"After we put the books away," Lashanne stated, noting that a few books were still out of their places among the shelves.
"Er... Right," agreed Luke.
The group returned to the airship, arrived to see the Royal Knights resting on the deck - or who they thought was them. The two of them were missing their respective armour and armaments, their bodies now bare of the metal adornments and leaving a pair of weathered-looking canids in their place.
Zamazenta was recognizable by the shield-like motif of the fur around his face and the crimson colour of his fur, and kept the plume behind his head like that of a crested helmet. Zacian retained her bright blue fur coat and the pink ribbons on either side of her, albeit they seemed to have diminished.
"What... Happened to you two?" Volcan asked.
"Even we find our armour becomes heavy after a time," Zamazenta replied simply, gesturing to an ornate shield lying against the wall of the stateroom, below the helm, and at its base sat a familiar-looking sword.
"Yours might. My power is tied to my sword; an armament that I do not have to wear," Zacian remarked.
"Bet it gets really rough on your jaw muscles trying to keep that thing steady in your mouth though." Minato remarked, smirking slightly.
Zacian shot him a dangerous look but said nothing to him as she turned her gaze away from the other, "Did you find what you are looking for or not?" She asked in a mildly scathing tone.
"Yes, and no," Volcan replied, "We have an idea of where to look next, but the records in the archives don't point us anywhere definitive to finding where the assassins went, only when they did. Up in the mountains south of here is a hidden fortress where they lived; that's where we're going next."
At that, Zacian scoffed, "So, then this venture was for naught. We're once again back on a wild Ducklett chase."
"Well, no not exactly." Luke began, "As Volcan said, we have a possible lead on something that could further point us in the right direction. As far as I'm concerned, we didn't leave empty handed."
Zacian was about to speak up, but once again Minato cut her off before she could get her first word out. "Your task was to help us in our search to find the Nexus. Did you really think we'd find the answers we seek on the first day?" He asked incredulously, "I dunno what's worse, your fragile ego or your impatience."
Zacian's fur bristled again as she glared back at Minato. "How dare-"
"And while I'm on the subject, while we've been painstakingly searching through archives trying to find said answers, you haven't really done much to contribute to that search. From what I see, all you've done is sit on your ass and complain about not fighting the good fight. Well newsflash, sister. There's more to winning a fight than brute strength and swinging a bigger sword. Real battles are fought up here," He pointed to his head "as well as here," he added while pointing at his chest.
"Minato, enough!" Luke barked at the elder Lucario, "Stop antagonizing her, you're only making things worse!"
"Am I?" he asked, "Or am I just the only one pointing out something we all know and are too afraid to say?"
This time, it looked like Zamazenta was ready to step in as well, baring his teeth at the Lucario who insulted his sister. Volcan darted between them, hands up and casting a glare at both. "This is getting out of control" he shouted, "Minato, why do you keep jabbing at Zacian like that? It's like you _want_a fight!"
"If that's what it'll take to make her understand just how wrong she is, then I'm not afraid to square up against her," he jabbed back, "I refuse to work with someone who's so blindly arrogant that they can't see the bigger picture, and I'm speaking from experience on that subject."
That comment made Zacian's expression change from anger to confusion, tilting her head as she stopped and processed what the young Lucario meant by what he said. Then the two locked gazes for a moment, and in that brief moment Zacian saw a glimpse of regret and remorse in his gaze before he turned to look back at Volcan again.
"But who am I to make that call? You're the one pulling the reins in this mission, Volcan. All I can do is support you as best I can, as I always have." He concluded before he turned and started walking toward the stern of the ship.
"...What is with him?" Volcan asked, looking truly at a loss, "I've never seen him act like this before."
"Haven't you?" Lashanne asked.
Volcan looked at her, confused. "Not that I can recall... Why, what do you know?"
"Just something Victor and Claire once told me," she replied, never taking her eyes off the Lucario as he stormed away, "Something about his ego growing with his power while he was in training with them."
"You think that with his increase in strength, he's becoming more arrogant?" Luke asked.
"No, I think he went through that already," said Lashanne, before adding in a low voice to Luke, "and I think he's seeing himself in Zacian... Maybe _that_is why he's acting like this."
Luke looked briefly at the departing Lucario. "You're saying that in his own manner... he's trying to help Zacian?" He asked before frowning. "Somehow I don't see that working out all too well..."
"That's about the only way I can describe it," said Lashanne, "I don't know if it's going to work or not..."
Luke frowned harder, already picturing how poorly this would go, but he sucked in a deep breath and sighed slowly. "If he goes too far, then we'll put a stop to it... for now, we'll put our faith in him." He stated. "Regardless of his approach, I do agree that he's right. Zacian's hyper fixation on ending things quickly is becoming a detriment... and if we're going to beat the Crusade, we need to be smart."
"Agreed," said Lashanne with a nod. She stretched her arms and stifled a yawn. "Well... We better all get some rest," she said. "We'll head to Gildhorn tomorrow, get our bearings and find that fortress."
"I concur... I think I can speak for everyone here that I'm pretty exhausted after diving through books for a few days and then having to witness another argument." Luke answered.
Lashanne chuckled, casting a glance at Luke. "Welcome to the world of archeology, buddy. Arguments included."