The People Like Us - Ch 1
Achi gave a small chuckle as he looked down at me "i'm an african wild dog, not very common around here. i was born in africa and then was moved here with my mother when i was 2 years old."
Rakim had flown to Ogun's for their gaming night this time - in the wake of what had happened, they'd become afraid to walk outside. "All right... Let's see, let's see, what do we have here..." The chimera sifted through his games absent-mindedly,...
X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter Two: One Act of Human Kindness
Her silky white hair flowed down to the small of her back and i saw by her hands that she was african. i continued to make her think that i was just around the other corner as i silently crept up to her.
The Pandora Chronicles Chapter 1: Enter the World
As they entered a african american man who was wearing a lab-coat and holding a holographic data slate came up to them. he was taken aback by marks presence, but quickly started to talking to grace. "sorry to interrupt dr.
Rising Tide - Part 6 - STORY
Finding a cure for the african wild dog's terminal illness was a tall order, even after the mermaid had fallen into their grasp. nevertheless he had been tasked with doing the impossible and found himself excited for the challenge.
Chapter 2: The Royal College of Vulpineva
There were no wolf-like canids at all, no coyotes, no african wild dogs, not even a jackal.
Walking In The Night
_Hey everyone!_ _Here it is, at last, the newest chapter of my series! Sorry for keep you waiting for this for so long! But it is good to be back to writing, and I am planning for so much now...
That night, the pride lay asleep on the home kopje. Mtemi lay in his usual spot at the highest point while his brother, the lionesses, and cubs slept spread across the wide flat space of the kopje. But while most slept peacefully, Zuri twitched and...
A simple story III : Part 6-7
- i am scottish by my mother and south african by my father, greg. he died when i was eight, killed by a far-right militiaman. i know what it feels like to be hunted for who you are. - i didn't know, frank...
Rising Tide - Part 3
That person was an african wild dog by the name of silas werner. his resources, personnel, and business acumen quickly allowed him to secure a monopoly on local trade.
Justice of the Sun Part 1
The first one was corporal julius mbiwa, a scrappy little african wild dog who was there as a kind of ambassador.
Alcatraz Ch. XVI-Crucible
The accent was the same from the whisper and it was arabic, not of the more european african i possessed but pure. i turned to see ariya standing there, arms folded. "where am i?" "no questions, i will explain what i will.