Chapter Seven The Rescue Mission

The taskforce had seven lhd wasp carriers; five whidbey bay landing ship dock, five ticonderoga class cruisers, two virginia class attack subs, and seven arleigh burke class destroyers. a nimitz carrier, the uss sharon, was in the center of the group.

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Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 3, Positive Reinforcement

Each tiny _ding_ shot through the white unicorn's ears like wasps: stinging her brain, and moving on. the third, the fourth, fifth, six... she was having trouble standing up. who would make a clock that chimed for a private suite?

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Into The Mouths Of Madness

It can only be moments before sundown and already now thick wasp-like insects began thumping their milky bodies against the moss-crusted glass of my abode. a few moments later they begin devouring one another as the glowing orb descends past the horizon.

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Distress Calls

"from wasps, from humans, from anything." she breathed of him. "it'll be okay. we'll make this work. and ... that's why we're mates. we're partners. a pair. a duo. we got into this together ... and we'll deal with this together.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 25

Chapter 25 chaos reigned in the undercity, as combat rolled through hallway and cavern, bullets flying like hordes of wasps, felling soldiers and resistance fighters in a sweeping tide of death.

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Five Fingers on a Dusty Window

Tomorrow, i'll add a wasp that almost stings rhania, but kyell fights it off valiantly with his newspaper. maybe he smokes a pipe. i'll check with the guy at the market who sells batteries if wolves smoke. december 9, 2078.

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Midline Shift 42 - A Quarian Princess

Lethal as she may be, she knew her limits still, and an assassin in the middle of such chaos with at least three guns pointed at her face, made her feel as if she was a wasp in a spider's den.

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Return to Sender 9 - Two-Tailed Zone

"all those birds suddenly appearing out of nowhere...when he broke all those wasp things. god dammit. but...but what if-" "i'm sorry james.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 20 - A trip down Memory Lane - A Special Bond

He shouted, heavily shaking his head as if he got bitten by a wasp. "hmm..." angel sat in front of him, giving kyurex a strict look. "uh...." kyurex took some time, shaking his head while facing the ground. he then looked up to see a well-known friend.

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Colour me Speechless

The feeling never left his body like a wasp that refused to fly away and kept glaring at you waiting to sting. he knew he shouldn't treat it like it was a danger. he owed it to himself to try and get out like normal people.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.2 - Suspect Contained

"oh, thank you," he bowed as the wasp took his leave, "sauressy you head back to the desk, i'll catch up with you." "alright," reed nodded.

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Jet-A (2019)

Joey redlined the double-wasp, the huge hamilton propeller ahead of him roaring as he lifted off the runway and climbed away, to begin the long flight to opa-locka. the snowy landscape of heath, ohio passed below as joey turned to head south.

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