Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 20 - A trip down Memory Lane - A Special Bond
#20 of Kyurex
So, I already explained the most in chapter 19...but
This chapter is special. Why? Because I'm somehow proud of it. I love the emotions play ^^ so this is going back to the roots, like it started with all the love thing, this chapter is a lot like it.
You'll start to notice that I've taking a liking to a new character.... ^^
Anyway, enjoy...this is probably my personal favorite chapter. I don't want to hype things up again, but chap 21 is awesome ^^
„That's it, I'm resting here guys... " Blaze let his body plump onto the ground letting his teammates know that he was against any further travel. May did the same, and it was understandable. After about ten hours of intense walking through some rocky terrain it was like fresh water in a desert to get some serious rest.
They were finally in a forest again, something that they already started to miss.
"Yeah...good idea..." She agreed. Kyurex looked around. The place looked safe, they were surrounded by trees and they most definitely needed to rest, so he couldn't argue with his team.
It was evening, and the once bright sun slowly faded away. This meant it would be dark soon, but no one had any power or will left to move. The Umbreon slowly lay down next to May. Blaze watched his friend.
"What? This place is good." Blaze said.
"I didn't say anything." Kyurex remarked.
The Umbreon felt something soft on his shoulder. May. She peacefully closed her eyes making Blaze grin.
"And not long ago you couldn't stand each other..." he formed a very, very wise smile. "A good story to tell your kids once I get to babysit them. You know, they'll be like 'Uncle Blaze? Can you tell us a bedtime story, a really romantic one-"
"Don't think I'll let you...." May said, not sounding annoyed or anything like the Houndoom had hoped.
"Sure you will, sure you will. As if you've got the skills to babysit anyway. I on the other hand have plenty experience...thanks to my devilish sisters." The Houndoom countered. "Anyways, I just somehow remembered how I first fell in love man, good memories."
Now Kyurex was curious.
"You? With whom?"
"Ah, was quite a long while ago...Don't think you know her bro, but May does."
"You mean Mel? Back when you were a Houndour and she was a Poochyena right?" May remembered, not opening her eyes. Kyurex carefully listened. He didn't know why he was paying the topic so much interest.
"Blaze, don't even start that story." May sighed, as if she was in slight pain. There was obvious disappointment in Blaze voice.
"Yeah, I know my plan didn't work okay? But it was your fault too man-"
"I'm not listening..."
"Ah yeah? You're just too full of yourself to face the truth, I told you to tell her that I like her, not that I want to take her out on a date. That's a freakin big difference you know!"
"Fine! I'm too tired to argue anyway. Good Evening..."
Silence. Blaze turned away and May also fell quiet. Kyurex just now noticed the quiet atmosphere, because he didn't really pay attention since a minute ago. Why? He tried to remember what it was like to fall in love for the first time. And because he wasn't exactly the type to fall in love in the first place, it was rather hard.
But...there was someone.
"Man, we've got Miss.Ull today..." Flak moaned, sounding dead tired. Kyurex felt the same, and so did Mat, a fellow Eevee friend.
The sun was shining, but it didn't seem to change the gloomy Monday morning. The three of them slowly walked to school, awaiting the worst.
Kyurex felt like he was going to pass out. He had trained the whole night again. Mat yawned.
"No...did you say Miss.Ull?" Mat only now came to realize what Flak hat said. His friend turned his head slowly to give him a puzzled look.
"Yeah...that's what I said..." Flak stated.
"No way...Social Class...what a bummer..."
"Hey, it's better than Tactics, you just have to pay attention in this one..."
Kyurex thought about Miss.Ull. She was too friendly and caring, but his Mother told him that it was just the way Blisseys were. Miss.Ull was so caring that a student just didn't have the guts to do something wrong, not pay attention or even think about pulling a prank. It just felt too wrong. There was no choice but to listen.
"Hello class!" Miss.Ull sounded like her usual self, and it wasn't surprising. Kyurex and Co. added themselves to their classmates, who didn't seem to be tired at all. Everybody except Kyurex and his two friends seemed to be hyped up for today's lesson. Kyurex couldn't stand Social Class. The whole playing with emotions thing disgusted him somehow, and he didn't know why himself.
"Hello Miss.Ull!!" All except Kyurex responded. He tried to take a nap without drawing any attention so that he could make up for the night. Kyurex slowly laid his head onto his paws making sure he couldn't be seen, camouflaged behind his friends.
"Now what do you think we'll be doing today?" Miss.Ull asked with a big smile, bringing her small arms together. The Eevees all exchanged short looks discussing various possibilities. Kyurex couldn't believe the fact that everyone else was interested.
"Miss.Ull, you said you would teach us about 'Special bonds' today, right?" Someone from the crowd called. Miss.Ull kept on smiling.
"That's right Nilo! Today we'll be...well lets say not "learning" but "finding out" about our own special bonds. Each one of you have someone who you care for a bit different than a regular friend..."
"Man, why can't she just use the word love?" Flak whispered to Kyurex who wasn't paying any attention.
"Beats me..."
" ..sometimes, it's important that the one you care for differently knows about your feelings, for better appreciation. Because-" Kyurex partially heard Miss.Ull talk.
"Man, I don't like where this is heading to..." Flak once again started to moan.
"Great, another love-is-in-the-air lesson....why do we waste time on this and not on Evolution Class...sheesh..." Kyurex said this a little too loud, making some of his classmates give him an angry expression.
"...and that's why your homework for today is simple. I want each of you to think of your own special bonds, and once you know for whom you care for more than others, I would like you to give that certain someone a gift. Simply to make him aware of your feelings..." Now Kyurex opened his eyes, because Miss.Ulls last sentence caused some serious discussion between his classmates. He gritted his teeth. Some things just seemed to get heavily on his nerves. Flak and Mat also seemed to be busy speaking.
"Oh, I nearly forgot. It has to be a classmate. Don't forget, I will definitely know about it if someone decides not to fulfil this task, so please do your best. You've all been together for a long time, so I'm sure all of you have someone..." Miss.Ull happily added in the middle of the big talk. The class became silent to comprehend, but then slowly returned to its previous volume. Kyurex couldn't hold his anger.
"Kyu...this might be my chance you know..."
Kyurex tried to take a nap next to a tree, and was unsuccessful due to Flaks constant speaking. He was happy though that school was over and he was free to sleep for the rest of the day as much as he wanted without being disturbed by anything major. It was kind of necessary since he looked forward to train again at night.
Not wanting to be disrespectful to his friend, he tried to answer whenever possible.
"Yeah... I think so too... " he replied, not remembering what Flak had said. Flak now got even more nervous.
"Do you think Sru loves him? It feels wrong somehow if they're together..."
"Yeah..." Kyurex was half asleep, not noticing that his friend was trying to explain his feelings.
"Man, I don't know what to do..." Flak sighed, looking at the ground. He didn't really think that Sruliana noticed him at all, even though they were good friends.
"Hey guys, what are you doing?"
Flaks ears rose. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of a cute looking female he knew all too well. Angel stood right in front of him. She seemed to be in a good mood.
"Hey Angel...nothing actually..." he answered a bit gloomy. Angel tilted her head to observe Kyurex, who was starting to snore quietly.
"Is he sick or something? Kyu!" Angel called, slowly approaching the sleeping Eevee. Flak only then realized the fact that his friend was in deep slumber right next to him.
"Huh? He must've fallen asleep. Come to think of it, he's been like this the whole week."
"Kyuuii..." Angel lightly bit into Kyurexs long ear to pull on it. It seemed to be a habit she came to possess, and ever time she did it, it looked like she was munching on some food.. Flak smiled, watching the passion in Angels eyes.
"Hnn..." Kyurex grunted, instantly turning himself on his other side, making Angel lose her grip on his ear.
"Angel, do you think I have a chance with Sru?" Flak spontaneously asked, not knowing why himself. Probably since the question was bugging him and because he knew that Angel would answer him honestly.
"Huh?" Angel turned her focus away from Kyurex.
"Well you know-"
"Isn't she dating that wimp Tojin now?"
"Yeah..." Flak sighed, feeling depressed that Angel said it so directly. It was one of the things that made him feel bad lately. Angel grinned.
"Well I've already told you my opinion, you're more of a talent than anyone she has dated." She turned to Kyurex. "But then again, she does have a weird taste when it comes to guys so..." She then quickly turned back to Flak. „I'm sure you can do it..."
"Thanks..." Flak smiled, noticing that Angel badly wanted to wake his sleeping friend up. This triggered a new question to rise in his head. "By the way, who's so lucky and gets your gift?"
Angel stopped, looking into another direction. The sudden blushing was obvious.
"Eh..I haven't decided yet..."
"Flaky...what are you trying to point out?" Angel knew Flaks intention, but she would never give in.
"Good." She was just about to bite-
"You definitely are aware that most of the girls are after Mr.'I haven't decided yet' right?" Flak wasn't finished yet, he could feel Angels angry expression on her face. "And newly even one of our most popular meals on the menu, Revy. At least that's what I've heard."
"What?!! But she's dating someone already! Curse that-" Angels anger was too easy to provoke. Flak laughed.
"Man, why do I get all the girl news faster than you do, huh? You should be're the girl here."
"You know I can't stand most of them...And most of them can't stand me for some reason, but who ca-"
"It's because they're all dead jealous of you hanging with Ky-" Flak stopped. "Oh...I mean, ehem, Mr.'I haven't decided yet' or generally, you're probably the most wanted female on the males list." Flak sounded like one of those who liked to study all of the relationships/preferences that were going on; well everyone is curious about them.
"That's not true..." Angel seriously pointed out. She didn't think of herself as attractive, but she knew there had to be something to it because of the constant attention.
"Cut the faking, you know I know better." Flak shook his head slightly.
"Well, it's not my fault for being so sweet." Angel tried to laugh it off, not wanting to speak about it anymore.
"Unn..." Kyurex moaned something in his sleep, stretching his paw slightly. "Mnn"
"Hehe..." Angel couldn't help but express her amazement due to how cute Kyurex looked like when asleep.
"I'm surprised myself you know, you're perhaps the only female I know that he hangs with, even big time..." Flak still wasn't finished.
"Good for him." Angel harshly said. Flak had to smile. He knew how Angel hated it that Kyurex was so popular, she just never admitted it.
"Haha, that's for sure."
"Train...mnn" Kyurex suddenly moaned. Angel shook her head while watching him closely.
"Great, he's sleep talking."
"Maybe we'll find out about who will get his gift." Flak also watched closely.
"Mmm...Mr.Blugsdorn..." The sleeping Eevee said it clearly. Flaks ears went up to their maximum, even Angel was stunned.
"No way...I told him to show interest in females...young females, beautiful girls...all for nothing." Flak sounded like he had lost all hope in life.
"What an idiot." Angel felt abused.
"Tell...hnn..about Umbre...nnn"
"What did he say?" Flak turned to Angel, who was watching Kyurex.
"No ideas, but I've had enough!" Angel bit into her friends ear without any hesitation, pulling on it with intense strength. "Kyuuuii!!"
"Ah..huh? WA!?" The pain got through. Kyurex jumped up facing his friends.
"OK! I'm awake!" He shouted, heavily shaking his head as if he got bitten by a wasp.
"Hmm..." Angel sat in front of him, giving Kyurex a strict look.
"Uh...." Kyurex took some time, shaking his head while facing the ground. He then looked up to see a well-known friend. It had to be her. He just knew it as soon as he woke up. Somehow he could never be angry with her after such events. "Angel...what's up?"
"Why so tired Kyui?" Angel asked, sounding like a mother.
"Yeah, you've been sleeping the whole time lately." Flak agreed.
"Uh..." Kyurex shook his head again. "I'm just tired. That's all."
"Say...have you been wandering around at night without us?" Angel asked. Kyurex rapidly forgot his fatigue and tried to answer Angel correctly.
"What? No!" Kyurex didn't want anyone to know about his secret training. Especially Angel, he didn't want his "training" to turn into "playing" or "flirting".
"I'm just tired Angel, no other reason." He tried to assure her.
"Hmph..." Angel looked away. "Say, you haven't forgotten about tonight have you?"
"Huh? What's tonight?" Flak asked, thinking he was the only one who didn't know. Kyurex started to panic, he didn't remember.
"Yea- I mean, of course I haven't." he stammered. Angel gave him a questioning look. Kyurex only remembered agreeing that it would only be he and Angel, so he logically answered. "We're on a date?"
Angel was kind of shocked, dropping her act. She turned to a grinning Flak, and then back to Kyurex.
"Eh-" she didn't know what to say for a moment, turning her voice down to a whisper. "Not really..."
"Do I sense something here?" Flak sniffed around to provoke. He was kind of happy, thinking that his two friends finally were a couple.
"Flak shut up!" Angel shouted, getting ready to charge at Flak.
"Okay, okay! I'm quiet, man..."
"As for you, we're going out together tonight." She gave Kyurex a wise look, sounding like a mother again. "Without Flak-"
"Well, that really does sound like a date to me..." Flak couldn't stop. Furry rose in Angels eyes, she knew it was childish, but she just couldn't stand it.
"Flak!" She was about to approach her prey, which was already taking some steps back.
"Okay Sweety... sooo" Kyurex quickly acted, moving himself in Angels way, making her halt and listen to him. "We're going out together...just you and me." He smirked.
"Don't get any weird thoughts, dummy." Angel lightly pushed Kyurexs cheek with her paw, smiling. "It's going to be just as usual."
" just said no weird thoughts, and just as usual, haha, doesn't fit-"
"Come here you!!" Angel was about to leap.
"Ah!!" Flak screamed, hiding behind Kyurex who was busy holding back an angry female.
"Damn it Flak, you're going to get us both killed some day."
Suddenly all three of them stopped. A loud giggle arose from nearby. They all knew that nasty, unwanted and annoying giggle all to well. Flak turned around. Three female Eevees, exchanged looks while laughing, obviously because of Kyurex and Cos behaviour. One of them was Jeneta, who was known to have a big crush on Kyurex not long ago, denying it as soon as she heard his opinion about her which logically wasn't positive. She was one of those arrogant type of females only known to talk about herself, and the guy she currently dated. Of course, having her friends or better said followers, she also thought she was well appreciated which was definitely not the case. Another thing was her hate on Angel, saying it was she who was to blame for Kyurexs bad opinion about her, but in reality she was just plain jealous of Angel being able to hang around with Kyurex.
Flak couldn't stand her, neither could Kyurex nor Angel.
"What's so funny Jeneta? Can't find your way home? I would cry, not laugh man. Get your emotions straight lady. Or is it too hard after 'dating' and then 'getting dumped' so much?" Flaks voice was now kind of threatening. Kyurex moved in front of Angel, standing in one line with Flak.
"Yeah, or maybe you're still laughing about how poor you are at battling? I'll give you credit if you ever beat a Weedle. Na wait...That's too much, I'll give you credit if you manage to not pass out after a tackle." he let out a short laugh. Flak smiled back. This was a sign of their "insulting mode". They both loved to team up against others, it maybe seemed childish, but was actually rather fun. Kyurex felt kind of uneasy dissing someone who had a crush on him, but he couldn't stand Jeneta and her friends for constantly abusing Angel. It wasn't just because of the giggling that had just happened, it was for the whole time they would always insult Angel during class or in Kyurexs presence. Of course Angel would beat Jeneta up sometimes but, Kyurex wanted to stop this already. It's wasn't like Angel didn't have any female friends, she had enough of them, but they weren't exactly the type to talk back to somebody like Jeneta.
Yes, they were one hell of a class. Alone the quantity of students was insane.
"No, what are you talking about?" Flak looked at Kyurex, shaking his head. "I would also laugh about myself if I had such primitive vocabulary. Look, she isn't even able to giggle on her own, she brought some friends to help."
"Shut up Flak! " one of Jenetas fans stomped with her paws. Both of Jenetas friends tried to be protective.
"What's your problem you idiot?!" The other one also tried to help, aiming at Flak. Kyurex had to grin. He figured they wouldn't want to mess things up regarding Jeneta and Kyurex, so he knew they intentionally tried to only offend Flak. But he didn't really care.
" come Flak gets all the credit? Or you want to act like I didn't say anything?"
Jenetas friends fell silent. They looked at their leader, not knowing what to say to Kyurex. It was kind of strange trying to talk back to him, since he usually didn't speak to them. Jeneta tried to pull a serious act, stepping forward and looking into Kyurexs eyes. But there was no fooling with him.
"What do you want Kyu? I didn't do anything." She tried to act like she was innocent. "Why are you always so against me?"
"Don't act stupid in front of me, okay?" Kyurex said seriously. „I thought I told you to leave us alone, including your friends. There was no reason to make stupid comments and laugh about it-"
"Man get a load of yourself, you think everyone's thinking only about you, don't you? Like you're the most wanted, coolest guy on earth? What a joke!" Jeneta just said whatever came into her mind. "Ever kissed a girl Kyu?"
The reason behind Jenetas words was simple. Kyurex was known for being the type to dislike dating and all the love-traffic that went on in their class. While he didn't really care, Flak found it somewhat offending.
"Woah, what details lady. You spying on him or something? 'Ever kissed a girl Kyu?' " Flak imitated Jenetas voice. "You just want to take Angels place, knowing she's probably kissed Kyu more than you in your dreams..."
Angel and Kyu held back their blushing, both knowing that it wasn't true. Jeneta was literally burning with flames of anger and Flak knew he hit the spot. He blinked at Kyurex with his left eye.
"For your information, we were laughing about..." One of Jenetas friend tried to be protective again, but couldn't find any words that best suited her intentions. "It's none of your business anyway!"
"Let's go girls..." Jeneta suddenly turned around, knowing she was beaten. „He's just trying to act hard in front of his beloved girlfriend." Thinking her last phrase was effective regarding provocation, she and her friends started to walk away, uphill. Angel couldn't stand it anymore.
"I'll get that-"
Kyurex prevented her approach by standing in her way. Angel puffed her cheeks, sitting down.
"So what? You jealous?" Flak chuckled, knowing that he was right regardless of the answer.
"In your dreams!" the annoyed Jeneta yelled, turning her head shortly. Flak and Kyurex grinned at each other feeling their victory.
"Who was talking to you anyway? Go cry to your mum or something..." and that was the last thing one of the followers could say. Slowly the trio was out of sight, though some loud cursing could still be heard like "So full of himself!" etc, etc.
"Haha, this is something that just never gets old man." Flak shook his head, turning to his friend.
"Good one. Hehe...saw her face?" Kyurex chuckled. Flak sat down, changing in to an ironically serious tone.
"Oh yes. Mr, I give you a six out of ten. You have done better, and you know it. That line with the Weedle was weak man!" He said. This was their "rating mode". Kyurex sighed, but had to agree that Flak was good.
"Okay okay, you got an eight out of ten. That first one with the 'way home' was genius."
"I know, I know."
Both started to laugh, enjoying what had happened.
"Thanks a lot you two. Now I'll have to live with all the whispering behind my back in class."
Flak and Kyurex immediately stopped laughing, turning their attention to Angel who didn't seem pleased. Kyurex felt a bit worried. He really wanted to help her.
"Ah come on, you've got everyone on your side. She's a nuisance." He tried to cheer her up.
"Right, she should go on and date Bull, and there you would have a perfect couple." Flak sat down. Angel stood up, putting on a fake smile.
"I have to go guys, I've got to go meet my gals." She said, rushing her speech.
"So suddenly?" Flak asked, lifting his eyebrow.
"Well I just planned to say hi in the first place so..." Angel sounded somehow unstable, plus she couldn't really look Kyurex in the eye which usually wasn't the case.
"Are you sure?" Kyurex stepped forward, closer to her. Angel quickly stood up with a smile.
"Yes. Well I'm gone." She approached Kyurex. "And you, if you forget tonight!" Angel bit one more time into Kyurexs ear, pulling it.
"Ow, ow, ow!! I won't!" Kyurex dropped his head, trying to free himself. Angel couldn't help but let out a giggle at the sight. Eventually she let go and before Kyurex could say anything, she ran off.
"Bye guys." She called. Flak watched with suspicion, and Kyurex tried to scratch his ear with his paw. It was still a little wet.
"Something isn't right here. Kyu, lets go follow her." Flap suddenly proposed as soon as Angel was out of sight, hidden behind the mass of trees. There was a pleasant breeze making the sun heat bearable. Kyurex laughed at the proposal, still thinking about Angel.
"Na, we're her friends, we shouldn't do that." He turned around, lying down back on the same spot he was sleeping before Angel had arrived. Flak didn't move, still looking at the direction Angel went.
"We're her friends, we should make sure."
"Flak. No man."
"Okay, okay." He also turned around, sitting down in front of Kyurex.
"So, I guess Angel is getting your gift..."
"Yep." Kyurex hadn't actually thought about it, but it sounded like a good idea.
"Kyu, just ask her out already. The answer is obvious anyway. Look at you two, you're acting like you've been together for ever!" Flak had that confident voice, giving his words justice. Still, Kyurex shook his head. Yes, he liked Angel, but he wasn't sure if she liked him the same way.
"I don't know Flak. I already told you the issue."
"I can't believe it. You want to tell me, after all what happened, that she just wants to be friends?" There was a short silence. "Nice one Kyu. Keep lying to your best bud."
"It's the truth-"
"Have you asked her out?"
"Well how can you say that you're right?"
"She turns away every time I get too close, she changes the subject if it's about me and her but she still wants to hang around the whole time." Kyurex gave him his honest opinion, remembering mostly the nights he was out with her, because those were the scarce times he was alone with her. Flak couldn't answer straight away, thinking of a way to convince his friend.
The issue was a mystery, and it was all because of Angel. At first, as it all began, Angel was one of those girls who would secretely admire Kyurex for his elegance, style, and success. Being the stubborn type, she wasn't shy and actually interested Kyurex as a friend. With time, they became really close, and everyone knew that Angel wanted something more from Kyurex, who just wanted to stay friends. But Angel once again won, and recently her feelings for Kyurex started to return, and everybody was already prepared to scream girl- and boyfriend but...
Angel started acting weird. She didn't let that final step happen and suddenly it was Kyurex running after her, something that a lot of girls wanted themselves. Normally that would be a sign that someone lost interest but in Angels case it was something else. She seemed to like Kyurex the same way he like her, but just prevented the final step...
"Duh. Maybe she's waiting for you to make the first turn. Maybe she doesn't want to act before that-"
"Save it."
He sighed. There was nothing more he could say. Flak took some time to think, but eventually figured that something wasn't right.
"There's something wrong. There's some kind of problem then, and you've got to find out what before it's too late."
"Too late? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Pff...first of all you never can tell what girls think. Love-time with you and then, swup, she's dating someone else, marries him, has kids and you're standing next to their home with a broken flower or heart, probably both."
"Really funny." Kyurex understood that Flak was now talking pure nonsense just for the sake of the conversation.
"Anything can happen, so hurry up. Who knows, maybe she'll disappear and you'll never know her true feelings. You've got to be ready for anything man!"
"Flak, you're definitely the only one who gets such bizarre ideas..."
"Kyui, slow down a bit, please."
It was night time, everything was dark, and Kyurex felt good. He had slept long enough to enjoy the night before him. Angel on the other hand was logically a bit tired, but still tried to keep up with Kyurex.
The terrain was basically filled with long grass until they finally stepped into a region of what seemed like tropical bushes with large leaves. Kyurex looked carefully for a way to get through the whole green mess without having to hesitate, while Angel calmly caught her breath behind him.
"First you want to hang around, then you command me to take you somewhere, and now you're complaining. Patience sweety." Kyurex eventually found a good path and continued, not letting Angel rest all too long. She unwillingly followed. The trees stopped the Moonlight, bringing total darkness.
"But you didn't tell me it's so far away! Kyuiiii!" It sounded cute, but it was something Kyurex had to listen to constantly.
"Angel stop crying already..." he just said what he thought, not halting or looking back at his female friend. There was some silence that always raised Kyurexs suspicion all too well.
* Bump *
Angel was too fast, tackling her friend to the ground giving him no chance of escape. This situation was also something that Kyurex knew all too well. This was how Angel expressed her mood to play. She would always lightly put her paws on the Eevees chest, trying to hold him still.
"Who's crying?" Angel mischievously grinned, looking deep into Kyurexs eyes.
Kyurex looked up. The sound of rushing water and the distant light he noticed reminded him.
"Oh, we're already here..."
Kyurex stood up from under Angels grasp, following the light he saw. Eventually he recognized the lit ground and jumped through the mass of green.
A large, about 5 meter long waterfall roared before him, feeding a river that was not all too long. It flowed rapidly down a cliff, forming a much, much bigger waterfall. The water flowed so fast that only the biggest stones were able to withstand its power.
It was quite far from one side to the other, so crossing it by water was impossible. It was quite deep.
"Wow." Angels eyes seemed to jump from one thing to the other. Kyurex didn't understand females much, but he knew that places like these made their heart melt, literally. He himself didn't admire the place too much, although the size of the waterfall always made him wonder from where all the water came from.
"Voila. The Crystal Falls." He proudly announced, letting Angel sit next to him. She still couldn't take her eyes of the view. The happy look on her face made him beam with success.
Yes! I knew it would work.
"It's huge...and beautiful..." Angel murmured, looking down the cliff at the streaming water. "How did you find out about this place?"
"My mum took me here not long ago." Kyurex remembered. "She said this is where my dad took her on their first date."
"Hehe...that's cute." Angel blushed, noticing how romantic everything seemed between the two. She was thankful that the sound of flowing water killed the silence between them.
Noticing the only way across the river, an awfully long and thick kind of tree she quickly ran up to its one end. Without giving it much thought Angel quickly climbed on top of the tree.
"Ey, watch your step." Kyurex slowly followed her. Angel looked back with a smile, finding it cute that Kyurex cared for her.
"I'm okay. Don't worry." She giggled, continuing her path. Kyurex touched the wood with his front paws. It was a bit wet.
* Thud *
Kyurex experienced a short shock. Angel slipped, lightly falling forwards onto the wet wood.
"Ouch..." Angel moaned.
Kyurex felt a bit angry, knowing that such things wouldn't happen if Angel was more careful. The tree was so narrow that even the slightest movement to the side could be dangerous, so naturally Kyurex was scared for his female friend.
"Don't make me panic like that." He seriously said. Angel grinned.
Luckily enough nothing else happened for the rest of the path. Kyurex carefully followed after Angel, eventually hopping off the risky log. He then joined Angel, who explored the vegetated region with curiosity.
Kyurex was still unsure. Remembering his conversation with Flak he suddenly felt nervous and a bit uneasy. He and Angel were friends, but he had the weird feeling that both, even her, wanted more than friendship. But that step seemed distant for some reason, and Kyurex knew it had to do something with Angel personally.
He slowly approached her, again sitting down next to her. She seemed to be thinking about something, staring at the view before her. Now the silence was unpleasant, even with the sound of rushing water.
"Angel?" he asked, wanting to clear the issue. It would have to be resolved at some point and the sooner the better. It was clear by hearing his voice that something was up, and Angel didn't like it.
"Yes?" she replied. There was a foreseen silence. Kyurex sighed.
"Is there a reason why you wanted to be alone with me tonight?"
Angel continued to stare, not knowing what to say.
"Well, because...I like" Angel searched for words. "It's more fun when we're alone. Then you're all mine to play with."
Kyurex was disappointed, but there was nothing he could do to force her to tell him the truth.
"You're talking like I'm your property." He said. Angel turned to face him.
"That's because you are. I can do with you anything I please."
The next thing that Kyurex saw was Angels happy face. He could never figure out why she liked to pin him to the ground that much.
"See?" The female Eevee giggled, swiftly skipping off her friend. After briefly sticking out her tongue she started to slowly walk away.
"OK, that's enough of Mr nice guy."
Kyurex quickly stood up, running after the female. Noticing him Angel let out a shriek and also started to run through the wet grass. Even though there was some distance between them at first, Kyurex still managed to catch up with ease.
The result was the usual situation, only now Kyurex was on top. Both started to laugh, enjoying their time together and Kyurex found out that Angel was in fact quite ticklish.
"Kyui stop! Stop! Okay I give up! Stop! "
Kyurex gradually stopped to let Angel catch her breath. He was so close he could feel her pants on his face. It made him feel nervous, because usually Angel would pin him and it never seemed so romantic like it did when he was dominant. Another thing was that they were actually closer than usual, because Angel would place her paws onto Kyurexs chest, while Kyurex, scared of hurting his female friend placed his paws on either side of her body.
It was then that he realized how close they actually were. He could kiss her with ease.
Angel eventually recovered.
"Dummy..." she whispered. Kyurex was surprised that Angel didn't retaliate. In fact, she seemed relaxed.
"Dummy yourself, you don't push, then run and then beg. Especially not me." Kyurex said, returning the playful mood.
"Uuu...I'm scared."
Kyurex didn't reply, making the silence feel awkward. Stupid thoughts flashed through his mind, like Flak sighing after hearing that the night was for nothing.
He knew he was nervous.
But he also knew what he had to do, because it was now or never, it was now that he had to find out.
Slowly, the already small gap between their muzzles disappeared.
Angel turned away.
" tail." She said, and her sorrow was obvious. Kyurex gave up, not wanting to make a mistake, or better said, scared of making one. Angel slowly moved from under him, taking her distance.
The edge of the cliff wasn't far, and Angel once again stared down at the bypassing river.
Kyurex sighed, sitting down. He started to feel like it the mistake was that he let her go. He should have just done it.
After some thinking he once again approached the female.
"Look! Isn't that a Slowpoke over there?" Angel stretched her paw, pointing at a big rock next to the waterfall. She sounded too prepared, probably suspecting that Kyurex would try and question her.
"Right." Kyurex sighed in dismay. He just looked for the sake of it, and there really was a sleeping Slowpoke on the rock though it didn't really interest him at all.
Angel lay down on the ground, while Kyurex was caught up in deep thought. There was again an unpleasant silence that could even be called painful, but luckily Angel spoke up.
"Stay with me..."
Kyurex didn't quite get it. It didn't really make sense after all that had happened, it rather seemed that the female was toying with him.
And even though Kyurex couldn't understand her, he did as she asked lying down next to her.
"Bro." Kyurex opened his eyes. It was dark, but he still recognised his companion.
"Ssshh..." Blaze looked upset, shaking his head. "Come on!"
"Come on!" Blaze whispered loudly. The Umbreon still tried to wake up properly.
"Uh..." He tried to get up, noticing that something prevented him from doing so.
"Be careful!" Blaze spoke softly in panic, and the Umbreon noticed that May was still sleeping on him.
Blaze fell dead silent, and so did Kyurex. Luckily May turned to the other side, releasing the Umbreon. As soon as two were sure that May was asleep, Blaze sighed quietly in relief.
"Pheww. That was close."
After checking that Kyurex was ready to follow, he started to silently walk through the region of trees. Some branches made cracking sounds but luckily May couldn't hear them. As soon as they were distant enough, Blaze sat down in front of Kyurex.
"What's the problem?" the Umbreon asked. It was logical that he wished for a good excuse but also knew that Blaze wouldn't do something like that for nothing. The Houndoom was obviously also tired.
"Well." He started. "You're sleep talking."
Nothing. Kyurex knew it wasn't everything he had to say.
"And?" He asked.
"Yeah, I know, it's usual for you bro but at least watch what your saying."
"Blaze. Spill it already." Kyurex just hated the type of conversations where you had to wait for five minutes until you finally got to the point.
"Angel! Angel!" Blaze imitated a panicking voice. Kyurexs ears rose. He then kind of remembered that he in fact did dream about her. "You know that Mays sleeping right next to you, right? You should say thanks that I heard it first!"
Kyurex dropped his head, looking at the ground.
"You know its bad news if she finds out." Blaze tried to sound worried. And even though Kyurex couldn't help sleep talking, saying Angels name could definitely result in problems. May knew Angel well enough to know that she and Kyurex were more than friends, and that fact could hurt her.
"'re right." Kyurex actually felt really thankful, because he didn't want to lose May after finally winning her back. Blaze understood that it wasn't his friends fault for sleep talking.
Both fell silent for a moment thinking about the same thing. Both shared fond memories regarding Angel, and it was somewhat pleasant and warming to remember the good times with her.
There was just nothing that could replace her, nothing.
"Remembering her again?" Blaze broke the quiet atmosphere. Kyurex smiled, remembering how he would always get pinned to the ground, sometimes even without a reason. He could literally feel two paws pressing against his chest just by reminiscing about it.
It maybe annoyed him from time to time back then, but he was more then willing to experience it one more time. To see that energetic smile.
"Yeah..." he answered.
"Wanna speak about it?" The Houndoom asked.
"Don't know. It's weird." The Umbreon recalled. "You told me about your first time falling in love right?"
"Yo?" Blaze didn't catch up at first, but binding the topic 'Angel', 'First Love' and of course 'Kyurex' he had to laugh. " I get it. Hehe, yeah, you two were one hell of a couple man."
"Hey Blaze, can you back me up if May wakes up?" Kyurex stood up, bypassing his friend who was still reminiscing. He headed for the opposite direction they just came from.
"What are you up to?"
"Ah, going to take a walk and clear my mind while I'm at it." The Umbreon explained, continuing to walk, repeatedly stepping onto dry branches. He somehow lost his will to sleep, probably due to the moonlight.
"OK, just be careful. I don't want you missing like last time bro, May will kill me." Blaze called softly.
"Don't worry."
Kyurex nodded to let Blaze know he was grateful. Blaze nodded back.
"See ya."
"Thanks Blaze."
"No problem."
"Anyways, me and Mat really pissed Linda off. I can't stand her anyway so I don't really care..."
Angel and Kyurex peacefully talked while watching the water rush by. It was the first time since long that they were able to speak like this, alone. Of course they discussed what young classmates generally discussed.
"I heard she talks a lot behind my back." Angel said, laying her head onto her paws. Kyurex couldn't believe it.
"See? I told you to listen back then, but you were all like 'Linda's nice, leave her alone Kyu' blablabla...she's just like Jeneta. Good for nothing."
"I know..." Angel had to grin, knowing that Kyurex would now always tell her to listen to him. Kyurex still gave her a suspicious look.
"I know, ok?" she said, laughing a little before Kyurex could say anything. The male Eevee simply shook his head. While searching for another topic to speak about with his friend, he recognised that Angel was in deep thought about something.
"I think everyone hates me." She suddenly said.
The phrase was a little unexpected, and Kyurex didn't know what to do. It reminded him of girls who would say such things to get attention, and he knew some of those, but to hear something like that from Angel was totally weird.
Though, he couldn't blame her for thinking so. It was just that it was definitely not everybody, but most of the females. Maybe that was everybody for Angel.
"No man. You've got Heny, Kisken, Lucy, Sruliana." Kyurex thought of everyone. "Flak, Mat, Ekmoris and the rest of our guys are with you."
"Yeah but..." Angel sighed. Kyurex knew what she meant. She was a female, and she also wanted to be appreciated by the other girls.
"Come on, who else do you need? The rest is all bozo. Besides, you've got me." Kyurex just said what he thought would help. He didn't really regret any friendships he had or didn't have. He actually thought that Flak, Angel and a couple of others would be enough for him. He didn't actually have time to think about friendships due to his constant training, he wanted to be strong, he wanted to explore the world, he wanted to seek out battles with great legendary warriors and show the world what he was made of. The Star Forest seemed to be just a tiny fragment of a never ending world, he didn't have time to think who he liked or didn't or vice a versa.
"I've got you..." Angel softly said. This spawned Kyurexs attention. He knew that there was more to Angels saying, some deeper meaning. She would never say something like that without a good reason. Maybe it had something to do with...
Angel suddenly stood up, shaking her body to free herself of any dirt or dust. Without saying anything she ran all the way back to the tree that served as a bridge, placing one paw on the wet wood. Kyurex got hit with a sudden feeling of danger. Something inside him twitched.
He stood up, knowing he had to stop Angel before anything happened. He quickly scurried towards her. The female Eevee mistook it as a sign of tag or something, quickly continuing across the tree.
"Hey Angel! Wait!"
"Hehe..." the female was already past half of the tree. Kyurex carefully hopped onto the wood, following his friend. He looked straight ahead, feeling a sudden rush through his body.
Angels paw touched the edge. Her back leg slipped.
"Angel, NO!!"
Kyurexs heart nearly jumped out of his chest. It felt like he couldn't control his body for a split second.
"Kyuuuu!!! Help me!!"
"Angel don't move!!!!"
Angel held on to the tree with her whole upper body, trying to grasp the wet wood with her paws. This was close to impossible, but the fear made her do it with little success.
Kyurex didn't waste time. He panicked inside but still managed to carefully move towards Angel trying to prevent any mistakes. He had to save her.
"Kyuu!!" Angels grip loosened. Kyurex was only a meter away.
*Slip *
A loud shriek.
"Angel!!!!" Kyurex yelled.
She was gone.
Everything happened too fast for Kyurex to comprehend. His eyes jumped from spot to spot, despretaely trying to catch sight of Angel in the rushing water.
He couldn't see her.
Kyurex felt dizzy, not knowing how to act, what to do.
Ah...concentrate. Don't let your feelings take over, you've got to save Angel.
He looked down the river, looking for a way to get to the shore. He scurried of the tree, getting to the other end. Nothing could stop him now. He ran down the edge of the cliff, searching with his eyes for his friend.
This is my fault, what a stupid place!
He ran.
Stopping at the first possible path to the river shore, he searched. He recognised a series of big stones, not too far away from the next waterfall.
Something brownish, close to be camouflaged was visible on one of the big stones. Angel.
Kyurex hurried quickly down the path before him. The terrain was terrible to walk on but he didn't care, hitting himself once or twice while jumping from rock to rock.
He looked straight ahead. Angel seemed silent, literally holding onto the big stone with everything she had. She was lucky to have hit the big rock, because it was one of the last obstacles before the waterfall.
She was scared, and Kyurex could sense it without looking. She looked like she was stripped of her furr, which now stuck to her body revealing just how slim Angel was.
"Angel, just hold on no matter what!" Kyurex yelled. He wasn't sure if she had heard him, the rushing water was too loud.
Angel stayed put, as if dead. Kyurex searched for a way to get to her. The water prevented him for taking small leaps, the next stone was big enough but still rather risky to get to.
He jumped.
Kyurex kept his balance.
That was close.
He observed while trying to not think about how cold and wet his paws were. The stone was slippery as hell, but big enough to stand on for two beings. Angel was just half a meter away, still as silent as ever. Kyurex could see her nails, which were fully ejected though not effective on the wet rock. The stone she was on was diagonal and higher. The only thing she had to do was to make a short leap down.
But in her state, and regarding the fact that the stone was slippery, it probably wasn't as easy as it seemed.
Kyurex stood on the edge.
"Angel!" No reaction. "Angel!!"
She didn't respond. She didn't even move. Kyurex couldn't get it.
"Angel! You've got to jump down!" He explained. "I'll hold you!!"
Angel slowly turned her head to face Kyurex. Her paw slightly moved.
"Angel! Come on! What's the matter!?"
Angel still didn't respond.
Kyurex felt slight pain in his heart. He couldn't do anything, and again he couldn't get what Angel was thinking. He tightened his grip, looking at the frightened female.
It wasn't exactly good timing, but he didn't know what else he could do.
"Angel!" he shouted. "I don't care who hates you, but I don't, okay!!?"
Angels eyes widened, looking like a bit of life still remained in her body. Kyurex felt relief that she at least could hear him.
"There are people who truly care for you, you know that!!" Kyurex just said what he felt. "So how about thinking about them and return those feelings rather than thinking about those who don't admire you for what you are?"
Angel listened, but was still hesitant to act. Kyurex knew that she wouldn't last there much longer if this continued. He panicked, but didn't want to give up. He couldn't.
"You know, I wasn't really paying attention today in class but..." Kyurex looked Angel into the eye. "I'm more than sure that me and you share a special and unique bond! I know it! And I most definitely don't want to lose you Angel!!"
It was weird, because Kyurex couldn't help but form a smile.
Angel was hit by shame for not acting earlier, and eventually tears formed in her eyes that somehow didn't seem to be tears of sadness. She looked down.
"Kyuuii...." She softly called.
Kyurexs eyes widened.
* Bump *
"You did it!"
Kyurex stood in front of Angel, who was barely able to hold her ground. She was still scared, her mind couldn't stabalize itself after experiencing a possible death situation. And even so, she smiled.
Her knees gave in.
Kyurex acted quickly, preventing Angel from hurting herself by standing next to her. Kyurex lay down, knowing that Angel could never make it on her own. The wet rock still made him feel uneasy.
"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here, don't you worry sweety! Just get on my back..."
Angel slowly crawled on top of Kyurex, not thinking if it was a good idea or not, she just listened. Kyurex felt her soaked body making his own furr wet, but he didn't care.
Angel hugged Kyurex around the neck. She was a bit heavy for Kyurex, but he had no choice.
"Hold on more tightly, this jump is going to be awfully risky..."
Angel obeyed, tightening her grip with both front and back legs. Kyurex kind of enjoyed being so close to Angel, even in such a situation. He started to move, noticing that Angel was more heavier than expected. The gap between the rock and the shore wasn't much but still risky.
"I'll just have to break my limits then...not that hard."
He took aim. Angel closed her eyes. She didn't know why she was letting him do this.
And he ran. And giving it his uppermost all...
He felt Angels body putting pressure onto his when he landed, pressing him down and making him lay on the ground.
"Phew...We made it..." Kyurex slowly got up. "You ok?"
Angel couldn't speak, and Kyurex understood.
"Lets get us some place to rest...looks like mums going to kill me again for being late."
He started to walk, feeling Angels grip around his neck. Now that he had time to spare, he sought out the best path to get up the cliff. After some struggling and some hard time carrying Angel, he finally reached the top. The first tree he saw became his goal with no second thought.
"We'll rest here." He spoke, carefully laying down and letting Angel off him. His next intention was to try to speak to her by turning around.
* Thud *
At first he thought it was a usual pin down attack, but he soon realized it wasn't. Kyurex wondered from where Angels sudden strength reappeared. Instead of pinning him down to the ground, she pressed him against the tree, hugging him. Her head sank deeply into Kyurexs furr on his chest.
And something that he hadn't never experienced before also happened. Angel cried.
"It's ok now...I'm here with you."
Angel silently cried.
Kyurex was somehow happy. He was so overjoyed that he didn't care about the fact that Angel was totally soaked in cold water. The date didn't feature a kiss, not even a confession and still he was absolutely happy. After some time Angel recovered, and the silence was now welcome.
"You know Angel, my life would be boring without you. Simply dead, boring. So-"
* Lick *
Angels tongue slid across Kyurexs chin, stunning his calmed mind.
"You're...very important to me Kyuii. Please know that...I...feel for you like for no one else." Angels voice was like a sweet aroma, flowing into Kyurexs ears. No further words were needed, only a smile of happiness. Angel hugged Kyurex even tighter.
Kyurex sighed.