Because after all that time holding each other and talking about how we'd want this to be some romantic story that's stupid to everyone who isn't us, you couldn't wait two minutes to say yes."
Halloween in Devout America
Ranting in the comments, let's all just agree that you're reading this because a) you're looking for some entertainment b) you want to read a dystopian furry story or c) the most likely of reasons, you want to read something that'll make you feel like a romantic
The Fertile Clearing
Miyuki sat down with a whoof of breath, though that may have been a generous word for it. Sitting would imply it had been a controlled, deliberate motion. More accurately, she backed up to the armchair and leaned into it until her center of gravity was...
The Mute - Chapter 2: Kyle's House
But looking back i realize it was incredibly romantic. the two of us, alone on a calm fall night. "this is my favorite kind of weather" kyle murmured.
Small Little Reflection in the Middle of the Night
One last thing, because i'm such a romantic i might write a story called of kings and centipedes, which centers on the forbidden relationship of a king and a peasant during medieval times. now, if you excuse me, i'm gonna get off the computer now.
Chance or Fate
This was originally supposed to be a m/m erotica piece, but after a conversation with my teacher (offox) i ended up deciding to try and write a fast piece of romantic fiction that was compeltely genderless.
[Character Profile] Genbu-ou
There is speculation that he at one point in time held a romantic relationship, or feelings towards his younger brother, suzaku, keeper of the southern throne.
Orphaned Memories: Part 3
"tam, we don't have time for this right now, you can play romantics after we help bajuu," the other man named erin stated pointedly.
Nightmare on Jefferson- Intro
William had landed and dane ran up to him and gave him a romantic kiss. they hadn't seen each other since the wedding, and this was a wonderful moment for the both of them. they had talked a lot and even used web cams to stay in contact.
Gidget Lays an Egg
This was not as romantic as she'd thought. max was jumping around in confusion, "what can i do to help?" he asked, "what do you need me to do?"
Matteus Chapter 4 "1/1313"
I don't know whether these feelings are just friendly or if they are romantic. i'm just glad that i get to spend time with him.
Inauguration Day in Devout America
Ranting in the comments, let's all just agree that you're reading this because a) you're looking for some entertainment b) you want to read a dystopian furry story or c) the most likely of reasons, you want to read something that'll make you feel like a romantic