Nightmare on Jefferson- Intro
#1 of Nightmare on Jefferson
The beginning of a story of two gay lovers, one a German Shepard and the other a pharaoh hound
Fall had started and the leaves began to fall from the trees. Dane, a German Shepard and William, a pharaoh hound have been together for a happy and eventful four years now. Dane and William met at Dane's sister's wedding, and it was love at first sight. Dane walked right up to William and introduced himself
"Hello I'm Dane, Dane Edwards brother of the bride, and you are?"
William looked puzzled, he had never been approached like that. He assumed he was never approached because of his manly personality and figure.
William said, "I'm William Brooks i'm going out with one of the bridesmaids." Dane was shocked.
William laughed, "I'm kidding! I'm just a friend of the groom."
The sparks flew and they talked for many weeks after that. Four months later Dane's mother died and he stopped talking to William.
William called Dane everyday for four weeks until Dane finally picked up. "Dane?"
"Hi Will. Sorry I haven't called back."
"It's okay. I have some news, I'm moving back to Texas. I'll get to see you again."
"That's wonderful! You can stay with me and my father if you need a place to stay."
"Sounds good to me, rather than staying at a motel, but I have to the airport now."
"Wait! What? You're moving here now?"
"Dane you haven't called back. You would of known sooner but I have a job down there now. I have to go now, good-bye."
"Good-bye Will I'll come pick you up when you get here. when do you land?"
William had landed and Dane ran up to him and gave him a romantic kiss. They hadn't seen each other since the wedding, and this was a wonderful moment for the both of them. They had talked a lot and even used web cams to stay in contact. William and Dane returned to the house and Dane showed William to his room.
"So I can't sleep in your room?"
Dane laughed, "Ha! My father wouldn't allow that."
"Oh okay, I see where he's coming from."
William had settled in his new home and he loved it.
"Will, supper is ready!"
"I'm coming!"
Will came down stairs to the dinning room. " Hello William. It is nice to see you again." "Oh Hello Mr. Edwards." ,William said nervously.
" Please call me Frank."
"Yes sir."
Mr.Edwards growled, " I said call me Frank not sir. If your going to be living here we might as well get to know each other."
"Sorry Frank."
"William, it is okay. I know you like my boy and he likes you, and you're all he talks about. You don't have to impress me, because you already have."
"How so?"
"You're a business owner. That takes guts to do. Not everyone can start up a business and keep it going."
William was in advertisement and was very wealthy, but he donated most of his money to charities, he was a good man, not greedy, and always there to help.
"Thank you Frank. It's hard at first but once you got one leg in the other leg follows." "Not all the time William sometimes a prideful man can fall in blindness of the elevated level it takes to succeed."
"True Frank, true indeed." Enters Dane.
"Oh hush you two, let's dig in!"
William inhales the tasteful aroma of the foods Dane cooked that evening.
"Smells so good! I didn't know you cooked Dane."
"Well when your stuck taking care of this old man you have to learn."
Mr. Edwards chuckled, " Well If I'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat well."
"Trust me dad you eat well enough."
Mr. Edwards pats his big round belly and everyone laughs. Everyone finishes dinner and Mr. Edwards goes into his study. Dane takes the dishes to the kitchen.
"Here, I'll help with these."
"Thank you Will."
"Yes William?"
"I think i'm gonna like it here."