Matteus Chapter 4 "1/1313"

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#4 of Mattheus

Journal entry for January 13th, 2013

"Once again time for another fucking ridiculous journal entry that the therapist ordered. I still don't know why she wants me to continue this repetitive crap. I've told her numerous times that I'm better and got my emotions under control, except in here.

Anyways, I should go on and talk about my week. I don't feel like repeating the same things that I've wrote about for the past couple weeks, so I'll start with start off on Thursday. The first day started off very good. I really enjoyed spending time with all of my friends again. I missed Bryan the most and was so happy when he invited me up to his house. While I was up there; I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I really hope that I'm not falling in love with him. No because I don't want to get beat up, but because I don't want people to give him shit about it. I'm not saying that I don't have feeling for him though, because I kind of do have feelings for him. I don't know whether these feelings are just friendly or if they are romantic. I'm just glad that I get to spend time with him.

After I got home from the River's house, I discovered out that my parents had gotten home from work early and were waiting for me in the front room when I got home. I was so happy that they weren't angry with me. After quite a bit of speaking to them, they agreed to let me continue going up to my friend's house as long as I tell them before I do go up there. For the rest of the night, we played games and they asked about what Bryan's family is like. Jaclyn called around 8 o'clock to tell us that she would be spending the night up at her friend, Keri's house.

Friday went by quite fast. I spent most of the day wanting to get over with and when I wasn't doing that I was chatting with someone in my classes. I remember Jen telling me that she finally got a kiss out of Corey that morning. Another plus of the day was, neither of the Portor twins were at school that day, so it made my day so much more relaxing. I was forced to ride home on the bus that day because Jaclyn has classes that around the time I got out of school. Once I was home, I did my homework and chores; I went up to my room and turned on my radio. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I was woken up by my mom at 7:30 asking if I had any dinner before I dozed off. My stomach responded for me as my mom mentioned dinner. After I finished eating, I got a call from Amie's little brother, Matt. He and I talked for a little over an hour before I told him good night and went back up to my room to fall back asleep.

Between Saturday and now; nothing much really happened to me. I finally got around to listening to the CD that Bryan gave me back on Thursday. I have to say that the album was perfect. I really loved Postcard and Storybook Elegy. I'm going to keep an eye open for the next time this guy puts out more music.

I'm not in the mood to write anymore, so I will just end here. I still think this is fucking pointless and hopefully next time I go up to my therapist, she will listen and not require this anymore.

  • Martin K. A. Mattues



-Another short chapter. I wrote it to show a bit more of the inside feelings of Martin.

-Also my laptop is broken; so once I get chapter five wrote, it will take me a bit to upload it. Hopefully it will be up before my birthday.

-Postcard and Storybook Elegy are songs that belong to Colson over on Furaffinity.