Isolation-Excerpt 29-Scavenger Hunt

mike held up my fal the paint was smoking and still peeling. "ran into a little problem", mike said, "it's black raining outside." "what?"

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Love at First Sight

mike and kate would kiss from time to time. i just got bored and looked away. "lucy?" mike called and i turned "yes?" i replied.

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War - Chapter 2 - The Storm

"i think you're lying to me mike! are you a liar?"

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digi kimi chapter 2: Making a come back

"good," said mike "why what's happening on sunday?"

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A New Life in a New Body: A Talk at Lunch

Know i know why mike left in a hurry. well he finally got the hint and left. "hey mike," i said. "yes sweety," he replied. "about your question, i have thought about it. i do," i told him.

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 2 Never a Dull Moment

Jerry, it's mike. what happened?" i heard a quiet, almost inaudible, stutter run through his voice as he tried to start to relay whatever had shaken his so before he took a deep breath. "mike, nate's dead." that was it.

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High Tail High Chapter 3: New Love

He would, on a normal occasion, correct him about mike not being his real dad but in this case, he didn't mind. mike was actually much cooler then some dad's, from what david saw. "that works! i'll call him in the morning to tell him."

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Chapter 9 (Todd/The Canler)

So he grabbed me and fled with our son and mike. the problem though is that we needed to come home to grab some stuff that the bad guys can't use against us. i think riley called them "the influence".

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Don't Bet On It!

He raised to 75, and mike, who had only 70 chips left in front of him, gulped loudly. if he matched this and lost he would be out of the game. i glanced over at drago and he hid a smile. we both knew that mike would bet.

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MoonDust, Chapter 15

mike yelped. "not so fast on the side hill. it'll roll." "right, sorry." alexei slowed and cast a grin back at them. "i've always wanted to do this." "i can tell." mike's ears lay flat, but he managed a weak smile.

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My Kitty Chapter 10

"hey, mike, i see you found the gifts trevor left for you." maxx walked in and i hid the drawing. "yeah, heh." "what are you drawing?" "nothing." i put it away. "i know you were drawing something." "no."

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