Preying on the Past - Ch. 4 The More Things Change...

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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#4 of Preying on The Past

A Pup is born

A/N - Sorry for the delay. Enjoy.

All characters & locations fictional.

Chapter 4 - The More Things Change...

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - William Faulkner

New London, NH

August 6, 2012

"I can see a head!" came David's exuberant shout

"What?" was my cry as I looked beside him, seeing my mate's legs spread as a white spot grew as she screamed in pain as another contraction sped through her body.

'Oh shit! Ohshitohshitohshit' flew my mind for just a moment as it realized that the minute it had been waiting for had arrived. There was no time for a short prayer, so as I sprang up, praying as I ran inside for the small package of supplies we had squirreled away to prepare for the day.

As I sprinted inside, my claws scrabbling across the wood and tile floors, I caught sight of my mother just leaving the bathroom.

"Call the doctor!"


"Call the doctor! Amy's water broke!"

Digging into the closet, I grabbed the small duffel bag that contained what we'd need to birth the pup at home if the doctor couldn't get here. I grabbed it and ran, my paws again scrabbling over the floor as I slammed into a door handle on the way back out to the porch, eliciting a sharp yelp and expletive from my lips.

I skidded out onto the back porch again, seeing Michelle holding my mate's paw in hers, coaching her breathing as David sat between her legs, watching for my pup to emerge. I knew Lycans birthed fast, something from the wolf part of them...of us.

But this was ridiculous.

"Amy, how ya doing?" I asked as I knelt down beside and just behind David, laying out a sheet below Amy's hips and putting another, softer pair to the side. My heart was beating out of my chest, knowing that not only was I preparing for a birth, but it was my pup, my child...two words I never expected to use together.

"It feels like I'm trying to push out a watermelon!" was her growled reply.

"Mike, the doctor's coming," my mother called from the doorway as she saw us already preparing. "Oh...he said thirty minutes," She added, almost as an afterthought as she saw the three if us on the floor of the deck.

As I continued to lay out the supplies, sterile sheets being laid across Amy's chestnut fur, a warm blanket laid aside to wrap the pup up once he finally emerged, and various syringes, clamps, and other tools that I just barely remembered how to use. Looking around, I found that there was not much else I would be able to do...not before everything went nuts. I looked toward Amy, catching her clenched eyes as David helped coach her as he knelt between her legs.

"Take a deep breath, Amy" How his voice could be so calm, I had no idea. My mind was running at double speed, and this guy was just sitting there, remarkably calm.

"Mike," came that calm voice, "I'll take care of the delivery until the doctor gets here. You go and help Amy. Tell her you're here. Coach her breathing...This ain't my first rodeo."

I moved around behind Amy, resting my muzzle on her shoulder as I licked her nose gently as her eyes fluttered open in response.

"I'm right here for you. Just take a deep breath." My paws rubbed over Amy's shoulders, rubbing against her fur, my claws scratching gently as she groaned and leaned back against me.


"Keep it up, Amy."

"You're doing great!" I licked at her nose again as her ears folded back and a loud howl and growl poured from her muzzle as she tried to push, trying to get the young pup out into the world to meet us.

"Gaaaahhhh" Amy's claws dug hard into my own paw as she gripped me hard, the pain making me grimace, but a call from David caught my attention before I could growl out in response as I bit my teeth into my tongue.

"There we go, Amy. Just a little more"

"Graaahhhhhhh...Oh God!"

As Amy collapsed back into my arms, the sound of sharp yips, whimpers and whines started to filter through the air...sounds that I had never expected to hear.

It was the first sounds from my...from our pup.

Looking over my mate's shoulder, her panting breath ringing in my ears as I nuzzled gently, I looked over her chest to see David's perked ears standing above my mate's flat chest, before his head rose up almost like one of those arcade whack-a-moles.

"Pass me those clamps and the scalpel, Mike." His gloved paw reached out to me, still somewhat slick from the whole birthing process as I handed him the scalpel and clamps, grimacing a little as I saw the rather painful looking serrations on them before his paws clasped around them, the scalpel being taken from my paws just a moment or two later.

"That's it, Amy. It's done." I lay my head down on her shoulder, my muzzle gently rubbing against her as she moaned and panted, her thick, pink tongue hanging out of her mouth, starkly contrasting against her chestnut fur. Scooting my head forward, my mouth caught that tongue, the short, awkward kiss causing her eyes to shoot open in surprise before they closed in acquiescence and exhaustion.

"Mike, Amy. Meet Thomas."

David's furred head rose from between my mate's furred thighs, arms filled with one of those white blankets, another one lying beside him from where he had dried the pup. Quiet whimpering filled the air as the pup was handed off into Amy's arms, the sight of a brown lump of fur with flashes of white teeth and splotches of black fur almost identical to my own caught in between the warm folds of the blanket flashing before me.

As Amy lay the pup down on her chest and lay back against me, I heard a set of footsteps mixed with the clacking of claws coming up behind me. Craning my head to look over my shoulder, I saw my mother standing at the door, a gentle smile on her face as the doctor stepped around her, the haste with which he had changed back to his human body apparent in his disheveled hair and the rapidly thrown on black shirt and jeans as he slipped on a pair of gloves.

I saw his hand land on David's shoulder out of the corner of my eye, but I was more interested in the tiny bundle of fur in my mate's arms. Reaching out my paw, I gently ran my fingers across its, no his furry head, those tiny black tipped ears flicking gently as my paw traced by them, the rest of his face, covered in the same rich chestnut fur my mate wore so beautifully.

I really couldn't describe the feeling as I ran my clawtips through the still slightly damp fur of the pup, feeling the pup's jaws softly suckling at Amy's nipples, availing himself of the copious milk stored within as she had carried him. As I leaned down, I sniffed gently at my pup's head, smelling not only the scent of my mate on him, but also his own, innate scent that would forever be seared into my mind.

As I did so, two brilliantly blue eyes looked up at me, staring full of wonderment and...innocence as he suckled on his meal and I interrupted him. I felt my ears lay themselves back as I looked at him, realizing that I had, been gifted the role of father for this pup, and he was my responsibility. It was such a heavy weight that felt like it was falling on my shoulders.

"He's beautiful, isn't he" came my mate's sweet voice as she whimpered at the nips and suckles of the hungry pup. "Thank God the pups mature a bit faster than a normal infant. If I had to keep him like this I'd have nothing left for you." She smirks at me, a look of contentment on her face.

We had chosen that we would have the pup in his Lycan body because he would grow quicker that way, plus he would learn how to use both his human form and the Lycan form instinctually. I had never really understood how it worked, some sort of almost muscle memory for certain actions and how the brain wired itself inside the womb.

"Mike, Thomas's doing fine. You two have a nice, healthy pup," came the doctor's soft voice, "why don't you take him for a bit so we can finish everything up and get these two to bed. It's been a busy day."

I nodded, cautiously wrapping my paws around the tiny bundle before trying to lay the child in my arms before another pair of white furred paws flew at me, shifting the pup in my arms.

"Mike, you're holding him like a sack of potatoes...more like this."

Apparently mothers never change.

Her paws lifted the small bundle up a bit until his head was resting in the crook my elbow, watching as the doctor finished up checking my mate, making sure that everything had delivered properly, that everything had gone right. Hearing a quiet whimper from the tiny bundle in my arms, I felt him wiggling a bit in my arms.

Looking down, I saw those blue eyes staring up at me, his mouth open in a tiny pant, smooth gums chomping on his dangling tongue as he chewed. I could feel his rear wiggling, trying to wag the little tail he had before I leaned my head in, sniffing softly at his face.

Thomas returned my interest, sniffing cutely at my own towering snout, sneezing quietly as I chuffed at his sniffing. As I swayed softly with our wiggling pup in my arms, without a thought, I gave a quick lick to my pup's nose, the thick, wet tongue swiping over that rough, leathery surface...something that should have felt so alien to me, but it just felt so natural, so right.

Slipping my tongue out of my muzzle to give my son another quick kiss, I was surprised when a sharp pressure grabbed my tongue. My eyes darted open in shock, a strangled yelp trying to escape my throat.

Looking over my muzzle, I saw Thomas's beautiful blue eyes looking up at me, my tongue clamped hard in his jaws as he suckled gently on that tongue.

My ears perked as I heard soft chuckling and a few 'aaawwws' as my eyes broke away from my pup's to the eyes of the rest of the assembled groups, my mate's eyes and face filled with mirth as the doctor stands beside her after helping her, a grin and chuckle on his, slightly tired but nonetheless calm face.

"Looks like someone's hungry," came David's rough voice as his just washed paw landed on my shoulder. "Don't think he'll get any food there, though."

"Here, lemme take him," came Amy's tired voice as her arms reached for the swaddled pup. As she took the pup from my arms, his mouth letting go of my tongue quite unwillingly before he began happily suckling at Amy's full breast, hungry for his fill. My clawed paws continued to run through Thomas' short fur as my other arm wrapped around my mate as I nuzzled at the side of her neck from behind.

"He's beautiful."

"He sure is, Mike," came my mother's voice from behind me. "Even cuter than you were." She chuckled. "Something about those ears flicking about just makes him look adorable...Plus you were always crying." She ruffled the fur on my shoulders as I could hear the smile on her voice. "You two sit down. I'll clean up."

I helped my mate towards the swinging bench in the yard behind the porch. Helping her sit and wrapping my arm around her, leaning her gently against myself as Thomas suckled at her chest.

"Thank you." I whispered in her ear, punctuating it with short, quick nips at her ear, enjoying her twitching as I made contact.

"What for?"

"For you, for him...for all of this." I rubbed my paw along her inner thigh as we just sat there, impervious to the machination of the world.

"I don't know what else to add."

As I gently rubbed my mate's thigh with one paw, my other slowly tracing through Thomas' beautiful, short fur. I slid my muzzle down to his head, gently nuzzling against him before I saw a flash of light.

As I looked up, stars dancing around my eyes, I saw a dark shape in front of us, a slight, musky male scent playing across the yard as the house backlit a Lycan form.


"I saw your phone," he chuckled. "I thought you could use your first family picture." He smiled softly. "He is beautiful, Mike." I caught a flash of fangs as David gave me a good natured grin at me.

"You two must have a damn good looking milkman, then. Can't be yours."

"Shut it," I chuckle back, extending my hand for the phone to look at the photo, chuckling as I saw the photo, myself almost kissing my son and Amy running her paw across the back of his head. Smiling, I nuzzled Amy again, her sleepiness very apparent as I showed her the photo.

"You mind if I send this to Jerry? I kinda hung up on him earlier."

Amy turned her head toward me, looking at the photo on the screen, seeing that first photo. She smiled a soft smile and nodded before she spoke.

"Go ahead. I think I'll head up to bed, though after Thomas is finished," she sighs as a toothy yawn splits her face as Thomas continues to suckle hungrily. My fingertips trace across the phone face, tapping out an apology and sending the message.

'Jerry, Sorry to hang up. Had someone rather important to meet. This is Thomas Michael Hart. Call me when later this evening if you need anything, otherwise I'll meet our new agent at Logan in the morning.'

Sliding the phone into a pocket, I saw that Thomas had finally stopped wiggling and suckling, falling asleep with his maw still clenched on my mate's nipple. Sliding my arm around Amy, I felt her start, having also fallen asleep. "Let's get you two to bed."

With a gentle touch, I hoist the two of them to her feet and walk with her into the house. I lay the pup in his crib in our bedroom, seeing him curling up on the mattress, his tiny tail slowly twitching as I felt my mate at my shoulder, looking over him as well.

"Go to sleep, Amy. I'll go make sure everything's cleaned up"

As I heard Amy lay herself down, I padded out of the room, going downstairs and stepping out onto the deck, seeing that everything had been cleaned up.

I saw Sarah and David on the back lawn, chasing and pouncing on each other, teaching her to hunt, but at the same time cementing the bonds that I can remember from that first time dad took me out to shoot a .22, from that first time I drove the truck, and even from that I accidentally covered him in motor oil by tripping on the bucket. It was...It was...

"It's a bit scary, isn't it?" I felt my mother's paw land on my shoulder, her white contrasting against my black fur. "You'll learn fast. We've seen you with Sarah. You'll be a good father for Thomas."

I felt my tail sink a little lower, that nagging sense of doubt still inside me.

"'s just scary, that's all. I'm just afraid that I don't know enough yet. I mean, I still am not used to being a Lycan...and...well, what I found in that safe deposit box scared me."

"Scared you, what do you mean?" I could tell from her tone and her scent that she was confused, and she would be for a while.

"Mom," I started, "You do have Lycan blood...That history is what I'm afraid of." I sat her down, telling her of what I had found in that safety deposit box...that she was at least indirectly descended from one of the most prolific female serial killers in US history. Finishing up by pulling the note and bracelet out of my pocket, I handed them to her.

"I'm just...not sure. I know I don't have as full control over myself as I'd like, and if I don't, how can I teach that to a pup?"

"You learn." The mixture of two voices answering me shocked me out of my self-pity.

"Mike," came David's gruff voice, "You never know everything you need with a kid. You're gonna have to learn on the job. Believe me. You'll do fine." He slapped me on the shoulder. "I'm gonna be heading home. You go and sleep with your mate. You got a lot ahead of you, and you'll enjoy quite a bit of it."

"Mike, you mind if I use your couch. I figure Amy could use the help tomorrow."

"No problem, mom...thanks."

I simply stared at the stars for a moment, seeing all those billions on pinpricks of light up there and wondered just what lay ahead for me.

Meanwhile in a small house just outside Miami.


A young boy's voice pierced the dark of his room, a strange nightmare waking the lad from his slumber.

Something just felt weird to him. He was scared but then saw a crack of something push open his door along with the creak of the oil-needing hinges.

"Daddy? Is that you? I had a bad dream."

A shape moved in front of the door but not a sound was heard.

"Daddy, is that you?" Something trembled in the boy's mind. A strange feeling of wooziness passing through him before he took a second look and a pair of bright eyes gazed into him, the shape appearing more and more inhuman.


A/N - heh heh heh. Sorry for the delays. Been a bit nuts.

An illustration from Aggrobadger for this chapter