A New Life in a New Body: A Talk at Lunch
#15 of NLNB
A New Life in a New Body
The Talk at Lunch
Well they came back and there were no injuries, good sign, I think. Well Lisa came in and started hanging all over me. I assumed it was because she was afraid to let Sherry get a hold of me. I didn't mind it, in this ever changing world what is for sure? Looking at Sherry she had an apologetic look in her face. Not surprising, het temper was legendary she once hit and knocked down a huge brute of a man, weighed at least a half a ton.
I suggested we talk about what's happened and what we need to talk about. They said it was fine, though I still felt the tension could be cut with a knife. We sat down and Sherry filled us in on how her life was after I disappeared. She had been here for several years. She was broken up about my disappearance; she was depressed for at least two to three months.
"Sorry about that," I said apologetically.
"Don't worry about that, that was five years ago," she said.
"How long did you try to find him," Lisa asked.
"Two years," Sherry replied.
"That was a really long time to look for someone," Lisa said.
"She's pretty determined," I said remembering when I wouldn't answer her calls.
"That I am," Sherry admitted.
We talked for awhile; we got most of the issues weeded out. Lisa was still hanging on to me after that not that I expected any different she probably wouldn't let go of me till after Sherry was gone. Chris came up a little after that and asked what the deal was none of us answered him that was between the three of us.
"Wow, you are smoking hot," he said to Sherry.
"Thanks, I try to keep fit," Sherry replied. This shocked the hell out of me.
"How did you and her meet," Chris asked me.
"Well, I met her back in basic, from there about a year later we were dating," I replied truthfully.
The guy sitting next to me was quite cute. He looked as if he had worked out. Strong silent type, I like that about him what I had with Mike was really special. I think I might want to be with him but no one would ever replace Mike at least in my heart. I excused myself and went on a walk. My scales were rather warm I guess from being near him again.
I had given up after two years; I looked as hard as I could. I went on many missions and not one man could hold a candle to Mikes. I loved him with my entire heart. I know I'm being ridiculous but it just seems that he was good to me.
"Is there someone out there for me" I thought to myself.
"Of course there is," Alvar replied (My other personality).
"How do you know" I asked inquisitively.
"I just do," He replied.
He appeared shortly after I became this albino reptile. He kept me company through some tough times. I always felt as if he was like my dad more than anything. He seemed to be withdrawn and didn't do anything unless I absolutely needed him. So he rarely communicates with anyone even me. I think Chris seemed like a good guy I might as well give him a shot.
I still won't apologize to him about my over reaction. But I do want to tell him that I accept. He had walked off so quickly he didn't hear me. He is a fine young man, talented, and just a little mysterious. I love him with a passion that I can't describe.
I want that stupid idiot Chris to leave. I have given him several hints to buzz of but he just doesn't seem to get it. God he really is a moment killer. Know I know why Mike left in a hurry. Well he finally got the hint and left.
"Hey Mike," I said.
"Yes sweety," he replied.
"About your question, I have thought about it. I do," I told him.
He didn't say anything just leaned in and kissed me deeply. One of the most passionate kisses I received from any man. It seemed to end too soon. He then held to me like I had earlier. It was a fantastic sensation I loved him more now than ever