Forgive Me Father...

Martha had been dehydrated lately. the staff pretended to be clueless as to the cause, but they knew. i think we all knew.

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First story: A walk in the woods

Im gonna be late for school!" he got up and took one step when he felt her hand around his tail. he had barelly uttered the the word "dont" when he felt the shock. he fell instanly.

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what am I ?

Ok so i wake up in the morning to find a dragon over me and i am like what the hell is this and i wounder where is mum ( because mum is always there to wake me up for school ) and then i here a voice in my head saying _"get up you lazy boy you are to be late


Mystery Savior Chapter 9

Even though i barely got a scratch from this fight, she will know that something's up merely by how late i arrived home. my face will be even more of a tell-tale sign.

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Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 9.5

"it's getting late. i should probably head to bed." "okay," said zack in agreement. "thanks for the help, pa. i appreciate it." "you're going to have a great time. i promise," said geoff as he headed out the door. "don't stay up too late.

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Please don't ride this bus

He looked at his watch; 10:05 it said, he was 5 minutes late already; at least his meeting was not until noon. he looked out the window to pass the time, watching house after house go by, each more generic than the last one.

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Bear in a Box

Being a naturally large guy covered in a thick, black layer of fur, he wouldn't be able to climb 38 flights of stairs in the ten minutes he had before being late again.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 17

If we don't hurry we'll be late!" he shouted and the group climbed into the bus. they sat and realized that it was getting late as the bus sped off in the direction of gold city. "oh my paws, i hate being late." skyler said.

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The Bad Penny

It really was late, and he did not want to be out after dark, especially if there were thieves about. he really hoped that he hadn't just been talking to one. it was very late when bernard got back to his simple home.


Treading Chapter 1 - O.O

--fen-- "wake up fen, you're gonna be late!" i groan, rubbing at my eyes and feeling a crumb or two of dried eye-gunk fall from the corners.

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The Meeting

Saving people and souls from making the wrong choice and life before it's too late. "i need to go before my mom starts searching for me..." adam said as he slowly backed away from me, "i'm not supposed to be out this late...."

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