Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 9.5

Story by Lupine Catastrophe on SoFurry

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#10 of Crossroads (Zack)

Just a small bit of patching up before the big date!

This story is a companion of ragewolver's Crossroads. Don't forget to check out his chapter for Charlie's side of the story!

Friday night found Zack Bailey tidying up his impromptu painting setup in his bedroom. An easel sat facing outward from one corner of the room with large sheets of wrapping paper haphazardly thrown underneath to catch any stray paint. The jackal walked back and forth across the room returning cleaned brushes to his kit. The finished painting sat on the easel to dry.

Geoff came into the room to find him cleaning up. He glanced to the side to admire the painting sitting in perfect view. "That's a nice painting you've done. Is that what you've been working on all evening?"

Zack looked toward the door to see his father standing there. "Yeah, it's a gift for Charlie tomorrow."

"That's nice of you," Geoff remarked, sitting on the edge of Zack's bed. "Your mother told me about your date. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks." Zack finished putting away his art supplies and sat on the bed next to his father. "Are you still leaving tomorrow?"

Geoff's face fell. "Yes. I'm sorry, Zack. I really am." Zack turned away in disappointment and his father laid a paw on his shoulder. "We'll make it up to you. We promise."

Zack stared ahead in silence. "Somehow, I doubt that Tristan will be able to appreciate that."

Geoff sighed, his paw dropping to the surface of the mattress. "Zack...your mother and I love the three of you very much -"


"No, listen. Your mother and I love you three very much, and I want you to know that," said Geoff, eyes trained firmly on his eldest son. "We would never intentionally do anything to upset you. If we could skip this meeting, we would." Geoff's voice was filled with emotion, betraying a desperate hope that his son would understand. "After we get back, we're going to do everything we can to fix things."

"You've said that before." The words were out of his mouth before Zack realized what he had said. He wanted to take them back, but it was too late. His father deflated at the words and looked downright depressed.

"I mean it, Zack. I'm truly sorry," said Geoff. "In the meantime though, I must ask that you refrain from arguing with Seth."

"Only if he doesn't argue with me," Zack replied with a bit of a growl.

"I've just talked with him. He knows better," said Geoff, a stern edge returning to his voice. "We want to make this as easy for Tristan as possible. Plus, you two need to learn to get along anyway. If Seth gets out of hand, call us, okay? Don't overstress yourself."

Zack highly doubted it would be that simple. Seth had a tendency to get very difficult. Nevertheless, he agreed. "I won't."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Come here," said Geoff, bringing his son in for a hug. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes," Zack replied over his father's shoulder.

"Good." They held their embrace for just a moment before Geoff pulled away. "So, what are you wearing tomorrow?"


"For your date," Geoff clarified.

"Oh." Zack got up and walked over to his closet, pulling out a pair of dark pants with a black button-down shirt. "I've picked this out already."

"No," Geoff said adamantly.

Zack cocked his head. "...No?"

"No," Geoff strode over to the closet and began searching for another outfit. "You wear black all the time. You need to wear something Charlie doesn't see every day."

"Okay..." Zack tried again. "How about red?"

"You wear that, too. Besides, I don't think a red outfit with that style is quite appropriate for a first date."

"Then what?" Zack said in frustration.

"How about this?" Geoff had just selected a pair of khaki slacks with a plaid button-down. "This would be perfect."

Zack hesitated. "That's...actually exactly what I wore for my first date with Alex."

"Really?" Zack nodded and Geoff shrugged. "Well, there's a good reason you chose to wear it, right?"

"Yeah, but I want to try something else," Zack suggested. "What about the black jeans - the really nice ones - with that blue shirt to the left?"

"This one?" Geoff grabbed the items and held them up for inspection. "Yeah, this would look really good as well. With a belt maybe?"

Zack nodded in approval. "Yeah, I like that. Thanks!"

"Glad I could help! I want you to have the best experience you can," said Geoff with a proud smile. He glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. "It's getting late. I should probably head to bed."

"Okay," said Zack in agreement. "Thanks for the help, Pa. I appreciate it."

"You're going to have a great time. I promise," said Geoff as he headed out the door. "Don't stay up too late. Goodnight, Zack."


Once again alone in the room, Zack looked around for something to do. His gaze landed on his phone that was lying on his bed. text or not to text? Zack shrugged, grabbing the device and powering it on, a grin spreading across his muzzle as he began another conversation with his wolf.