Chapter 12- On Shaky Ground

The giganotosaurus looked from building to building, the shattered windows and cracked concrete showing the damage. some buildings were still standing but threatened to fall at any moment.

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City Sector Uplift part 7

"it appears to be... a flyer for building sales. houses and commercial buildings for rent or sale in the sector. looks like almost everything is already sold out. and, oh! look at these _prices_."

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Not all giants have it easy

The same horse from earlier ran out of the building. the building now looked akin to an actual building! what once sat in his hand, now dwarfed him immensely. the horse was walked up to him. the horse was twice his size!

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The duo stood in the middle of the street surrounded by buildings on all sides.

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Undercity chapter 3

He ran up to the building and sunk his claws into the concrete. he rammed the other paw into the building as he started climbing up the buildings side. as he got to the top he jumped ontop of the building landing with a light thud.

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Change in Venue- January

He begins walking to the side of the building, noting idly the high traffic road that is just outside the main doors to his building. on top of that painted along the side wall of the building is one large advertisement for something or another.

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Chapter V: Burn, Part One

The entire building caught on fire and it swirled in its inferno as the building seemingly started to catch on fire.

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Rangertale, Ch.8: Blades of Eulas

Rumelis paused near it, in awe of such a massive building- even larger than anything that the capital of zanus offered with its alchemists. he stopped mels as well.

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Venturing: Three Desired Cons

Finally spotting it after some seconds, i walked towards it and snatched it from the building that it was on. corner to one of the buildings close by.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-three

The thing was similar, but not identical to the building we knew; not that we even know but one side of our building mind you. it was taller for one and looked newer.

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The Gourmand

He wrapped his arms around the nearest skyscrapers, a building that was only slightly taller than he was. with a heave he ripped the whole building from it's foundation.

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