Revolution | Chapter VII: Shadow of the Night
#7 of Revolution
Here's chapter 7! Please inform me of any type of errors please! Fave, vote, and comment please! Maybe a watch too? ;) Enjoy?
Note: There is a bit of language in this story now, but I hope we can all be mature furs and be okay with it. Thank you.
6 years later...
"You see that right there?" Falk asked, handing me a pair of binoculars.
I took the equipment carefully then placed it against my eyes, instantly getting a view of our target from a thousand meters away. He was an orca dressed in a very crisp business suit, as if to say that he had a ton of money and was going to show it all off in front of everyone else's eyes. He set a pair of glasses atop his eyes then proceeded towards the now tallest building in New York: Chamber Towers. That one building was responsible for all the communications and money for a quarter of the country with only the best of the best commutation experts and bankers.
That orca was the man in charge of the building. Dave Chambers--the same man who build the same tower that made the Empire State Building look like newly planted spruce tree. He had tons of money and was a greedy as that crab from an old TV show back thirty years ago. He owned over a dozen slaves and was as cruel and horrible as they came without any disregard for anyone who didn't have as much money as he did.
He walked right inside the building without anyone giving him a second glance. The two guards posted at the door didn't even bat an eye his way and just proceeded to stand as if a pole was stuck right up their butt. All they did was breathe and hold a fully automatic assault rifle in their arms. The two guards that followed Chamberman walked right past them as well, showing that they were also high importance to the man in charge of things in this city.
I quickly turned my attention towards the tall buildings surrounding the massive skyscraper and magnified my sight a little more, making out half a dozen guards posted along the rooftops of the other buildings, unable to get a clear feed of anyone around the back of the one building that seemed to matter. They had to be snipers no doubt, trained and ready to shoot anything they saw as suspicious if it caught their eyes. In the alleyways and streets around the tall skyscraper, I could make out soldiers walking up and down the dark pathways, watching just like their sniper counterparts from very high above.
I took the binoculars away from my eyes and looked at Falk. "Chamberman is already inside the building with two guards following him. Snipers and guards are posted around the tower and we have two guards keeping watch up front."
My wolf friend, Falk, let out a low chuckle. "As if that's going to help him, right? Are the others in position?" He asked, smirking at me.
I placed the binoculars against my eyes again, searching for the signal for our other's friends' position. It took only seconds until I saw the blue flashing light near the left back part of the tower then another on the right side. That was the signal telling us that our allies were in position, awaiting for further orders.
"They're in position, waiting for our go," I replied, setting the binocular's down.
Falk tapped his earpiece. "This is the infiltration squad. Take down the snipers first so we can go in through the back but keep it silent and quick. We can't have anyone risk seeing us while we climb up the skyscraper."
We both received a reply from one of our allies. "Copy that, infiltration squad. Olympus has given us the green light for the mission to proceed. We await further command from you to give us the order. Delta squad out."
_ _ "Delta Squad, Omega Squad, you're clear to engage the enemy," Falk responded, readying his and our equipment.
While he did that, I returned to my binoculars to see what was going on. Faint flashes of light could be seen from a distance and I watched as most of the snipers fell down quickly with little miss fires. No one seemed to notice or hear so we just proceeded to ready ourselves.
"Infiltration squad, this is Delta, more than half of the snipers are down. We urge you to make your move quickly before they find the bodies."
_ _ "Got it, Delta," I responded. "We're moving out now."
"Roger that, Delta out."
_ _ I tossed my binoculars to Falk, who just placed them in my bag. We quickly rounded up our equipment, not wasting a second of our time. Falk looked over at me and handed me a stun-stick good for any close encounters that required me to take out the enemy without killing them in the process.
We both wore skin tight, yet still easily maneuverable, suits that shielded us from the rain and kept us invisible to the naked eye. We both pulled our hoods over our heads and covered our muzzles, not eyes, with a pull-up cloth to keep our breaths silent yet still to the point where we could breathe. We both wore a set of nano-gloves that would allow us to climb onto anything be it flat like glass or rough and unpredictable like stone. On our wrists we both had a communicator that was half our forearm length and functioned as a communicator, video camera, scanner, code cracker, voice analyzer, and other things and it also worked in tandem with our eye scanners that also functioned as cameras, infrared sensors, and communicators in case we lost one of our equipment.
Falk looked at me and zipped up his bag while I zipped up mine and slung the one strap pack over one shoulder and across my chest and tightened it. "You ready, Arthur? This is going to require a little bit of stealth, you do know that right?"
I nodded his way as he slung his pack over his shoulder. "Yeah, but don't worry. This is my specialty."
He chuckled. "I hope so. We got one shot at this and if we fail, I'm totally going to blame you."
"Fine, and if we succeed then I'm taking all the credit," I replied with a laugh.
He huffed then aimed his wrist at the building. "In your dreams, Wing."
I aimed mine along with him and smiled without him noticing. "Wanna race? Last one to the top has to do twenty squat-jacks."
He snickered. "That's cruel! But I accept!"
I smiled. "See you at the top, Summers."
With that, I clicked the button and instantly a rope shot out from my communicator and landed right where I expected it to be--at the stone section in-between the windows. Falk gasped just as I shot forward and swung towards the building, nearly avoiding the ground by mere inches. Just before I reached the massive skyscraper, I clicked another digital button on my communicator and activated the active-camouflage inside my suit, masking my entire body. Falk was cursing me out while I reached the building first, using the nano-tech in my gloves to cling to the glass just before I let go and propelled myself up the building by a couple dozen feet.
Falk was close behind me, grunting and groaning through our linked communicator while cursing me out in every language he possibly knew. I could only laugh at him playfully while he climbed a couple of yards behind me. I disconnected the rope and used my gloves to climb the rest of the way, not even afraid that they might give out which I knew they weren't. This was state-of-the-art tech and I knew it wasn't going to give out on me, at least I hoped it didn't give out on me. The nano-tech that I placed against the paw-pads on my feet also helped me with the climb while the weight in my bag balanced my weight and kept me from falling down with each reach of my arm.
Every so often, after five minutes of climbing, I looked down to see if Falk was still behind me, which he was. Yet with each time that I looked at him, he looked up at me and flipped a bird at me, which always caused me to smile and chuckle a little bit each time. I made sure my communicator was on as well.
"That was cheating and you know it," he said through comms.
"Oh don't even go there," I replied, snickering. "Don't even act like you haven't done it to me or Zoey before."
He was silent for the next couple of minutes of climbing before he replied. "Alright. Fine, fine, fine. We're even, alright?"
_ _ "We're even, man," I smiled, using my rope to spring forward a couple of extra feet ahead of him right on the stone section. While I propelled forward, he seemed to have the same idea and grappled onto the same stone as me.
I was still a couple of feet ahead of him but he was closer now. "I saw that coming, you know."
"Fine, now we're even, alright?" I responded, getting a delighted chuckle from his end.
We didn't speak a word for the next couple of minutes, finding it better to stay silent than to give away our positions with our voices. We were about thirty floors away from the top of the building, which was our token to stop and make the floor that I was on our window for entry. I stopped and waited for Falk as he made his way up to my floor. Once he was with me, I took one hand away from the glass and searched through my tool belt, trying to find my glass cutter.
Somehow, Falk seemed to beat me to it. "I got this."
_ _ I grunted and stayed where I was while my friend made the incision into the glass. "Well, I still won the race."
"Mmm-hmm, soak it all up Wing 'cause that's the last victory against me that you're gonna have for a long while."
_ _ "We'll see about that," I responded.
He chuckled while still making a hole in the side of the building large enough for the both of us. It was by pure luck that no one was working on this floor right now or else we would've been spotted and our mission would've been a total failure. Falk was very precise about his work, especially if it was a circle big enough for us, and there was no doubt he would try and do better than me on this mission.
Just as he neared the end of his cutting, he spoke again. " this the usual tag-and-bag operation or are we going to interrogate him in his office?"
_ _ "That would be the latter of course," I responded as he finished his cutting, placing my hand on the circle then pulling it away sharply. I quickly disconnected my link to my right hand and let the glass fall all the way down to the ground, reactivating my glove instantly.
We didn't have the resources to knock this guy out nor the manpower to get him out without damaging him in the process. Once we disable the security cameras we should be able to move through the building with ease. Falk was the first to walk through the tall skyscraper, making it look flawless as if he had done this a hundred times, which we both had done in the past to prepare ourselves for this. Just as he made his way inside, I climbed my way over and jumped through the window, rolling myself onto the floor into a kneeling position just like him.
The entire floor was pretty much pitch black, and the light from outside didn't seem to help illuminate the place either. Both Falk and I nodded to one another and tapped our ear pieces once more, activating the night vision in our sunglasses. Everything was so much more vivid and I could finally make out every single desk, table, chair, and high tech computer in the room.
Only a few feet ahead was a camera with a built in gun on the side just in case any intruders, like us, were armed. Falk quickly made short work of it, shooting an electromagnetic bolt right it, disabling it right on the spot. After he was finished, I slowly walked over to the panel close to the camera, using my pocket-sized blowtorch to cut through the locks and open it up to see the contents. This camera and the others along the inside of the building were all linked together and it only took one to disable the rest in just a short amount of time. That was when I started to go to work.
Just as I started rewiring the wires, I received a call from one of the other infiltration squads. "This is infiltration squad A, go ahead."
"Sir, this is infiltration squad B, we've dispatched the guards inside the head camera room and cut off the link as well, so you should be able to turn off all the cameras whenever you wish."
_ _ I smiled, which was covered by my pull up cloth. "Good work, I'm disabling the"
Right then, a spark erupted from the panel but I knew for a fact that it meant that every single camera inside the building had been turned off. Lucky us, and we still had plenty of time to get to the target and interrogate him before our strike teams came in and took care of the rest of the work.
Falk shut the panel just as I finished up things, beckoning with his head towards the door of the elevator. We made our way towards it then hit the up button, waiting for the doors to open, hoping that they weren't fried or something. It took only a few minutes, which was absolute silence, until the elevator made it to our floor and we got on, hitting the button for the top floor.
Falk pulled the cloth covering his muzzle down and turned off his cloaking for the time being. "Why does it feel like this is too easy? I mean, I can't shake this feeling that something just ain't right for some reason."
I scratched the back of my neck and nodded his way. "I get ya, man. This may be an infiltration-interrogation mission, but I can't shake this feeling that we're walking right into a trap right about now."
Falk sighed and readied the high-tech pistol strapped to his thigh. "Well, if we are, then we're getting that intel first. That's all I'm going to say."
Looking up at the floor numbers, I noticed that we were very close. "Get ready, we're heading forward in ten seconds."
He smiled then pulled the cloth back up, re-activating his active-camo suit. "Something tells me whatever we're feeling is on this floor. Could it be the target?"
I shrugged just as the doors opened. Two guards immediately stopped right where they were and looked to investigate, falling right into our trap. We stepped out of the doors just as they passed us, Falk grabbing one by the neck while I wrapped my arm around the other's, quickly putting him back to sleep. They both seemed to struggle for a few moments just before they gave up and surrendered to the wonderful place that I loved to visit at night--the realm of sleep.
One the deed was done, Falk and I quickly dragged the unconscious men to the elevator, placing them inside, hitting the button to the bottom floor, and sent them packing. The new active-camo system was working like a charm, almost too good for just being a very recent invention. Since the Revolution needed to stay one step ahead of the Overlord and his cronies, our scientists developed the active-camo and the devices on our arms, giving us an edge against the soldiers of the Overlord who seemed to still be outdated with their guns and accessories.
The hallway we crouch-walked through was well lit and was filled with patrolling guards, along with a couple of people that seemed to be working overtime. They paid no attention to us, which told Falk and me that our camo was working so well that it felt nearly unfair to use.
We both walked past a couple of un-noticing soldiers, sometimes making occasional faces at them just because this was just so unfair. I almost wanted to turn my camo off and just start tasering the soldiers around us, but I knew that that would blow our cover so I fought the urge to do so. I tapped Falk's shoulder and pointed right at the two guards about to walk by one another.
He instantly knew what I was planning to do and gave me the thumbs up, nodding my way. Smiling, even though he couldn't see me, I carefully crouched forward and walked towards the one walking away from the other soldier. I stood up and chuckled, pulling my arm back before I laid a nice smack on the back of his neck, making him curse and grunt in slight pain. I quickly stepped aside and watched as he turned and walked for the other guy.
"What the fuck, man?" he cursed, pushing the other guy forward.
The dude he pushed stumbled and turned around and pushed him back. "What the fuck was that for?"
The guy I hit pushed him back. "You know what you did!"
"I have no fucking idea what you're talking about, idiot!"
In no time at all, a brawl quickly broke out between them. I hoped that Falk was out of the way which I soon found out with him tapping me on my shoulder from behind. Faint chuckling could be heard from him, and I couldn't resist either, so I did so very silently. We decided to walk the rest of the way towards the door, passing by a large fountain receptionist and her desk. She didn't even see us, making me really feel bad for the camo, but I kept it on.
We rounded the room behind the desk, finding the large front office just behind the receptionist's desk. The door had two guards posted at the entrance which gave Falk and me the same exact idea for our means of entry. I walked back to the receptionist and apologized, hitting the pressure point on her neck that quickly put her to sleep. I carefully laid her down on her arms and patted her head, glad that I wasn't a killer.
Falk waited patiently as I came back, holding my baton-Taser in hand. We turned off our camo-suits and walked right up to the soldiers. They exchanged uneasy looks to each other and looked us up and down, wondering what the heck we were doing up here alone.
"This floor is closed off," the one on the right said. "Please show us some identification or we will escort you to the elevator."
Falk and I smiled but I spoke. "Oh, I'm sure that these will suffice."
We showed them our baton-Tasers but the left guard shook his head. "That will not do. Show us an ID or you will not get entrance."
"Alright, we did this the Arthur way, now we're doing this the Falkread way," Falk announced, giving me a sly smile.
In merely seconds, Falk pressed the tip of his baton against the soldier, giving him a good dose of fifty milliamps of electricity. I used mine and pressed it against the right one's neck, making him spasm and gurgle until he fell forward on his face in...well, shock! Once that was done, I pressed the same pressure point on his neck that I did to the receptionist and quickly put him to sleep while Falk did the exact same as I did.
We pulled the guards to the side and laid them against the wall, placing their hands in their laps to make it look like they, along with the receptionist, were sleeping on the job. Hopefully they would wake up just to think that what had just happened was all just a dream and they both had dozed off on the job. Surely the receptionist would think that since she couldn't even tell that I was there.
Once that was finished, Falk and I deactivated our active-camo and stood in front of the door, wondering how exactly to pry the thing open. While I pondered, Falk seemed to be two steps ahead of me, flashing an ID card that he had taken from one of the guard's in my face. He pulled down his mouth cloth just to smile while he slid the card down the swipe, automatically getting the green light we both needed to proceed.
Just as the door opened, we made out three guards patrolling the main room, immediately taking noticed of us. The closest one to us tried to stop us but Falk stopped him by throwing a poison dark right into his neck, not killing him but slowly putting him out like a light. The other two were about to open fire and managed to fire a couple of bullets at us just before I tossed two miniature stick-Tasers right at them, making them shudder and spasm until they both fell over limp and out cold.
Falk took point from there on, walking forward right into the large office room. The hallway was well let and beautiful, and there were no walls just glass that revealed the entire city before our eyes. I gazed through the clean glass down onto the bright and vibrant city, taking note of the dozens of shops and restaurants that stayed open this late, along with the cars that drove down the street. The scent almost reminded me of Vegas which had to have been just as bright, if not brighter, and more beautiful since it was still the place to go and gamble away your paycheck.
It didn't take long to reach the main office, though when we did, I wish it was on better terms than this. The room was large with a wooden desk centered right in the center and the wall behind it was just a very long window that allowed whoever was up here to look over the city whenever. Bright lights on the ceiling illuminated the place quite nicely I might say, giving us a clear picture of what to work with.
However, our target stood right in front of the windows, gazing down on the city that he had full control over. He still had on his crisp black business suit and red tie that showed that he was all for the higher class. The aquatic stood with his hand folded behind his back, seeming to expect us by my calculations.
"He knew we were coming," I whispered to Falk.
Falk nodded. "I know. Stay on your toes."
My wolf friend pressed a finger on the wall a couple of times, yet I had no idea as to why. Maybe he had his reasons so I didn't even bother to question him. If this didn't work out, I was more than sure he already had a back-up plan ready just in case.
We stopped just as we entered the office, pulling our guns from their holsters and aiming them right at him. He didn't even seem fazed to be at gun point, but then again, not many of our targets were usually scared to be targeted. The orca just slowly turned around to meet our eyes, giving us a clear view of him and his menacing glare that I knew all too well.
He waked back to his desk, not even frightened by our guns, and sat down, looking at the both of us with a smug look. "I assume that you know that I knew you were coming for me, am I right?"
Falk grunted. "How did you know, Chambers?"
The orca just chuckled, taping his fingers on his digitalized desktop, displaying a holographic monitor that showed us walking through the building. "You thought you took out all my cameras, but I always make sure that I have a few that still remain operational even without the others online."
"Dammit," I cursed under my breath.
Chambers smiled. "But, as you can see, I have no power at this point right now. So, if you have any questions, please do ask me right away before my security comes to or else you're going to be in one hell of a fight. So please, take a seat."
I looked to Falk, who looked at me with a slight bit of concern. There was no turning back for us at this point, so if we were going to interrogate him now was the exact moment in time. I heard him curse while I set my gun back in my holster, pushing the seat he offered me away just in case it was rigged or something. Falk shot the chair a couple of times, making the seat electrocute itself and spark a few times.
I smiled right at the Task Master who seemed to frown. "I'm not that stupid, Chambers. I've been through enough traps to know what is and what isn't."
"Evidently so, but no matter," he responded, sitting back in his seat. "Tell me, what is it the Revolution wants? Money? Weapons? Vehicles?"
I shook my head while Falk took up position behind the man, keeping his gun aimed right at him. "What we want right now is intel, and I'm sure you know what intel we seek."
The orca sighed. "Ah, the poll numbers for the election for our newest Overlord, eh? That's it? I'm shocked, though I can't say I'm surprised since your Revolution tried to stop the one previous to this one ten years ago. To think, your people actually came very close to succeeding but you failed as you always will."
I gave him a very confident smirk which he seemed to feel uneasy about. "That was ten years ago. We've changed since then, and you're going to be surprised at what we can achieve now. This I promise you."
"How can you be so--"
"Sure?" I chuckled. "Because we have something you Task Masters and your damned Overlord don't have."
The orca grunted and looked at me. "And what might that be? For your information, we can get whenever we want whenever we want it. If I could, I could sell this city then buy it back with another, along with you and your friend in a matter of seconds. So, you tell me, what could you disgusting Revolutioners have that we will never have?"
I smiled. "We have conviction. We have hope. We have spirit. Sure, you guys may have deeper pockets than we do, but money can only buy so many things. It can't buy friendship or love."
"Bet," he retorted.
"I don't have time for foolish betting, Chambers," I replied, grabbing him by the throat before throwing him back into his seat. "Now, give us the numbers to the election or else my partner in crime behind you is going to give you two nice holes in the back of your head. What do you say?"
The aquatic looked at me then turned to face Falk, grinding his teeth against one another in anxiety and anger. I could tell that this guy was pissed off at us since we had beaten him to the punch around every corner. Task Master's like him used fear to subjugate their servants and slaves and nine times out of ten it usually worked, but not on us since both Falk and I had seen and felt enough of their anger to grow immune to it.
Chambers grunted then proceeded to his keyboard, typing in a bunch of codes and passwords just to get into his hard to crack system. Just before he seemed to stop, I stopped him instead.
"Oh, if you think about giving us the wrong numbers, you might want to start digging your grave," I stated as Falk took the safety off his gun. "While you're at it, give us the names of the candidates you've recommended as well, it'll give us potential targets of interest."
The man grunted again and cursed, typing in more codes to get through his firewalls. Even our highly qualified tech wizards back at home base would have trouble tracking a system as intricate and difficult as Chamber's system, if not as hard as cracking a Task Master's system in general. Systems like theirs had dozens of firewalls, required a bunch of codes and passwords, and needed perfect finger recognition to allow complete entry.
Though the database within them as difficult to crack, it wasn't impossible. We had managed it a few times before but it had taken careful timing and planning along with a few days to hack. Eventually we figured out that it was better to just infiltrate Task Master controlled buildings and go in and make them do it for us instead of it taking nearly a week.
Chamber's screen soon went green and dozens of digital folders began to appear on the screen. I got an idea. "Actually, you know what, transfer all the data you have in your database into my communicator as well as my friends'."
The orca grunted and balled his fists. "That was not a part of our little deal, you damned fox."
Falk pressed the nose of his gun against Chamber's head, making Chambers grunt in disdain. "Look who's in charge now, Chambers. You listen to him or I'm going to pretty up your face for the ladies, understand?"
He weakly growled at the both of us and dove deeper into his database. I linked my communicator to his system and began to download all the intelligence that I could. Soon did I find out that this guy has tons of files that were being transferred into my own database, finding out that this was more intel that my communicator could handle, I forced Chambers to cease downloading just after I received the numbers and names for the candidates.
I disconnected my connection to his database and allowed Falk to take in the rest, using my own gun to keep Chambers from doing anything stupid. More files began to flow into Falk's communicator until the files were soon gone from the screen, telling both him and me that we had drained his database dry of all his intel.
Falk nodded my way. "Alright, Chambers, we got what we came for so you no longer have to worry about us."
He growled at us. "I have nothing now! My entire database is gone!"
I smirked. "Maybe you should go on vacation. I hear the beach in Hawaii is pretty beautiful."
Chambers erupted from his seat and leaned forward at me, pinning both of my arms to the ground while trying to maul my face off. I thrashed against his grip, turning my head from side to side to keep him from killing me on the spot while Falk jumped atop him and threw him to the side. My wolf friend then grabbed one of his own stick-Tasers and threw it right at him, getting a direct hit on the aquatic. Chambers flailed and howled out in pain, taking the full force of electricity coursing through his body until it knocked him semi-out-cold.
Falk walked over to the half unconscious orca and knelt down while he twitched. "I'll see to it...that you both die for this..."
Falk chuckled and shook his head. "You'll see to nothing for the next couple of hours." He then pressed the orca's pressure point, waiting until the male was completely out cold. "And good night."
I went through both Falk and my databases, trying to search for the numbers and candidates. "Alright, I have both the poll numbers and candidates. How about we get out here and get some shut eye?"
We both nodded then proceeded towards the same route we took out of here. Not even ten seconds down the same hallway with the window walls, the both of us began to hear the stomping of boots and the rustling of equipment. He and I looked at one another and nodded, immediately sprinting back just as the flurry of bullets began to pound away at us. Dozens of soldiers blocked our escape, raining down thunderstorms worth of bullets right at us while we hid behind cover.
Falk took his pistol and began to shoot back at them, missing all five of his shots from the way he looked. I then took my own pistol and looked over the corner of my wall, taking three shots of my own, finding that only two of them had actually made a mark on the same soldier. I cursed just like Falk who just seemed persistent enough to return fire, taking out as many men as he could.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, we heard the click and clang of a mental ball, rolling right to our position.
"Grenade! Run!" I shouted, shooting forward along with my friend just as the explosion went off, blasting us forward and over Chamber's desk.
I looked over at my friend who was trying to make sense of everything, shaking his head trying to get his mind back in check. My ears rang as if a bell was ringing inside me and my eyes grew fuzzy. It took only seconds for me to get everything back in check, realizing that Falk was trying to cover the both of us.
He tossed me my gun and began to shoot back. I reloaded my weapon and waited for the bullets to die down on my side. Right when they did, I began to fire back with my friend, using up my entire mag on four soldiers.
Bullets grazed my skin and cut my fur, forcing me to take a knee and call for help. "Delta! Omega! We have a bit of a situation up here and could use a little help!"
There was no response for a few moments, which scared the hell out of me, but soon I got a reply from a familiar voice.
_ "Calm your tits, Arthur. I'm here to save your butt."_ Zoey replied.