Project X | Chapter XIII: Betrayal
Chapter XIII BETRAYAL _EX_ What laid in store for me as I leaned against my locker? I had no clue to be honest. Who wanted to talk to me on my first day about something so vague and undefined, and why not just ask me during school anyways? The...
Project X | Chapter X: Archangel
Chapter X ARCHANGEL _Ex_ Had there not been an arch and a few trashcans along the side of it, I was sure I would've taken a bullet for Hunter. Luckily for us, the bullet only grazed the corner of the arch, yet there was a small chunk of it...
Project X | Chapter IX: Clairty
Chapter IX CLARITY _Ex_ _ _ Right when I met Hunter, I thought I couldn't trust him since he was a part of the outside world. I changed my perspective of him once he took me out on what he called a "shopping spree" a week later. Maybe I had...
Project X | Chapter VI: Blackout
Chapter VI BLACKOUT _Ex_ At first, I didn't mind waking up from a pure black, dreamless sleep. I minded it soon after I realized I was lying in a bed. There were two things I noticed once I woke up. First off, my body was back to its regular...
Project X | Chapter V: Distanced
Chapter V DISTANCED _Ex_ "You're both going to shoot yourselves just so I can escape?" I exclaimed, having to shush myself once Alexander told me. Blake held his hands up. "We're not going to kill ourselves, Ex. A simple bullet to the knee will...
Project X | Chapter IV: Deception
Chapter IV DECEPTION _Ex_ I jumped face first onto my bed and groaned. If I had to pick any day of my life that I wish never existed, I would hands down have to pick this day just because of how bad it was. Everything ranging from my aching...
Project X | Chapter III: Impatience
Chapter III IMPATIENCE _Ex_ The rest of the week felt like a major blur. I remembered going outside for the first time ever Monday, but Tuesday through Saturday felt like I had been put through a blender and was too difficult to determine. Out...
Project X | Chapter II: Freedom
Chapter II FREEDOM _Ex_ It took me several moments to process what he had just said. My ears swiftly perked up after the statement, and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, and I had no idea why. I coughed. "Come again?" My reaction seemed to...
Project X | Chapter I: Awakened
Chapter I AWAKENED _Ex_ The sun woke me up, but I was used to that. Just because I was used to it doesn't mean I didn't like to be woken up in that manner. It was actually a pain, but a pain I had to deal with it every single day of every month...
Project X | Prologue: Origins
Prologue Origins The new breed of man all came from a test tube. At first, it was all a thought. It was a simple notion that a new breed of the perfect being could be created out of the culmination of science. The science behind cloning was already...
Revolution | Chapter XXIX: Night's Mercy
_Jupiter_ I tried and grabbed for the boy, yet I failed. I stood over the edge of the cliff and watched as he fell through the air then slammed into the water below. There was nothing I could do to stop him from making his own decision and he...
Revolution | Chapter XXVII: Final Moments
_Arthur_ "What the hell was that?" "That would be our ticket out of here," I replied, taking a few steps out of the door. I shut the doors just as the soldiers sprinted down the hallway, guns in hand. They were in a major rush to get to the...