A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:26

He planned to lead a fleet of 45 of schottrams finest warships to the shores of lesser norwulff to exact what he felt was long overdue revenge for the wolves heinous crimes.

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Tarase - The Story of Ibsin ad-la Adda

Just as they were nearing the island, a large warship came alongside, equipped with a full legion of ace warriors and guards-men. a tall redscale, wearing an officer's uniform stood in front of them all at the railing and shouted through a megaphone.


Shattered Feathers: Blockade. Chapter 1

"in the last year, we have engaged no less than twenty imperial warships either destroyer or larger. vesper.."

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Star Fox: Ascension #09 SACRIFICE

So far, they'd only managed to inflict damage, but not destroy, any of their opponent's warships. the admiral scowled. "admiral, we've got one imperial ship drifting too far ahead of their front line." someone shouted from tactical. "show me!"

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Zootopia: First Salvo 12

Last week, for the first time...two kzinti warships led two of their fishing boats into our waters, that was a definite in our face "we flip you the middle paw finger" insult from the kzinti and what was done about it? absolutely nothing!

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Fit for to Serve as a Soldier

It's not for the captain of a warship to join all the boarding parties..."

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EverQuest Timeline

The kings own warship, fetid plank, is lost with all hands. news of riles demise brings great mourning in the empire by the iksar. his first son atrebe assumes the imperial throne.

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter Fourteen

"uh, dart to blade - this isn't a warship," called nina as they sailed past below the roof-line of the ship. "it's a private yacht.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal

There were warships with mighty cannons surrounding the harbor. and it wouldn't be long before the monster would come face to face with a reckoning.

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Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive

\* \* \* a few hours later the raptor sped through warp space in front of several other confederation starships and three keldryian warships for added punch. they were still several hours out from nebulon space.

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Explosives can be much different for type and quantity from mission to mission, and include also heavy magnetic charges for pierce across the hull of warships, but usually each man has at least one or two charges of plastic explosive pe4, a more stable and



The terran warship is elusive. i found no record of their passage. perhaps if we--" "we're out of time. the general says we can't risk staying here. once vettin returns--_if_ vettin returns--we'll begin evacuation procedures."

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