Shattered Feathers: Blockade. Chapter 1

Story by Aleutian_Wolf on SoFurry

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The first chapter (hopefully) of many. Cheers and enjoy, if air pirates are your thing.

All Characters and copyrights belong to me, 2009-2012. Thanks for reading.

_Aleutian Dex copes with loss and a ghost. An old foe returns. The northern frontier becomes more deadly. _

The bullets snapped by Aleutian's head as he ran, pausing to level his sidearm and reply with deadly accuracy. Screams arose from the Imperial foot soldiers chasing them. The big wolf roared to his few crew that were with him, having to grab the beautiful coyote woman by the shoulder and drag her away from where she was crouched, the twin guns in her hands taking their toll on their pursuers. One of the fleeing people fell, back of his head exploding into a red cloud. The soldiers kept up the chase through the streets of the frontier city as Aleutian attempted to escape to his ship. Another fortified position was taken up, the running gun battle pausing enough for the him and his men, pirates from the cruiser REPULSE, to lay a withering counter fire on the Imperial Troopers.

_ It happened then, in slow motion: Preia Starle, his love, fell. The bullet tore into the coyote's torso, just below her heart. The look on her face was one of shock as her guns fell from her hands smoking.._

_ "NO!" Aleutian screamed, drawing bead on his enemy and emptying the 7 shots from his revolver. "No no no no no, gods no." The wolf pulled Preia close as the others in his crew covered them. "No my love, not here. Got to get you back to the ship, Doc will take good care of ya', don't you fret." He tried to stop her bleeding as she reached up and stroked the side of his muzzle_

_ "Aleutian, don't lie to me, heh." Preia gasped, trying to comfort the wolf that was on the verge of tears. "I won't be coming back from this mission...clipped my feathers....Funny, all we been through, I don't die on the wing." The gunfire slowed in their ears as she weakly pulled him close. "I l-love you-u, A-Aleutian Dex. Always ha-ave.."_

_ "You can't be rid of me this easy my lil Selith" Aleutian begged, trying to keep her awake. "I plan on having that little cabin in the Shale Mountains with you are going to be fine. I love you too bloody much."_

_ "I me a favor..."Preia gasped "Take me home...back to Vashanna.....and kiss me..."_

She pulled him close, gripping him desperately as she kissed him, the blood in her mouth a coppery sting in Aleutian's. "I'll wait a-at the gates for y-you......" Then her grip faded and she slipped into death as Aleutian's tears soaked into her fur. He held her for a moment longer, then drew his sword and charged, roaring the Starle family's battle cry.

_ _

"Captain?" The young gazelle man looked at the big wolf leaning on the rail of the bridge wing of the carrier REPULSE "Captain!"

The Wolf broke out of his deep thoughts and looked at the gazelle.

"Apologies, Mr. Gant, I was elsewhere. Continue..."

"Its ok Captain, happens to us all. We are approaching the landing field at Cass Jen. Beginning landing procedures."

Aleutian Dex simply nodded and took a deep breath, collecting himself as he straightened his jacket. Despite the fact that he and his crew were pirates, Aleutian ran a civil and well drilled vessel and crew.

"Thank you Mr. Gant." He walked onto the bridge and looked out the windows at the city. "Helm, start your decent to the field, 15 knots. Bring us in bow high. XO, call a briefing on the hanger deck in ten minutes." The wolf turned to the white tiger who stood near and

plot table. Her features were beautifully carved from marble, and while her look was one of sensuality, her flying leathers and uniform coat were the clothes of someone who was no stranger to death.

"Aye, Captain." D'nyell Lakara picked up the intercom phone and cued the general quarters address band. "Attention all hands, station leads, pilots and security teams meet on Hanger deck one, 10 minutes, for mission brief. Repeat, mission brief, ten minutes, Hanger one." The white tiger put down the intercom and looked at Aleutian. "You sure about this, Captain? Last time-"

"I know what happened last time, XO. Reminders are not necessary." The wolf snapped, then immediately regretted it. D'nyell was no stranger to this sort of loss. And the last time the REPULSE visited Cass Jen she herself had been gravely wounded. She blinked at the wolf's snarl and nodded. She had seen Aleutian at his worst....

"Landing crews, prepare to dock." D'nyell growled into the intercom. The REPULSE settled softly on the ground, her massive engines blowing up a huge dust cloud. Out the windows, Aleutian stared. The wolf gripped the pistol at his belt, then turned on his heel.

"XO, You have the bridge." He growled as he walked out the door and down the stairs.

"Aye, Captain" D'nyell looked after Aleutian as he headed out. Today would not be good.

Her face was serene as she lay on the platform, rich furs of her collar framing her. Aleutian, dressed in his Aleuterran Battle dress, stood above her with the torch in his hands. All around the wooden ship were mourners, funerary guard, Members of the Vashan Royal Family, and his crew. Queen Lesh raised her own candle, then cast it to the sand. The smartly drilled group of Vashan Corps Fer A'neghc, the most skilled and trusted of the Royal Guard, took up their positions and placed their hands on the boat's black hull. The Queen's order came softly as the funeral singers started to wail their song of sorrow for the fallen princess as the Corps Fer A'neghc pushed the ship into the black lake, the ripples of the ship's wake carving the reflection of the full moon. It was here that Aleutian was now truly alone with Preia. She had been dead for 7 days, the travel time to Vashanna and the grieving in the crypt. But Preia Starle had fallen in battle, and as all royal warriors, was to be buried in the lake. The wolf looked out over the black water....the Vashan Gate to the Afterlife. She said she would wait for him....

Turning back, he looked at her peaceful face again. He had failed to protect her. Aleutian Dex gazed around the ship he stood on, at its funeral goods and treasures, ornate carvings and weapons. Like in the traditions of old, where Vashan warriors were buried with their horses, the engine and wings of Preia's now disassembled fighter served as platforms for the spears, golden wine chalices, and rich tapestries. Riches beyond the wildest dreams of a pirate.. Aleutian straightened and looked at the sky. The tears flowed freely now as he howled at the moon, crying out his anguish to the Vashan and Aleuterran Gods, if they listened at all. He cursed them for taking her.

Putting the burning torch in a torch cradle, the wolf drew his sword and removed his breastplate. Lifting her hands gently, he replaced her sword with his own, and placed the breastplate at the foot of Preia's deathbed. He sheathed her sword in his belt, and leaned down to kiss her one last time. Her lips were cold, a mirror to the numbness in his heart.

_ "I will be along shortly, my queen." He spoke to her. "I love you." Picking the torch back up, he took a drink from the wine chalice, and set the deck ablaze._

"So, I dismantled the gear box and then put in the main drive gears for the prop box off of a Delmick radial. Slap it all together and you get more of the big straight 8's snort to the back wheels and.......Captain, you hearin' me?" Vesper Jarzee gave the big wolf a nudge, snapping him out of his daydream. He flicked his ears as his hand gripped his pistol.

"Aye, I am. Just distracted is all." Aleutian watched the world go by him. People in the streets bustled about. The truck wove its way through the busy streets. The markets teemed with life. Food stands, supply merchants, gypsies, the lot, with vibrancy rarely seen on a ship. He missed it. The old life that was almost a dim myth in his past.

"I imagine, with what happened last time..." The doe trailed off as she shifted a gear. Aleutian just sighed and looked away. As one of his crew in the back of the truck started talking to Vesper, the wolf looked down, the patch on his coat still not as worn as the rest of the leather. He could still feel the pain...

"Why don't you forgive yourself?" Preia asked as she lay across the hood, invisible to all but him. Her red wings folded behind her as she winked. "I know you lay with Vesper....and that wolfen girl who works in the radio shop... You take your lust out on them, and don't try to move on." She gave him a coy look that only a coyote could muster. "I'm flattered you think of me, but I am dead. Even though I'm waiting at the gates, I can't ask that you stop living your life. You should find some sweet young thing, have sons and daughters. Live for what we all have died for."

"Harder than you think.." The wolf flicked his ears, as Preia suddenly appeared in his lap, arms around his neck. She weighed nothing. Because She isn't really here. His mind told himself as he looked into her eyes. The white front of her shirt was still red with blood, the holes in her chest looking like dark red gems. She kissed him and whispered in his ear.

"You shouldn't have come back to Cass Jen..."

"Captain," Keh Gros, a young but scarred antelope, tapped his shoulder as Vesper stopped the Husker in front of a restaurant. "We're here, sir." Aleutian looked at him, then back to his chest. Preia was gone. Who was he kidding...she was never there.

"Lovely. Lets get this mess over with." The wolf stepped out of the truck, a good foot taller them most of his crewmen on this little excursion. Aleutian turned to the young antelope and two others, a feline and another canid. "Bask, Gros, Merrick, stay with the truck. I want eyes open to anything. Just because the Imperial Garrison pulled out of here months ago does not mean a damn thing to me. For all I know, they put on the show to get us to visit again. Vesper and Ridley, you are with me. We make this quick. The fact that there will be over a dozen pirate and resistance captains here makes this place priority target number one. Eyes wide, people." Aleutian straightened his coat and turned toward the restaurant, the doe and muscle bound monitor lizard close behind. The others took up position to watch all points. This may have been a crew of pirates, but they were drilled and well trained, many former military.

"You are not doing it, my love." Preia whispered in his ear. Neither Vesper or Ridley could hear or see the coyote's spirit, only Aleutian Dex. "Here, sing it with me.....A king's man-o-war, making for the fight, Sailing for the lowlands low." It was a song they used to sing to each other, during the war...during the dark times after. Aleutian hummed the baseline under his breath as the trio walked across the street. He sang it to her while she died in his arms... _ "We dance to the music of our gallant guns, With harmony of small-arms and splinters..."_ The wolf sang quietly as they walked up to the door. Vesper and Ridley looked at him, unsure if they had actually just heard their captain singing. Ridley, who had joined the crew only in the last year, had never seen his captain in any way other then the stoic wolf that paced the bridge.

"Beggin' yer pardon, Captain?" The large reptile asked, unsure.

"It's a song, Ridley. An ancient sea song of glorious battle and death." The wolf looked at him and smiled, his left hand loosely gripping the gun on his belt. "Always been good luck... Keep close. The last time the Captain's league met, it ended badly. Let me do the talking. Anything happens, you two get back to the ship. Vesper-" Aleutian looked at her. "You know my orders from there."

With both replying with "Ayes", the wolf pushed the heavy wooden door open. Inside was dark, musty with dust and pipe smoke. Smells from the kitchen permeated the air. Most patrons were hidden in shadow, few heads turning to see who had entered. All except the group seated in the back, who all turned to face the three new comers. Pirate and Resistance captains all, the group numbered a dozen or so. Many faces there last time were absent, a sign that the fight was going badly for them. Several, Aleutian noticed to his dismay, were captains who had not fallen..

"It is about time, Captain." A gruff female voice rolled from the shadow, mixed in with a cloud of smoke. "We almost started without you."

"A pleasure to see you again, as always, Captain Corlone." His voice made no effort to hide the sarcasm. "I was not aware there was a time. If there was, it should have been on the invitation as RSVP. Some ruffles would have been nice too."

The knifepoint being buried in the table made several jump as Captain Me'hal Corlone leaned out of the shadow, growling. Her left eye was milk white, heavy scars down the side of her armored face. The crocodile was one of the few captains of the Separatist Navy to survive the slaughter, and her ship, the Far Reach Defiance, was one of the most powerful ships in the north. Her history with Aleutian was rocky at best, with her attempting to take REPULSE several times to use in her guerrilla war against the Empire. "I'll cut your heart out, you worthless pup!"

"Not if your other eye is spinning on the floor." The wolf snarled back, leaning over the knife.

"Enough, Captains, both of you sit down." Gan Barrett said as he glared at both. The heavy antlered head swept in Aleutian's direction. "We were just discussing the new convoy measures taken by the Imperial fleet. They are starting to be a problem. You operate on the southern borders. Has the REPULSE encountered any larger forces?"

The pirates all looked at Aleutian. Of all here, Aleutian commanded the largest pirate vessel in the north, and easily one of the most powerful. While none wanted to admit it, he was probably the most visible and successful pirate threat here.

"Unfortunately, yes. The REPULSE has had a few run in's with the new fleet." The wolf leaned back in his chair. "In the last year, we have engaged no less than twenty Imperial warships either destroyer or larger. Vesper.." The doe behind him handed him a map, which he stood and spread on the table for the other captains to see as he pointed at a major crossroads in the mountain passes. "Here, three days ago, we traded shot and shell with two Imperial Carriers and their escorts. We knocked out several, but I lost six planes and the REPULSE suffered some severe damage. These two carrier boats are the BILISKNER and KILGRATHIA. They are known as the "Twin Sisters." Captain Corlone, for all her hatred for me, will agree with me on this: They are elite in the Imperial Fleet. That fleet is coming to stomp out the Resistance and cut down the freelance pirates." Aleutian glanced around the table. "They are delayed, for one reason only. BILISKNER is damaged. One of my pilots took out her starboard engine. His fighter tore the prop hub off and most likely damaged her main shafts. We have a few weeks, but that won't stop KILGRATHIA from patrolling the immediate vicinity of her sister ship. Actions against this ship and her escorts alone are going to end badly for whoever runs afoul of her."

"Are you sure of that? Just because you ran does not mean that another ship with a more determined captain couldn't defeat her one on one." Finsh Jepp said, an unpleasant ferret who captained the pirate vessel BIG SPENDER.

"Last I recall, Jepp, I said something about dumping your guts out of your belly last time we met. Shall we get it out of the way now or later? " The wolf thudded his Culhain knife into the table a scant whisper from the ferret's fingertip, bringing everyone reaching for their guns and murmurs to rise loudly.. "Shut up and realize that this is a fucking serious situation. Seriously, differences need to be put aside in coming days." Aleutian drew the knife from the table and sheathed it again. "Aside from REPULSE, Corlone's ship is the only one that can match the imperial ships one on one in respect to firepower. And that is one on one, not one on 10 or more."

"Dex is right." Me'Hal said as she took a drag off her pipe. "The other ships that are represented in this room are ill equipped to engage an Imperial carrier and her escorts, let alone two. So, wolf, what is it you propose?"

Aleutian shrugged and nodded to Gan. "The old one is the head of this council, such as it. The choice is his as to what should be done." He pulled the goggles off his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "Personally, I think if any of our vessels need to be repaired and resupplied, we do it here, now, with shifts of vessels flying patrol to give warning. We work together here, and then decisions can be made in regards to a unified action."

The captains spoke to each other as the old Elk rested his elbows on the table, looking around and viewing reactions from the captains.

"Yes, I agree with Captain Dex." The Elk said, loud enough to stop the talking around him. "I believe that none of us trust each other enough to fight together immediately. This refitting period will be a trial run for this plan that Captain Dex has proposed. As of right now, I am decreeing a truce between all pirate and resistance captains in Cass Jen. I will not tolerate any violence between you all seated here, nor your crews. Your words, as captains here.."

A murmur of "Ayes" and "Yays" rose from the group as they all stood and prepared to leave. Aleutian sat down and poured himself a drink as Gan instructed the first two captains to take patrols. Corlone glared at the wolf as he sipped the harsh liquor from the ceramic cup.

"You have a lot of nerve returning here, Dex." The crocodile growled as the wolf simply looked at her, stone emotionless. "It was your fault they came here last time."

"Our fault." Aleutian corrected her, making a motion gesturing to the leaving pirate captains. "Our fault, not just mine. We all thought it wise to meet in an Imperial controlled city. WE dropped the ball here. And as a result, people died." His words were cold, and it was apparent to the crocodile that the wolf was a completely different person. "A lot more are going to as well. If you can't stomach that fact, burn your ship and give up. Not like we stand a chance to turn this tide anyway."

"A grim outlook, Captain Dex.." Gan Barrett said as he returned to the table. "Me'Hal, go back to your ship please. If your guns are needed I want that prime crew of yours fast on their feet."

"Aye Sir. You'll have them.." Corlone glared at Aleutian with her good eye. "This isn't finished, Dex."

"Never is. Not until one of us is dead." Aleutian promptly snapped before tossing the rest of his drink, then reached for the bottle again. The crocodile snarled and marched out the door as the wolf poured another drink and then one for the old elk as he sat again. Aleutian waved Vesper and Ridley away, to go have a drink or some such. "Something on your mind, Gan? You have that look."

"There is always something on my mind. It comes with age." The Elk took a drink of the glass handed to him, and grimaced. "Aleuterran Whiskey is too damn harsh for an old beast like me. Barmaid! An ale here please!" Gan looked at the wolf across the table from him as Aleutian tossed the drink back like water, and poured another. The wolf was a good 25 years his younger, but Gan felt could see the age of an elder had fully settled around him. The wolf's hair was streaked with grey, his fierce eyes tired, his clothing and jacket worn. "We are in trouble, Aleutian."

"When are we not?" Aleutian leaned back in his chair, handing the barmaid a few coins for Gan's ale, dismissing the elk's offer to pay. "Pirates and resistance fighters are all on the Imperial Navy's list for the execution block. Some more then others." He paused to take another drink. "The simple fact that the Twin Ladies are here is proof that they are stepping up their campaign. How they can afford it is beyond me. Maybe they have stopped any sort of financial commerce in the south."

The elk sipped his ale quietly. He was unsure how to approach his next words.

"Do you know who commands this new fleet?" Gan spoke solemnly. Having been an Intelligence officer during the war, Gan Barrett had more than a few informants in the Imperial Military. "It's Commander Fesh Delaht."

He could see the fire flare in the eyes of the wolf, though the rest of him did not show any other signs of recognition. All pirates knew of Fesh Delaht. A sand dragon from South Caprisis, He was the premier specialist and hunter of pirates in the Imperial Fleet, often times pursuing his prey to the point of madness. He almost caught Aleutian and the REPULSE in Cass Jen last year....

"I see...Why does it not surprise me that you feel the need to tell me and only me this news?" The wolf pulled his pistol and set it on the table, then two bullets from his breast pocket of his flying coat, setting them next to the pistol. Reloads, by the look. "One of those is for him. The other..."

"Now you are talking like a selfish stupid pup." The elk snapped. He would be dammed if the wolf was going to play this game. "The reason I asked you here is not to just tell you about Delaht. We need you. The Council needs you."

"What the hell for?" Aleutian growled, leaning over the table.

"I have named you my successor." The elk said, taking a long drink. "You have been chosen as the head of this council."

"Absolutely Not."

"Why is that, Captain?"

"I don't bloody want it. Who's damn foolish idea was that?"


"Begging your pardon, Gan, but you should stop drinking before meetings."

"Oh, I was and still am quite sober."

"Why the hell do you want me to lead this council."

"Your experience."

"As what? A fighter plane driver? I'm sure as hell no politician."

"No, your experience in the Military." Gan motioned the barmaid to fill his mug again. "You are a strategic prize, Aleutian. Ever since your defection. You know, there has been no major changes to the Imperial Military policies and practices since you left? You are the key to the underbelly of the Imperial Battleplan. You know their tactics, and how to rally men. People follow you. REPULSE is one of the few ships that is always fully crewed...It is because of who you are. You attract loyalty, and give those who serve you hope. We need that.

"Corlone has military experience. Hell, her ship is in better shape than REPULSE and her crew better trained. They are still Navy Regulars." Aleutian argued. Head of the Pirate Council? Ha!

"She has the training, but she is reckless, driven by rage." Gan replied. "Her latest actions have nearly gotten her blown out of the sky."

"And what the hell do you think drives me?!?" Aleutian snarled. "I know what Corlone lost. I was there! Call me selfish, but my reason makes hers pale in comparison."

"I know what you lost, Captain. I cared for Preia like a daughter, but we both know she would kill you if you went down the road Corlone has."

Aleutian blinked as he felt her ghostly hands slide around his shoulders, the feel of her breasts against his back, her lips soft on his cheek.

"He's right, you know." Preia's ghost whispered in his ear. "You are grieving...but you haven't descended into madness like Me'Hal. You are stronger then that....You just have to see it my love..."

"I don't know, Gan... I just don't know." Aleutian looked at his empty glass. "I need some time to think about it.."

"I know you do. You have two days." The elk stood up and pulled on his cloak, and put his hat on. "I know what tonight is. I imagine you have something planned. As of now, the REPULSE is to take her turn patrolling in two days as well. Get what you need to done, Aleutian. You are really the only chance the North has to keep this Imperial Cloud at bay. Good Night.."

With that, the old elk, his antlers showing the scars of nearly 30 years of war, walked to the door and left, leaving the wolf staring into an empty whiskey glass, trying to read his future in the last drops of whiskey there..

The main hanger of the REPULSE was a huge space when cleared of aircraft. Most of her birds were on deck, and those that were not were festooned in lights that the mechanics had strung together. Tables lined with food and drink was set up around the open deck. It was a ship party, a tradition from the days of sail that the captain liked to have if the chance was ever gotten. Tonight was one such chance. The girls from the crew's favorite port side Inn were there, dressed in lace finery that shone under the lights. The female crew members of REPULSE matched them, in finery that was from all around the north, gathered in their travels. Male crew wore their best, with hair and beards cut, bodies washed and generally presentable. Due to the backgrounds of the crew, former military as most were, this was not an impossible task. The lady of the Rusting Hull Inn, Nancy Gellsk, swept through the party, as elegant as a butterfly, the towering mare checking on food and drink, making sure all there were served and topped off. The ship's band tuned their instruments on the improvised stage, which was the back of one of the REPULSE's Husker flatbed trucks. The XO, D'nyel , was sporting an evening gown sliced clean to her hip, making more than a few look her way. Her ice cold eyes however, turned away any advancement. Ground Chief Vesper Jarzee had traded in her coveralls for a dress that plunged in the front, showing ample cleavage while the lower half was painted on her wide hips and legs, the purple material bringing out the auburn in her hair and fur. Other members of the crew strolled about, in finery that was seldom seen on a pirate ship.

Aleutian Dex stood looking out over the city from the hanger door. His uniform was that of the Separatist Air Corps, tan with the long leather duster. The wide brim brush hat was tucked under his arm, with only one medal on his chest. The rest of the uniform was devoid if insignia. nothing left on it to tell the world that this wolf was the most dangerous pilot of the Separatist War, nothing to tell of his past in the world's most devastating event. Nothing to betray the fact he was once known as the Tev' Lakh Aleutash, The Aleuterran Death. Only the tired look in his eyes, the age, betrayed the life that the Aleuterran wolf had seen, the people he lost.

"You used to enjoy these parties" Preia said as she appeared next to him. The coyote was dressed in a black gown, painted on her frame.. Her wings tucked behind her, the bullet wounds in her chest fresh but unbleeding. "You used to dance."

"A long time ago, maybe...." The wolf looked at the ghost, the memories flooding back. "Things have changed. The world has changed." He turned back to the lights of the city. "I love you, Preia. Nothing has been the same, since I have lost you..."

"Nonsense, Aleutian. Nothing has changed my love. You are still who you are, still the good man I loved." The ghost whispers in his ear. "You are not letting yourself heal. You are still capable of being everything you wanted and more...what we had was beautiful. But I am cannot follow me yet.

"Only because they won't let me in the gates if I take my own life." He looked at her, already knowing the scowl on her face.

"Looking for death is just as foolish, Aleutian. Death will find you when you are truly ready to face her. I already told you, I'll wait.."

"Captain, we have a problem." D'nyel walked up, hips swinging but her face grim and eyes cold. "Uninvited guests..." She gestured to the main hanger floor, to a group of officers strolling around. All wore the uniforms of the Imperial Navy, and those of the crowd parted around them. The leader of the group strolled around, hands behind his back and a smug smile on his face.

Aleutian snarled under his breath and cursed, then stood and smiled at his executive officer.

"Well, I better go welcome our guests."

Imperial Commander Fesh Delaht smugly walked around the party, his four body guards towering behind him, as all eyes fell on him. Last time he had been on this ship, he had been a young pilot, fiercely competitive in his ace standing against another Imperial pilot. The Sand Dragon wore a chest of medals and a coldly pleased look in his eye. His presence caused fear in these rabble, sowed the seeds of doubt. Fesh Delaht's cruelty and methods in his mission against the piracy problem were well known. And the clank of his iron leg on the metal deck made the reality of his presence known.

"Welcome Aboard, Commander Delaht." Aleutian Dex's voice boomed out over the floor, causing all to turn and face him. The wolf confidently walked toward the dragon and the Imperial officers. It infurated the dragon, the smug way Aleutian Dex carried himself, a slim she wolf on one arm and the voluptuous doe on the other. Delaht prided himself on his noble bloodline, and the fact that this wolf he so clashed with was "above his standing", as the dragon's father would have phrased it, angered him to no end.

"I see you gentlemen have found the refreshment table." Dex smiled as he motioned to the young pirate who was serving drinks. "Five glasses of our finest wine for the Commander and his men."

"Still playing the part of the Nobleman, I see." Delaht spoke in a light airy voice. "A position of which you are not of. Such an actor, Officer Dex. No, thank you." He motioned the offered glass away as he used Aleutian's former Imperial rank, gauging his opponents reaction. Aleutian shrugged, took Delahts glass and in one gulp, drank down the wine, setting the glass on the table and smiling.

"I see you are still protesting my rise through the ranks in your own way, Leftenant. Course, you never did pay much attention to the Seperatist's military hierarchy. Which is a bit strange, knowing your penchant for the pecking order." The wolf said as he nuzzled the curvy doe and whispered for her to have the band play. Vesper and the she wolf, Miran, turned and strutted away, knowing that Delaht's men would be watching them. This was all part of Aleutian's revenge on Delaht himself. In the war, the dragon had lost much, while the wolf remained the charismatic and inspiring leader, surrounded by loyalty from his men an favorable attentions from the women. It took all of Fesh Delaht's will not to lash out at him. "What brings you to my ship, Commander?"

"YOUR ship, Officer Dex?" The dragon spoke loudly for all to here, a slight jeer in his tone. "This is a ship of the Imperial Navy. You could call this an inspection, of a lost vessel soon to be returned to a place of glory as a monument to the glory of Imperial Terios." He looked around at the gathered pirates and guests. "After she is liberated and all of you hanged for piracy and treason of course..."

The big wolf simply smiled, but his look was no longer one that reflected any suffering of fools. A swift step brought him nose to nose with Delaht. The two were the same height, but Dex was built like a tree while Delaht was a slim form, offset by the steel claw holding him up.

"You assume to insult my crew, board my ship without permission, and threaten me. I see the lesson about arrogance that cost you your leg fell on deaf ears." The wolf tapped the steel leg with the steel toe of his boot, the clicking echoing across the now silent hanger, all those present watching in intently. "I will gladly be there when you fall."

"Why wait, Dex? Why not end this now?" The dragon hissed back.

"Last I recall, Delaht, you were no good with a gun, dueling or on a fighter plane. You saying you have the sand to challenge me?"

"Challenge you, ha, my dear Officer Dex, no..." Delaht smirked, supreme in his standing and position over this Aleuterran, regardless of standing in his own nation.

"I expect you to surrender."

No sounds were heard as the whole world seemed to stop. It was a well known fact that to suggest surrender to an Aleuterran while there was still a means to fight was an insult of the highest order. Aleutian Dex's eyes flared with rage, and then he smiled.

"I see your injury left you with some humor. I regret to inform you, Commander Delaht, that this is a private party, to which you must have and invitation." He stepped back and looked at the large reptilian body guard to Delaht's left. "You, Imperial. What is your rank?"

The guard looked at his comrades, then back at the wolf. "Major Sargent, sir."

"Master Sargent, Please escort Commander Delaht off of my boat and back to his aircraft." Aleutian's tone said it was not a suggestion as he looked back at Delaht. "This airspace is hazardous to Imperial craft. Do you require an escort back to your vessel?"

"No, Officer Dex, though your candor is appreciated." The dragon said as they turned and headed toward the ramp. Pausing in the doorway, Fesh Delaht turned and looked at Aleutian, a sneer on his snout. "By the way, Dex, ask Commander Preia Starle how my shooting has improved...Have a good evening."

With that they strode out into the darkness, leaving the cold fire raging in Aleutian Dex's eyes, though he showed little emotion on his face. Turning back to his guests, the wolf broke out in a smile and raised his arms.

"Well, that was a waste. And to think, he could have enjoyed some dancing with one of these fine young ladies in their finery! Assuming of course the young ladies here don't mind getting out the oil can on occasion!" The hanger erupted with laughter as the wolf motioned to the band. "Music! There'll not be a band and drink on my ship without celebration! Enjoy all, and be merry!" The crowd cheered and shouted their praise as Aleutian poured a drink and toasted them, the music flowing once again.

On the catwalk above the hanger, D'nyel stood watching the party unfold as Bronze leaned against the railing next to her. At almost eight feet tall, the walrus who served the Repulse's mighty engines as her Chief Engineer seemed terribly imposing, even in his rather fine pressed suit, though it was just as awkward on him as D'nyel's revealing cocktail gown was on her.

"Something bothering you, Chief?" She asked, noting his furrowed brow of concern.

" It's something I can't explain..." he looked down at the crowd and then back to her. "I could have sworn that I heard the Gates O' Hell clang shut on us... I know it sounds crazy, but mother always told me I could hear the gods.."

"Nonsense, Bronze." The tigeress smiled. "You heard them all right. But instead of closing on us, they were closing on Delaht....He's trapped in Hell with Aleutian Dex now..."