Venom: Beautiful Killers Part 4

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* imbroglio is a nice, rustic-looking restaurant in the suburbs of los angeles. it lies just in front of a strip mall and next to a major road.

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New Perspective, Chapter One: Denial

The duo walked along the city streets in silence, until they reached the suburbs. they walked silently down parker street, and into a mundane white house with a giant 27 on the mailbox. "all right, mi casa es su casa, shoes off, please."

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War - Chapter 2 - The Storm

Most parents wouldn't trust such a young child out by themselves, let alone in the suburb they lived, with a dense thicket of trees starting at the end of the block. but jenny had put her trust in her son, and so far he had proven to be trustworthy.

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Friends of the Dragon

Platform 4, which served the eastern suburbs where will had once briefly lived in a foster home, seemed just as it should, its clean lines of red and yellow brick marking

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Up To Bat

\>you smile and offer her a hand \>"home" \>your apartment isn't in the country by a long shot, but it is in the suburbs \>it's pretty nice that your town still decided that trees and forests were a pretty neat concept, with both dotting all around

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Late night walks with my mate Fleek

After they had given up i truncated the walk somewhat and took a few short cuts to get us back home sooner, fortunately it was just a local area walk, there would have been no short cuts if we had caught a train to a few suburbs away as we often did

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Children Chapter 7: Family Matters

He pulled back on the throttle and they were off, cruising gently in the suburbs while he talked to her.

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Dream Big

He lifted those fat, musclebound legs of his, crashing them down beyond row after row of houses, all the way up until he reached the main road between where the suburbs finished and the edge of the city proper started.

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Tease Anthology 1

The heel hit first, smashing into the ground with the force of an asteroid, completely obliterating the suburbs on the south side of town.

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Gothic Cathedrals

The kind who lived in suburbs. no, the world would have to wait. maybe forever. but, then, that's why god gave us dreams ... was the mouse's reassuring self-smile. you're alive.

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Leaving Home

The one time someone wasn't being nosy in the suburbs, it was when something was _actually_ happening. nearly falling face-first into the door, windy shoved it open, grunting softly. "mom," he said, his knees shaking. "windy?"

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom: chapter 1 - Curtain

Outside, it was even quieter than my home in the suburbs. hardly any insects. rarely a bird, and none of them sang. without all the furs going about their business, it was just a paved-over waste. back in the car. at least i had some supplies now.

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