Hollow Bones
Hollow bones and all that. we're frail, we can't take a hit; i know you've heard it. people are always going to try to take advantage of that. when they do, there are two ways we can react.
Fight For The Bone
If i don't get to have this entire bone to myself, nobody can!" the scrawny coyote threw the bone. he threw it so hard that when the bone collided with a nearby cactus, it sliced in clean in half!
The Bone Grinder
Morning rose over Asgard as Zeng awoke with a fierce headache and several mead cups in his room, then he heard the sound of a female moaning next to him and noticed he was completely naked and next to him was the valkyrie Tanya from last night. Many...
Bones behind glass
bones behind glass. just out of reach. sentiments behind words. subtle but visible. thinly veiled, the threats lie beneath glass. bones, i think of death. sentiments, i think of love. both play a part in each other.
"Solving" - Thursday Prompt 20/04/23
Then, he instructed kuveli to lean the bone against one of the stones on the edge of the firepit, and hit it with the hammerstone. kuveli was sceptical, he had tried so much already, and would singing the bone make that much of a difference?
Sparks of Friendship REWRITE!
When he saw me carrying all the meats and the bone, his tail started wagging and he panted. "whoa!" shouted silver, "where did you get all this meat and the bone? aw, who cares?"
Blood and Dirt and Bone
Named for the trivium song 'through blood and dirt and bone', you might notice why (it's pretty shallow, there's not a ton of meaning here).
Dragon's Pride 5
Her friends also found some other dragon bones and also human skeletons in the place. dracokin had become a mass grave for those fighting in here.
Madkat Chance, Part 1 [COM/STORY]
T-bone asked, his civilian identity now compromised. the jester toy cracked with malice. "never mind that, muchacho! in fact, you won't have to worry choosing between being chance the mechanic and t-bone the pilot vigilante anymore! you know why?"
Bone King: Drunken Shenanigans
#2 of bone king post-strike. a little filler fun and to help keep the gears turnings (since i'm running on a dry patch right now). it was all their fault. nothing to do with bone king at all. >_> okay, maybe a little bit...
Cinder And Bone: Chapter One
The bone held fast, despite the pinsir's clearly strained efforts to break it. frustrated, the bug type reared back, lifting the bone into the air. as marowak retained a firm grip on his bone, this placed him directly on the bug's face.
Dry Bone’s Babying Punishment
Once in the nursery, bower laid the dry bones down his crib and strapped his arms and legs down. "you may not like this now, baby bones, but by morning, i doubt you mind too much." bowser chided.