The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twelve
He felt a little bad for antagonizing adlis like that, especially after the promises she had made for him. was that any way to treat the person who had promised to give him the only thing he still wanted out of life?
Beelzemon x reader: im in love with you
Keep finding myself looking up at the setting sun that shined orange as i repeat to my self from day one when i met him for all the colors in the world that i could have pick to like ....i chose you , that special someone to come back to me just like he promised
I promise guilmon...we'll be together again soon i promise." takato said aloud just as the portal closed up.
Blood on Ice - Chapter Four
"it means that you will do what i say if you promise it, no matter what," sage told me. "so if you promise, then you'll never use the dagger unless your life depends on it." the concept was unfamiliar with me but i nod. "i promise too then."
A warm memory on a cold night
Will you promise to love me from every sunrise to every sunset if i promise to adore everything about you and never stop telling you i love you?
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 12
"i promised i would come back." "no matter what. and you kept that promise, as i knew you would..." her hands suddenly clenched tightly, scrunching up her dress around her knees, and her shoulders started to shake. "no... that's a lie..."
Part 15 Dragoune\'s rescue
"okay i promise not to do that again, but i am not sure if i can keep that promise if it means that i have to break the promise of keeping you safe and i will never break that one." dragoune said holding saneira very close to him.
Blue Glow
...i'll be back, i promise! i promise!" he said quietly, trying to convince himself that it was true. he had already changed their number and the listed address that he was living at.
Twin Shadows(chapter 1)
Did i not promise all of you no harm? did i not promise you, mayor, sir, that i only wanted to help you? nothing more?" "yeah, right shyde!" the mayor exclaimed, gritting his teeth.
Beckon of Light
"we'll work on that, love, we'll work on that" i felt that his promise was neither empty nor hollow and it may be successful... it will be!
Chapter 5: Commitment
#6 of duty marcus makes reis promise him that he will be careful, and promises that he will stay out of his way. chapter five: commitment "thanks for stopping by, guys!"
The Continuation
I promise, i'll come home soon." "promise?" "promise." i hope dad keeps his promise. so anyway, nothing much happened on sunday. the next day, i did my regular morning routine and went to school.