Chapter 5: Commitment

Story by ArgoDD on SoFurry

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#6 of Duty

Marcus makes Reis promise him that he will be careful, and promises that he will stay out of his way.

Chapter Five: Commitment

"Thanks for stopping by, guys!"

Joji waived from the porch of his house as Reis and Marcus headed to Reis's old pickup truck. Reis gave one last wave as he opened the driver's side door. "Thanks again for having us, Joji!"

"Remember, I'll be by eight sharp Monday morning!"

"I'll see ya then!" Reis got into the truck, shut the door, and put on his seatbelt as Marcus hopped up into the passenger seat.

A few minutes after driving off, Reis noticed that Marcus had been particularly quite. "You okay?" he asked. Marcus had his head leaned across the window with his arms folded.

"Huh...oh...yea I'm fine."

Reis's face shifted into the concerned look that Marcus had grown to know too well. Marcus raised his tired eyes. "Really I'm okay. Just exhausted...this week's been a lot to handle."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing bad. Just a bit much readjusting to this place, I guess. You know, it's strange."

Reis lightened his face. "It's not as bad as I remember. To be honest, after all that time in Florentine, I guess I realize now that kinda missed this place."

Marcus shot up in his seat. "How can you say that? This place has too many bad memories. High school, your arrest, your mother..."

"Please, Marc," said Reis glaring. "Let's not bring that up right now."

Marcus sat back in his chair. "I'm sorry, Reis."

"I know it's weird at first," he said. "That's how I felt eight months ago. But I promise you it's different now that I'm doing something and...and I guess I feel more comfortable with the familiar."

"But what about your plan? To start here so that you can transfer somewhere...maybe closer to me..."

Reis looked back at Marcus with an inconclusive expression.

"I'm just starting, Marc. Things are still up in the air right now."

Marcus, lowered his head. Reis placed his paw on his knee.

"It's gonna be fine. You'll see. And we got each other again right now, don't we?" Reis kissed Marcus on the cheek, which Marcus returned with a long smile. "Thanks Marc."

"For what?"

"For doing this. Coming back out here. I know how much you wanted that internship back in Florentine. But you came back out here, even though I know how much you wanted to wash yourself of this place after all that's happened. You came back for me."

Reis stopped the truck abruptly, confusing Marcus for a second until he realized that they were in their house's driveway. Reis rested his head on the steering wheel, his blue eyes tearing a little.

"No one's ever done that for me before. And...and you came back just when I was beginning to think that you'd moved on. I was beginning to think that I lost you."

Marcus quickly wrapped his arms around Reis's large neck, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Reis, look at me..." Reis lifted his head. "I will never move on. Not from you. I never want you to think that ever again. You mean too much to me. Believe me, the last few months have been just as tough on me. I was afraid that...maybe you moved on."

Reis took Marcus's face into his paws. "Marcus..." he sighed, "I want you to know that I will always love you with all my heart. And let me tell you, I still don't know if I' know...completely gay like you or if I just chose to be: like you said. But you know what? I don't care if I never know, so long as you're here. And now you've shown me that you really will be here for me... always."

Marcus pressed his lips against Reis's. When they parted, Marcus took Reis's left paw and kissed the ring on it. Reis smiled. "You don't need to prove your stamina to me, baby. You really need to get some sleep."

As the two entered the house, arm in arm, they noticed a gray light flickering from the living room; the TV was running. Reis yawned, "I must've forgot to turn it off before we left." Marcus approached the TV, picking up the remote.

"It's almost midnight, Marc. Just come to bed," Reis said wrapping his arms around Marcus from behind.

"I will, I just want to see what's going on at the top of the hour. It'll only take a sec."

Midnight. The local news came on with the familiar otter lady.

"Good evening. I'm Amy Shaffer and this is your local news at twelve. As of earlier tonight, there has been a shooting in downtown Mayfield on Brier Street. A twenty year old man has been killed. The Chemung County Police Department has not released the name of the young man. This is the fifth deadly shooting this year and, according to some locals, certainly not the last."

Marcus could feel Reis shaking his head against his ears. "Horrible." On the TV, an old leopard wearing a red cap appeared. Beneath him was a caption that read: Tim Dole, resident.

"I think that's appalling that this is still happening. The new refineries have been bringing more crime into the area. I thought the Sheriff promised to combat this problem head on once he got into office. And now we're already above the amount of murders we had last year."

The screen switched back to female otter.

"The Chemung County Police Department has not yet commented on the incident, but it is expected to do so soon. Sheriff Joji Barkin was elected last November in a special election to replace Sheriff Rader, who was removed from office following ethical violations, to become the youngest Sheriff in the state. He campaigned on creating a new department responsive to the county's recent spikes in crime. Being up for re-election this November for a full term, we are almost certain to hear from the Sheriff on the progress he's made on his promises..." Reis clicked off the TV.

"Come on, babe. Let's get some sleep."

Marcus hung from Reis arms as the two walked put the stairs, trying to hold up his other half against the railing. He was sore all over, but he still had a few more tricks up his sleeve that he wanted to surprise Reis a few minutes. But even though his body won't keep him down (in regards to exhaustion) he could not focus. Marcus's mind swarmed with the implications of the day. When they finally got to the top of the stairs, Reis looked over to Marcus.

"There's something bothering you."

Marcus collected himself and locked his stabbing yellow eyes with Reis's penetrating blues, running the end of his muzzle against his lover's ash gray fur. Reis gave a very light smile, only a step above a straight face.

"What's the matter, Marc?"

"I think you know this is not what I wanted for you."

Marcus pressed his head against Reis's chest. "I spent my whole life worrying about what I'd do without you. Baby, I know how much you hated Florentine, but at least there I had assurance that you were safe. There you had a job that...that...

Reis glared. "That never paid. That never gave me anything to wake up to. That was...gray and oppressive. Remember?"

"Reis, I am not saying that I still want that for you. It's just are...doing something that's very a very dangerous place. If I ever lost you...I would have nothing to live for."

Reis grabbed Marcus by the head. "I never want to hear you say that again." Marcus's eyes filled with tears as his head lowered.

"Oh Reis...why this job? Why this life?"

Reis pulled Marcus's face back up to his. "I know how much you care for me. Marcus, I don't want anything to come between us. But this is what I want to do. I finally feel that I can make something out of myself. Make my life meaningful. This job ...this job gives me purpose."

"I thought I gave you purpose, Reis."

Reis quickly wrapped his arms around Marcus's small body, pressing his muzzle against the top of Marcus's head, feeling his long fennec ears against his face.

"Marcus, listen to me. Nothing and no one will ever replace you. You've made me who I am. No one else was there to raise me except you. You're the reason why I'm doing this. You want to make a difference in the world, and no matter what I've said before, I've always loved you for that passion. It's the reason I want to make a difference too. Here."

Marcus rubbed his eyes and, trying to clear the lump in his throat, said, "Is this truly what you want?"

"Yes. This more than anything."

"Then I'll support you. If you're happy, then I am. And I want you to be nothing less than the best cop...err...police officer you can be. You understand? Nothing less."

Then Marcus grabbed a hold of Reis's head, pulling it close.

"Just, for God's sake Reis, don't do anything stupid."