Sages of the Hidden Lights: Chapters 11-13
"i paddled a canoe through the heart of the lake," i answered, trying to sound impressive. "i just arrived here today." "wow, really?" she remarked ecstatically. "through all of that weather? you must be tough fella," she said, winking at me.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 6, "Don't Die Frozen Over" - Part 1
The weasel immediately picks up his paddle and starts treading water to his left, motioning to arron to do the same while the other two paddle to their right. "it's done, cap'n!"
More Time
"but you are up shit's creek without a paddle as the old earth saying goes. you need a steady supply of micro-machines to suppress your canine genetics.
TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters
White scales grew on her chest and belly as a paddle like tail ripped out of her panties. her physical appearance changed into that of an anthropomorphic shark girl with red hair.
TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters
White scales grew on her chest and belly as a paddle like tail ripped out of her panties. her physical appearance changed into that of an anthropomorphic shark girl with red hair.
Gone Fishing
He paddled in place while he thought. the first thing was to put hismeal out of its misery. he hated killing, but everyone had to eat. he consoledhimself that he had just saved a bunch of smaller fish from certain death.
Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll
His older siblings had gone out further than he could manage, so after he'd had a paddle in the little waves and had raced about chasing seagulls for a while on the beach, aiko had taken him to where grandma rested under the shade stretched between two trees
A Storm for Blackwing, or, Former Glory
Still clinging to the barrel, she began to paddle towards the shore. a lesser mortal might have prayed in a moment like this, but blackwing held to no gods, held to no faith but that in herself, in her strength of will.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eight
I patted splatsy, who hung from my belt in ping pong paddle form. ethan looked at splatsy and shook his head. "i guess what i'm trying to ask is, are you going to be able to keep me safe?" i stopped in my tracks.
Mama Wolf
The water was neither too hot or cold and as he paddled around he began to feel awake and refreshed. skinny dipping had not actually been on zeelo's original agenda. the simple fact was that he had neglected to pack a swimsuit.
All that Glitters: Where Life Abides (Clean version)
His arms gripped her like iron, and from the way she felt his body move, he was likely paddling with legs and tail. here and there, a claw scrape and a sudden lurch forward told her one of his hind legs found footing to propel them forward.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Thirty Five
"only when you paddle them in the air like that." "what?" the hatchling blinked, tilting his head in confusion. mother's gentle affection coaxed a purr from him, and he licked her own muzzle in return. "nothing, little one."