Asteroid Catastrophe
At least, they'll try to blow it up or off-course with a missile of some kind. technically, all i can do is hope for a miracle, which is random luck. religiously, all i can do is... nope.
Entropy Express (part 1)
Ruby catches something odd about the disembodied shoeprints and prepares a magic missile infusion of her own. unseen by all is a gremlin who starts setting explosives on the roof.
Kazufox Interview #5
# ~pepper hits a switch and a missile appears aimed at the others below~ \*armstrong\*: go ahead and fire, (takes off shirt) but you will not hurt these muscles! (flexes and sparkles) \*pepper\*: oh...not you. (aims missile at kazufox) him!!
Chapter 7 - Trial and Error
She sent one bullet to each of the missiles that were fired. they exploded on contact and the group pushed forward quickly.
The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Six
He has just two ordinary explosive missiles left. "what i would've give for a reload!"
Zootopia: First Salvo part 6
missile inbound to port ! missile inbound to starboard! brace for shock! brace for shock!"
A Test of Darkness
He cried out, regaining his strength to launch a volley of missiles at the wargreymon. shadow punched one of the missiles, causing his claw to freeze instantly.
The impostor is among her pussy!
He was about to let the homing missiles free when you woke up and realized how much of a sicko you are.
Disintegration: Chapter 6
Unbeknown to ishtar, she was walking into an area containing several missile silos. the woman narrowed her reptilian eyes upon spotting a strange symbol.
Monstrous Appetite
If his growth from previous missile strikes had been growth spurts, this time was a literal growth explosion.
The Temeraire
Fitted to the ship's weapon hardpoints are seven pairs of 425mm railguns and a single pair of heavy missile launchers.
Perennial Creeper Classifications
Finding a source to burn them thoroughly is difficult, but it has been a commonly accepted method to use gravity missiles to force them into a nearby star.