Broken Words: Chapter 2

The loner. he had to try, because he couldn't let himself turn into that. it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. one of those old poets had said it, so it had to be true. who was jayden to refute it?

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The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 3: Quest for the Truth

Who really knew... she needed to ask somebody, but she had been a loner all her life. she didn't know if he liked her but she couldn't help but keep staring at him.

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Star Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 2

Admittedly he'd always been a little bit of a loner, he was not the most social of his people. still, there was a difference between choosing some solitude and having utter aloneness thrust upon one.

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A Different Kind of Werewolf

"it's this whole loner thing that you have going on. all you've been doing for the past month or so is sitting in your room by yourself. now, i don't know what brought on this new habit of yours, but it needs to stop.

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Eye Opening

In high school, i was so typecast as the loner freak that it wasn't even funny. every attempt at connecting to someone ended up being met with annoyance and aggravation.

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Sanctuary: The Meeting

Crest had been a loner in the extreme of its definition at the start of elementary school. he was african american, and was born and raised in a caucasian dominated area.


Dragon Slayer? Chapter 2 Prelude to more trouble.

I took a bit loner with this chapter mostly because i had to keep rewriting it. also i had to proofread it my self. well hopefully the next chapter will not take to long. till next time.

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Last Flight of the Kithrasain

Vulpins were considered loners; good assassins or reconnaissance soldiers, but never command officers. as well, tsoin was a mutant even among the vulpin kind, lacking the black or russet of his kind.

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Fired Up

The vegetarians are loners, the prostitutes are annoying, and the sorority sisters usually think about themselves before anyone else. that is how their alliance broke up early in their season.

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Hybrid Origins

Coyote was a loner. after outliving her mother she was left in a world to fend for herself. she learned of the world and its inhabitants on her own, making judgments about what she encountered.

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The Sorcerer And The Fighter: Ch.1 The Meeting

Dominic was...well, not exactly a loner, but he just wasn't often comfortable around others in large numbers. he avoided cities, only ever stopped off in smaller communities and traded with few. he was something of an outcast himself.

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The Cuddling Fox

I'm a happy, fox, loner, and not very proud of it. as the traffic light changed again, and i made my way across the street, i thought about what might happen at the coffee shop. would anyone notice that my stuff was there?

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