Dragon Slayer? Chapter 2 Prelude to more trouble.

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon Slayer?

Simon and Kel head off to fight the ' Evil ' Dragon. More is reveled about Simon, as the past comes for Simon. In more ways than one.

Chapter 2

Kel is counting down on his fingers as Lin watches him do it as soon as he hits zero Simon screams at the top of his lunges his tail frizzing as his anger hits a boiling point. Much to Kel's enjoyment , as Lin looks in shock. Simon yelling is filled with many curses. In various languages , some she has heard of which makes her cringe as she hears his cursing one thing after another.

"This is not what I would expect from a dragon slayer. Is he still mad that we could not uses those horses." Lin watches Simon kick things at random until he stubs his foot and more curses fly but more of though pain and under his breath.

" Well our hero here doesn't like to walk much . Another reason he don't care for dragon slaying. It's the one thing they never tell you when you start it's not a good idea to have horses they are the first thing the dragon eats and also they tend to run as soon as they appear. Also Paul says it's slavery to use horses since they are his feral ancestors. SO yeah Kitty is not in a good mood." Kel laughs a bit until he ducks a rock just as it flies where his face was. "HEY !?!"

"FUCK YOU KEL!!!!!" Simon yells from ahead as he turns and continues to walk ahead stumbling along .

" I never expected him to be so angry. At the Tavern he seem more clam and composed though a bit scared when I did ask him to do this. Why did we have wait till midday to leave we could have left at daybreak." She sees Simon keep his pace away from them " Also why isn't he walking with us? I wanted to talk to him"

Kel sighs " He is terrified that he is going to do something he hates to do, fight. He is not a warrior he not anything but Simon. I know he said yes to you but when some one hears what the truth usually take our offer of using another dragon slayer group. Yet once in a while ,like you, they refuse to let up and make him do this. He has been near death with everyone of these little quest we do. I know he is just doing that to cover up how scared he is."

Lin looks worried at the point that she may forced him into this. " Yet the stories they seem to make it seem like he was the greatest warrior ever."

"That's the thing with stories. They tend to be just the exciting parts. Never telling you what you lose every time you battle "the evil". We have done our best to save the furs of the land but sometimes it takes a lot. Especially When we were in the kingdom of the anthro dragons."

Lin looks at him then back at Simon. " He got mad when I asked him about that. Did something happen there?"

Kel looks at his friend. He continues to walk for a bit in silence. With that silence hanging between them Lin was about to let it drop. " He fell in love and they destroyed it. He fell in love with one of their kind and they took her from him."

" What they forbade them to be together.?"Asked excitedly as if it was a forbidden romance that ended in heartbreak

Kel grips the hilt of his sword tightly " No they killed her before his eyes. Saying that he was nothing but a bane to their kind. He had..." Before he could continue. Simon calls to them . " I think I see the village it looks a bit crispy is it suppose to look like that ? " He ask with a silly grin on his face.

Kel pulls her close to whisper in her ear. "Say nothing about this to him it still hurts him to even talk about it. I ...tend to speak to much and he hides it well from all. He loved her more than anything. Please speak not of this to him." She nods as she pulls away from Kel and runs to Simon to look upon her village.

"Yes it is my village." she smiles looking upon it. " It seems they have rebuilt we ...have to go around to the back ok I we have to talk my father he can tell us more when we get in the village.' She says flustered a bit As she takes the lead.

Kel catches up to Simon. " You told her didn't you Kel" Not bothering to look at the Wolf.

"Yes I did . It was best she don't get no illusions even of we do win that she don't get an idea of hooking up with you. You were a bit harsh with the lord's daughter when you turned her down. I don't want the village trying to hunt us down because you said no."

Simon just makes a sour face but it passes as he heads towards the village following the dark vixen.


They hurry though the village as if they are trying to avoiding anyone. Finally arriving at the hut of her family. She beckons them to follow as she enter. " Father I have return with ..ahhh" She is smacked by an older fox his fur is a dirty brown many scars cover his body showing off many battles he has fought in. He has a simple loin cloth covering him. War paint covers his body.

" Where have you been I told you we need no outsiders to help us!?!" He roars at Lin "You little bitch. What did you promise them your body or did you already give that already like the little slut you are?" He looks at Kel and Simon with a menacing stare . Kel trying his best not to draw his weapon as her growls at the father, as Simon's tail raises up high as he bares his teeth a low hissing sound can be heard.

" Leave we have no need out outsiders." He turns back to Lin who is whimpering on the ground. Her mother is looking away crying but does nothing to help her daughter. He raises his hand to strike at Lin once more but Simon catches it. Just barley able to hold back the elders fox strong arm.

" Look .. we only came to .. fuck you're strong...damn it." Simon lets go unable to hold the elder fox's arm. Before Simon can say anymore he is hit by the elder which knocks him back stumbling out of the hut not prepared to be hit as he was. He falls to the ground as he looks up to see Kel run to his side with a bit of an amused look on his face.

" You know I could have stop him instead of you trying to be a hero again." He pats Simon on his head smiling.

"Then why didn't you stop him from hitting me?" Simon hisses at Kel.

"Because you're a male and you deserved that for bitching the whole way here kitty."

"Bite me Kel." Simon gets up as Lin's father exits the hut and howls making others flood from their huts as many draw their wapons. Both Kel and Simon are surrounded. Spears draw ready to impale them. Lin comes out her face bruised crying.

"Stop this father please. I only wanted to help. We have lost so much here. I could not lose any more. My one of my bother's are dead fighting that beast the other...." she stops unable to continue. "You're barley doing any better. How much longer do you think you or anyone of the village has before we are wipe out because of our pride."


A loud voice calls out " Hold your hand FLINT!!" A Fox who's fur was blue, his clothing was as Lin's fathers just a loin cloth he seem to tower over all the others here His height was towering to say the least. Wearing various which to Simon look like tattoos, he walks with pride and a barrel like chest as his taunt muscles look like they could break Simon just by flexing.. All the foxes of the village began to kneel before him as he is followed by an elderly vixen. She walks with a cane her fur looks like a faded red mixed with grey. She is helped by a young female vixen.

Flint bows before the blue fox. " I .. I was just teaching my daughter a.. uggh" as he kicked by the blue fox.

"Flint I have know you for many seasons. DO not think I don't know what your really mad about ." He looks at Kel and Simon who still are still standing before the Blue fox, which angers many of the foxes of the village as they show a lack of respect for their alpha.

" You two come with me you to Lin and Flint we will talk later about your attitude." The blue turns and walks away. The elder vixen looks at Simon for a second and her eyes open wide then she shakes her head as she follows the blue fox.

Simon not liking what she did follows only after being prod by a few spears on his tail as he hisses at the warriors . Kel pulling him along not wanting to fight the armed warriors of a village where they were out number and not many allies here to help.

__________ A bit from the village_______

"I know he is there. I can feel him." A voice from the shadows echoes out. It's tone is deep but feminine " I want to see him. "

" You know full well why you can't. To be honest I would not even bother coming here with you if you had not bribe and forced me to come here with you. Why is he so special to you anyway? He is a fur a weakling even among his kind he has no real strength, power , or anything. I bet those rumors of him killing them are lies made by him."

"They are true... to an extent. I know I have ... I just know. I need to be... just need to see him once more. He is.... I just want him ok. He is more than what he appears to be and that's all you need to know!!" The female voice raise a bit "You are not to harm him or his friend. He would not be happy if his friend would to die. I need him to .... I just need him do you understand?"

The silence hangs in the air from the shadows " Fine I will leave them alone. Though I will kill those fools in the village if they dare attack me!" The male voice huffs "I don't see how he killed the great wyrm. He looks so ..so...weak."

" He didn't kill her I told you .She died telling him he was the one to give us hope. He is also our destroyer. To save us he must destroy us."

"That makes no sense, let us kill him and be done with it! I see no purpose keeping him alive!" The male voice begins to raise as some birds fly away scared off by the loud voice.

" You are funny." the female voice says mockingly "You saw what happen in the kingdom when they tried that and he still doesn't realize what he is. His power is not one to trifle with. If he really knew what he really was we would have been conquered by him by now. I would have not cared if he did. I just want to be with him once more." her voice goes soft as she says this. "

He is mine and they with their archaic ways will not keep me from him. That fool deserved what he got! Trying to keep me from him. They all learned that day why the great red wyrm wanted to see him, what she saw in him."

" She was old and a feral what made her so special?"

"She was the strongest of her kind. None dared to face her alone. Many kingdoms fell at her whim. Our own kingdom refused to ever challenge her, as old as she was. They fear her power more than anything. Many knew she could destroy them with her magic alone. Her magic was un matched by any in our or any other kingdom."

A large anthro dragon moves from the shadows and stretches a bit. His scales are a dull bronze with is stomach a bit off white. His scales small blocky scales that covered his body giving it a look of almost armor like skin. From the back of his head had small spikes that seem to get longer with each one that went down his back then grow smaller half the way down all the way to his tail which they grew small once more. His wings spread to full length, nearly 5 feet wing span. He has some armor on his body more to protect his vital parts more than anything. He looks around for his companion.

" Are you just going to hide the whole time. Those fools at the village are not going to come up here." He smiles. .

A tall slender figure emerges from the shadows, she is the opposite of he male friend. She has a robe covering her body you can still see her feminine form, the robe back was lower to allow her wings to be not hampered by the robes if she took flight. He wings are folded as she walks up to her male companion. Her movements are graceful as they are elegant. She seem not to have the long spikes like her companion She as her scales look more like skin then armor plates like her companion .

" Just remember I want him to come here. I .. need to see him alone." She looks away.

He huffs a bit some smoke comes from his nostrils. " Why not go to where he lives?"

"Because they are watching him. They know he is still hunting dragons though he hasn't yet actually killed one out right like the bards keep saying. They fear him mostly because they still think he will get revenge for me." She looks away sadly. "Also they don't want to fight him directly because he has his own friends who also protect him besides his luck."

"Who the wolf? That fur is old. I can tell just by how he moves I don't think he can protect him long." The Bronze dragon scoffs.

" I bet they wish it was just him. He has those two females also as his 'guardians'." A sharp tone can be heard as venom can be heard as she says the word guardians.

He looks at her as she sees her blush a bit " Oh my god you think they have their paws on him already don't you? Or claws as it may be. He is a lucky one I can say that much to have those two as friends with benefits." He chuckles a bit. As he ducks a tail that almost hits him. "Hey what was that for?"

" I told you to drop it about those whores!" She yells at her companion. Her tails slams on the ground hard denting it. As her body quakes with rage. "Look you owe me for what you did to me back in the kingdom."

"Fine fine. I don't get why you hate those females so much he told you he didn't love them. Yes I told you I was sorry for using my powers to do what I did, but it was better then what Silaka had plan for you. She was going have you killed Azuel before your love than take him for her own as a pet breaking him to her will. She also knows what he really is, or thinks she does. The Slayer. That is why she fears him so much. She really believes he killed the Red wyrm."

Azuel looks at the village in the distance. " Silaka is a fool. She truly believes the red wrym was killed by him. As strong as he is with his power she would have been smart enough not to go near him and attack him at a distance. No Silaka is insane with ambition. She wants him at under her clawed foot. She doesn't understand anything about love. He belongs to me. He can give me what I always wanted." she rubs her stomach a bit, her clawed hand running over it gently as she looks wistfully. " We are dying Fro..."

"Don't call me that !!! I told you I hate my name. I told you to cal me by my real name....Kyle. I hate that name my mother gave me. I would never name my offspring that. She must have hated I wasn't born a female." Kyle mumbles a bit shooting out a bit of fire from his muzzle.

Azuel giggles impishly. " I can't believe you took such a human name.. Was it that human female who said Kyle was a better name than your real name."

He blushes a bit showing brightly on his face " Look I like that name...I do miss her. That's another reason Azuel it's not a good idea to fall for them." His voice is pained as he speaks "Some are good lovers but they have such a short life span. It only hurts more when they pass. They are so fragile....." he picks up a flower near his foot. He looks at it sadly. " they are like this flower so beautiful yet fragile." He tries to handle gently but it still shatters in his clawed hand.

Azuel looks at Kyle. "Why do you think I chose him, he does look fragile but yet he is strong as an old oak. He is strong alright. " she licks her muzzle looking lustfully in the distance as if remembering something. "Besides I do know of a way to keep him with me longer."

Kyle looks at her sternly " You know we are not allow to do that ritual anymore. It was feared that if failed both will die. I know we do not have the agelessness of our feral ancestors, but we have to be careful of the life we have."

Azuel looks at him sternly "You think I don't know that., and stop calling them ancestors. It makes them sound like they are long gone. Also who do you think taught me this, our feral cousins did. They did this so they could keep some lovers or slaves longer. Until they grew tired of them or the that chosen one wanted release from this life. It was hard life of the feral of our kind. They live so long to see those they chose as lovers, friends, and others pass before them as they lived on. It was one of the many reasons why some wanted to become anthros. To give up some of their power and lifespan so they would not lose so much. Yet now we are slowly unable to reproduce . I know you have noticed how we are slowly unable to reproduce . Many of the males are infertile and we are unable to because they're are so little of us anymore we are basically all cousins now. We need more in our species to grown. If we don't change in our ways I can see only one more generation left in us before we are no more."

Kyle sighs " I know what you mean my last mate she ...committed suicide after her last two eggs were still born. She took it hard." he lowers head a bit as he tries not to cry. Azuel holds him close as tears come from his close eyes as he shakes.

" It will change I promise you that. He will bring the change we need." As they stand there for a second Kyle pushes her away.

" I am fine really. " He wipes the tears from his eyes " look we are here for your future love toy, not my past sorrows. So what is the plan Azuel. I don't feel like just walking up to the village despite being anthro's we dragons are always seen as the enemies. They fear what they can't control. You do have a plan that will work right?"

" I do but we must be wary because they are working against us, those from the kingdom. Them calling him here is a trap, the feral dragon is not who it seems. It's the royal guard. They'e going to try and kill them. They want to see how powerful he really is."

"Why didn't you say that sooner. We have to hurry." Kyle is about to take off as Azuel grabs his shoulder.

"No they will want them in the valley a bit from here that way they can trap him there. I have a few tricks in play already he will not be in trouble. We need to wait for all the pieces to be in place before we let message be sent to them in the kingdom. That I am alive and I am ready for them."

_______________Back at the village. _________________

Kel has already started to drink what ever was passed to him, as Simon watches many scantly clothed vixens serve them and others in hut. The village leader as he can see from how he is sitting what looks like a throne made of bones and various animals and beast of the land. The hut it self is a large as big as the tavern back home. He sits there studying Simon. What unnerves Simon the most is how the elder vixen looks at him she seems to see something that makes him think of how the Great red wyrm looked at him. He was terrified when he met her, her presence alone terrified him more than anything. As does it with this elder. She looks though him as the great wyrm did.

The Leader speaks " We are a proud furs here. To ask for help is a great shame for us, yet it is one I must bare for us all." Many of the warriors in hut being to raise their voice saying that he should not ask. He raises his hand to silence them all. Many still grumble as they obey their leader. " How many of our brother our children have we buried because of our pride to ask for help. Our brothers sisters , mother ,fathers how many more do we have to bury before we are no more?"

He lets his words hang in the air as many look in shame at this. Many look away trying not to cry as many become stoic.

" It is why I will ask them for you not bare the shame of asking my fellow villagers. My fellow warriors. It is why I am the pack leader here. So I alone take the shame unto myself. For it is my shame that I have failed you as a leader. That many of you have lost so much. I should have been stronger for you all." He lowers his head in shame as many protest saying it was not his fault. That not much can be done to fight such a great beast.

He looks toward. Simon and walks over to where he is at and kneels. Simon tires to stop him but Kel stops him shaking his head. Simon realizing if he did stop him it would shame the leader more than he already is.

"Great Dragon Slayer please in our hour of need will you help slay the great beast that plagues our village." Many look towards Simon for his response.

Simon once more curses his luck silently as he knows to say no will get them killed at best just thrown out of the village. What of Lin she went though the trouble of getting them, what would happen to her? As her eyes fall onto Simon. Her muzzle a bit bruised from where her father had hit her. She came to him for help and he already said yes now he was forced to take the stage once more and play the part of a hero a warrior. Which he was none. He was a bar keeper who was lucky. He hated to think how long he had before one day is luck ran out. Today was not the day to worry about that. Today he had to be that warrior of tales told he had to the slayer.

" I will help your village in their time of need. I will slay the beast." He say flatly.

Many cheer some just look on with hate in their eyes. As the leader begins gathers many warriors and Kel to make plans for an attack tomorrow A young vixen walks up to Simon and tugs his tail a bit. He hiss and turns and pulls away his tail. " Yes what do you nee?"

The child looks up at Simon and smiles and pulls his hand to make him follow her "The Elder wants to speak to you." He just feels dread with those words.

He is taken from the tent with many slapping him hard on his back others just grunting as others out right growl at him. Night has fallen as the only sound that can be heard is the fires from the guards at the edge of the village and the leaders hut..Finally they arrive at their destination. The hut itself has many decorations. Mostly to Simon to be ceremonial stuff. .Not that he would know anyway. She pulls him in there is a small fire in the middle of the hut as the musty smell of herbs and various potions fill the air of the hut.

The elder looks up at him her eyes fall upon him as once again they seem to look through him which unnerves him. She beckons him to come closer. "Sit feline. I won't bite " She cackles. At his hesitation " I know you talked to her."

"I don't know what ..." he stutters before she raises his hand and silences him.

"Do not be coy with me feline. You know who I speak of ...her."

He looks crestfallen " You mean the great red wrym?"

She nods " Yes though she always hated that name. I knew her as Kara. Her name that she had me call her and she has many over the years.... her real name cannot be spoken by our tongues . All the elder dragons had name that no one out side their kind could speak. She was a friend." She looks at Simon who's face is filled with shock by this. "I know what you are thinking. How I could know her? Kara as I knew her was actually a kind soul. Very lonely. She was feared by all because they never knew her. She never wanted much but to be left alone. It rolled out of control about her anger. She would crushed those kingdoms because they deserved to be destroyed. She you could say clean house when it was needed. She was the one who push many of her kind to become anthros. I think you meet them in their kingdom."

Simon is silent by this revaluation. "Wait how is it you know this? You couldn't have meet her and she told you this over lunch?"

The elder laughs " No you are right she did not just tell me. It took a long time for her to explain it to me. Would you believe that I am nearly 200 years old?"

She smiles seeing Simon face " No one knows besides you, and my little assistant here, and one other. You know her right she does live with you?"

Simon sighs " Yes Estess does live in town and is happy" He looks away with a blush.

The elder laughs " She still trying to bed you. I figure by now she would have already done that, and made you her salve. She does have the power over males and females."

"She hasn't for the lack of trying to do it when ever she can. I know your not here to just ask about an old friend?"

The elder nods "You are right. My flame of life slowly fades. Even now I am training this child who brought you here all my skills to help the village. With Kara gone. MY flame has started to fade. I feel it growing dimmer everyday. She gave me the gift of an extended life. It is what their kind does when they need friends. Believe it or not they do get lonely. They live for so many years and it gets lonely after the first few hundred years. Kara saved me when my village was destroyed by bandits. You will find no record of them they passes with no real paw print onto this world, because of the bandits. I am the last of that pack. She took me in as I wander the the fringed plains during a harsh winter. She took pity on me and raised me as her own. She taught me much of the world and about you kitten." Simon is taken aback by this.

" You see young feline. You are more than what you know you are. I will not tell you what you really are I was sworn to by her.. Kara imparted the information to me if she could not see you . Even though she did see you , I will tell you this, her words that day she told you are true. Now you must be the destroyer and savior of her kind. Their flame is also fading. They must not leave this world. Their first step becoming anthros was in the right direction. Yet now they seem to be trying to not continue forward. You must make them move forward, or they will be lost to this world forever."

Simon looks at her "What can I do? I have no power to change them. I don't have the power to save...." He chokes up a bit trying not to remember what had happen.

"I am sorry young one to bring up those memories. Yet you showed them your true power when you fought them as you did. You will have to use that power once more to make them change."

"What power are you and Kara talking about? She said the same thing to me. I have no power I no skills I am nothing!" his voice begins to raise as he began to shake. " I COULDN'T SAVE HER !!!!" Tears fall from his eyes.

"That is why they are afraid of you feline. If you really knew what you were you would have conquered them already. No you will find out what that is when the time is right. What you must do now is be ready for the fight that is to come. Tomorrow you will fight as you always have. Kara always said you were the most fun watching fight as you seem to run from them as soon as the battle began."

Simon blushes " I am not a warrior." He tries to dry his eyes. He still feels pain from the memories he has of her.

" I know child you wanted nothing more than a simple life. What fate demands and your wants are not the same, but you will have that happiness one day. I promise you that. Kara said you will be the savior she has seen. Enough of my ramblings child, tomorrow you will go into battle an save this village. You will take the next step of your journey. But be warn it will be a rocky road. You will one day have to throw your beliefs of this not fighting aside. Otherwise you will lose all you have, and those close to you will pay the price. "

Simon looks sadly to the ground " I already have lost that happiness I can't get it back. " Yelling can be heard outside. " What now ? " He runs off

The child looks at the elder. " Why did you not tell him who the her was ? You told me it was his mother. "

The elder sighs " A mother should always tell their child who they are not some stranger. Also he would not believe me. He still has a long path ahead and so many things will make that trip a painful experience. His friends will lend him the strength to preserve over it all. Only when he is able to accept what he is will his mother come before him."


Simon comes up to where the warriors of the village seem ready to battle something. Many angry voices can be heard as he actually recognizes one of them. He prays to the gods above that he is hearing things. As he cuts through the crowd and reaches the center he sees a female jackal in chain mail. She wears a flowing red cape. Her weapon already drawn and pointed at Kel who is stoic as he stares her down.


Kel sighs and gently pushes the weapon from his face. "It's nice to see you to Sif. Though I don't know why your here? There is no money for this job. We were asked to do this for .... " He sees Simon " We are doing it because Simon wanted to."

Simon is shocked that Kel just used him as a escape trick as Sif storms over to him Kel moving back but into a human who shoves him , as the weasel laughs and a lizard slugs the human's arm, who are not part of the village as they have their weapons drawn mostly because they feel a bit outnumber seeing how the villagers have all their weapons drawn also and pointing at them. The Red Warriors have arrived and now the trouble has arrived. Before Sif can say a word or even grab Simon like she always does a loud roar is heard followed by two more. The dragon has arrived and it brought friends.

Simon looks at the leader of the village in shock. " You didn't tell me their were more than one!"

He is shocked by this as many begin to get ready for battle and others shouting for the children and females to find cover. " It has only been one. We would have left it was more than one. You can see how well we are doing with just one. Pleas Simon you must save us." Simon hears the fear in the leader's voice. Maybe they were here for peace, if he was lucky ,Yeah Simon has luck the devil's luck.

Kel smiles and draws his weapon as the members of the red warriors ready their weapons for battle/ "Here we go into the mouth of hell and heard us not as we plead and beg for mercy."

Simon looks at him. " you really know how to ruin a day don't you?"

Kel shrugs and then laughs. "Forward we advance the principals of freedom."

Simon just shakes his head " We are going to die." As the battle begins.


Another chapter done.

I took a bit loner with this chapter mostly because I had to keep rewriting it. Also I had to proofread it my self. Well hopefully the next chapter will not take to long. Till next time.

Keep your feet or paws on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.