Easing the Tension
The bull's eyes still focused on the unusual masseur, darius zipped open his jacket and hung it on an empty hook by his side.
The Chronicles of Drakken
As the day drew on, the two suns began to set in the west as the two moons, la luna and los luno, hung in the night sky as pink and orange orbs, respectively.
Chapter 17 Part 2
Mother and father remained silent waiting for her to continue, while next to me britosa hung her head, eyes glazed over.
Rexville 43: Valentine's Day
Kendall had hung out with her a few weeks back in late january, so it was enough to get to know each other and the occupations of their work.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Seven
She hung her head, her eyes turning red with grief. "it's my fault," porter said, as much to himself as to anyone else there. his heart felt as if it was being squeezed, like a sponge being wrung for emotion.
Alabaster and the Ring of Winter - Prologue
Glittering stalagmites and tremendous icicles that could pierce even the toughest dragon scale hung precariously from the ceiling. lucius took in the sights before his eyes finally drifted to the open space across the bridge.
roo's adventure
He hung up. "guys, weve got a factory to infiltrate." when they arrived, they saw a large grey metal building with a giant battery attached to it. where dr. j gets his technology from is but a mystery.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 15
She hung her head as she sat down onto her haunches, and curled her tail gently around her. "to not hear the scampering of their claws...the feeling of their breath on my scales when we slept together..." "the incantations of his spells."
Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 6
She hung her head as her spines drooped, "i even got my loved ones killed." "what..what were you forced to do?" the green dragon took a careful step towards her, lowering his neck as he did so.
Chapter 28: Dreams of Destiny
A tattered curtain hung in the doorway, and it rustled as it was pushed aside. the strong musk of ettoras hit her nose and she shivered.
The Adventurers
Bounty notices and broadsheets were hung in villages and towns. he who could return his daughter to him would be granted a parcel of land and a bag of gold as heavy as he could carry. it had been an ingenious reward, he had to admit to himself.
Chapter 17
James asked as he unfolded his robes and hung them in the closet, shoving aside delta's suits to make room. "what do you mean exactly? it's a school." "i mean, what do the students here study?