In My Time of Need - Chapter 1 (Redo)
The scent of the sedative filled my sensitive vulpine nose and i felt my mind grow hazy. the sight of the door opening was the last thing i saw as i felt unconsciousness take over. i groaned at my pounding head as my eyes slowly opened.
Bandit Attack
I had gilorndir sedate them all aside from the very young. promisingly flower is handling the babes with only a simmering bit of anger. timothy is keeping an eye on her, but i doubt there is anything to worry about with her right now."
The Machinations of Inner Misery 3
Lee's anger was more sedated, being masked by sorrow. mary's was fronted by frustration. as they sat together in the session the next day, both were irritating each other merely by seeing those emotions.
The Lost One: the Kor'Ran
Sam was going to attempt to harm herself at one point but before she got the nerve to do it a medical robot came into the room and sedated her. it even gave her a shot of something similar to prozac.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 39: Sometimes The People We Think We Know Best Are The Ones We Don’t Know At All (We Go Down Together Part V)
There the two observed several more of salamanca's patient's partially sedated. he looked at them curiously. "these two are suffering from the crazy and have been for some time; i have been trying to find a way to restore them to normal...."
Prayer and Demon 1 - The Choosing
When the demon is hungry, we sedate him until we can reach somewhere that he can slake his bloodlust. battlefields are best. failing that, we seek out bandits and the like.
The Trial of Acceptance
Fortunately you hadn't but they had to give you a sedative, so you're going to feel kind of sluggish and weak for a couple more hours." koru simply stared at the older tiger, and taking that as a sign erik began to tell his tale.
After the Storm - Part 27 [High School Reunion]
There were cameras positioned so that there were no blind spots anywhere and vents that would secrete sedatives in the event that the prisoner got hostile.
Falling to Pieces
He spoke softly, almost as though afraid he would spoil the winter sedation that took over the forest when snow fell. even her yip was quiet, uttered in happiness and with a small wriggle to her movements that offered him a laugh.
Kitty Rehab Chapter 5
The paved area outside seamed to be a no-traffic zone however looking up arean could see hover-lanes travelling over the strip-mall where unusually shaped zoomers and hover-cars travelled sedately.
A Giant Problem V
"i have been assured there is plenty of room in the rail car and that we have a sedative to make it easier for your to travel."
A Milky Delight
He gave a weak belch after that, his blind hunger sedated for the moment. he grabbed the other cow and hopped across the rock barrier to be with the other steers; who all fled to a far corner when he entered.