Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.
Blitzen exclaimed loudly, and proceeded to urinate on the flaming wreckage of santa's sleigh. dasher sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose nervously. "listen, santa. um.
Who to piss off today?.....
Finna go to Wal-Mart grab a basket full of crap; 10x pizza rolls, 12x microwave pizza's, 3x ice cream containers, 10x ps4 games, 2x ginger ale packs, 6x jackets, 20 fidget spinners if they still have them, 20 hotdogs, 8 glass cups, 2 dozen donuts, 5...
The Werewolf's Problem
To dark choco, whenever werewolf held that position, it meant that werewolf was gonna pee. dark choco always told werewolf not to use the bathroom in the cave they slept in. even if it was only pee.
Fütterungszeit IV - Nur ein Spielzeug
Der Fuchs durfte sich nach der anstrengenden Aufnahme vorhin noch einmal unter die Dusche stellen und sogar mit seinem Meister schlafen. Allerdings auf dem Boden neben ihm. Wieso durfte er nicht mehr im kalten Keller schlafen? Wach wurde der Fuchs...
Doodle Story: Trustworthy Ally
The treecko muttered something inaudibly before he looked at the periwinkle beast and heard it chuckle before it lifted its right hind leg and began to piss all over the tree too. judging by its method of urination, the beast was male.
Kitty Rehab Chapter 5
She was trying not to smirk, arean looked like she was on the edge of peeing herself and she didn't want to have to clean the little kitty up. standing up straight gloria let out an overly dramatic sigh. "alright! but i want no trouble!
skye's pee problem
Outside the lookout, skye ran into the bush. she hid in the bushes and started to peeing a lot. skye had been peeing for more than three minutes and her urine was still flowing out of her body. then, skye finally stopped after peeing for almost five minutes
[Commission] Diaperstuck: Eridan: Get stuck
"i miss the piss, --eridan." hold up. "i miss the fish piss everywhere. an ocean filled with water and salt and minerals and fish piss. so muc)( piss. all of the piss. i miss it, -eridan. i miss the piss. i miss all the piss. all of it."
Wings of Fire: The Pee of Pyrrhia
Said sunny, going to stand between the two groups, "none of us pees weird!"
Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!) - Part 2
"suwwender now, and you may go pee-pee." orca said. and that's when queen coral figured it out. she glared orca straight in the eyes. "let me go pee!" she demanded. "no." said orca, "give me de throne."
Chikorita's Pee Story
She stood up from her spot and took a few uneasy steps, and yep, it was confirmed, she needed to pee.
Leaky Buses
"everyone says the buses smell like piss. you wanna know why?" "why?" "people piss on 'em." jt laughed out loud and started chuckling to himself. "i take it you're one of these people?" "obviously.