Shop Talk
"meaning?" kickaha was waiting for the follow up with bated breath. "meaning i shrunk him down to the size of a mouse, put him in a shoebox and handed him over to her." gary explained.
Contest Entry: PlasterPaws (Gluepaw)
When i say 'this weapon is limited by your imagination', i do mean it. you can create a field of innocuous marbles that then detonate into transparent bogs of translucent resin or freeze someone in carboni-... i mean amber.
Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.
I mean man, that shit was not bananas. the end.
Professor Will Not Face Charges for Sophomoric Acts
Also, we aren't even sure he's committing crimes, as hanging out with people and getting them to paint you is by no means illegal."
Chapter Two - Troubles In The Park
"i mean, you don't have to be so mean to him..." "yes, i do." she snapped., "or else no one would listen." she said as she hopped out of the car. "i'd have to agree." zeke said.
I mean, i've heard stories about creatures like these in my mythology class but they weren't real. there was no way that they were real, i mean; dragons were the most unbelievable of all mystical creatures, in my opinion.
Operation Field Trip: Part 1
I mean... grizz... not bear! i mean i am a bear! bear is my purr name!" "surname." tony slapped himself in the face. "surname! that's what i said!" grizz shouted proudly.
Second Nature
"do you mean that there aren't souls?" he was playing completely on auto-pilot by then, having played so many times before, as if he'd been programmed to do it. "no, well, i mean, i don't know whether there are or not, really.
The Sheepdog Curse
"i mean, i was carrying the paint out, i lost my balance... and all of a sudden, that woman was just right in front of me! i didn't mean to spill it all over her!"
The Anchor Holds
I mean, i'm not the only one ... i wasn't even there." "that doesn't mean it didn't hurt you. that doesn't mean you don't need to talk about it ... to deal with it." "it was five years ago." "doesn't matter. just ... i'm here.
Breakin' Out, Part One: Yeah.
'yeah, like my fifteen-inch wang and what it means to their butts if they see me getting a hard-on in the shower.' kel chuckled. 'that was awful. really just awful.
Devolvers - The Excuse | Chapter 5
I never really thought much about moving away from here," mikey replied, "i mean, i've thought about moving away plenty of times, in a normal sense, i just mean the whole..." "yeah. that." i responded.