Shifting Gears

He then took johan to a local automancer, who specialised in prosthetic limbs and the two of them got to work building a new body.

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A meeting with fate

Where we were to try out our new prosthetics. i asked a female german shepherd nurse. who was going to help us with the prosthetics. is it going to hurt.

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"Brave New World"

The tzenkethi-drone made more adjustments. the second drone returned with his prosthetic arm and started drilling into the bone of his upper arm.

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Kade Chapter 6

If they're stealing prosthetics, then they're probably working for a black market." "so we need to get into the black market." "maybe. or maybe we need bait," kade offered, kneeing tyler's prosthetic knee with a sly grin.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Birth

She then spots christine finding the stored prosthetic arm in the gurney's storage compartment. "please leave her prosthetic arm off. as her contractions come more often, they'll get more painful, and she'll lose fine motor control during them.

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His scales flashed red briefly in anger, then faded to grey as he sighed and wiped the chrome prosthetic scales on his face and up over to the back of his neck (most people would think losing nearly a third of your head would render an engineer useless, but

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Finding Humanity Chapter 2

The spinal cord had to be worked on first, and they repaired several fractures in the bone and used implants to attach the prosthetics to her nervous system.

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The Real Deal

Cold as her prosthetic arm. her organic paw reflexively rubbed along the hard plastic and metal of her prosthetic. the sleeve of her duster hid it, but she _felt_ how her arm did not yield as flesh might. in some ways, this place reflected her.

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The Loraine Files - Washington State #2

I am positive that cbb has been notified about your special needs and has made the adjustments to the prosthetics. the specialists will be attaching your nerves directly to the prosthetics.

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BX-132 Chapter 5

Do we still have the syntha-fur, we use for prosthetics in stock?" "big hacoona! i believe so, let me check...."

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Redemption (Chapter Five)

"he was quite the good with pokemon," she laughs a little and smiles, "i remember he would use his prosthetic limb for their training." "a prosthetic limb?" looking at me she smiles, "it's a fake arm or leg.

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How I got my arm

The arm wasn't just some expensive prosthetic replacement, it was the most dangerous piece of technology ever to be discovered. and now i was stuck with it.

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