True to Form: Part Eleven

Someone already fixed the environmental settings." "that is odd," the man said again, reading a paper. "no idea who did that?" "no sir." "hm." he kept reading.


In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 23

Her environmental science test on a chapter she hadn't read went about as well as she could have expected. she answered as best she could, but had no idea what many of the terms even meant.

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Science Amongst the Stars

environmental verification is a tough job. climate and atmosphere is one thing but it's equally important to ensure food on the new planet's actually safe to eat. - landing in 30 minutes.

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File #6 - "Victorious"

"sir, the computer has diverted reactor coolant into the deck nine environmental controls!" "what!?"

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Fat Bear Week: Night of the Living Starches

While i make my modifications, i bring up the station's environmental report on my smart goggles.

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Words from Far Away

According to the results from the environmental verification, the planet should be ready for settlements. but here's the rub: who is the worthy client here? will this planet be a site of a plant as per the wishes of lord dreiziri?


Home in Lagrange (part 1)

On a planet beset by resource depletion, environmental degredation and chronic overpopulation, it seemed the only way to go was up. **::unfinished, will be completed soon::**

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Movie Night

. \*\*\* "so the aliens were dicks too" sydney said, "you know, this environmentalism movie might actually be deep or something." "the non-evil villains didn't tip you off?" tj poked out his tongue.

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Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)

Each were wearing armored environmental suits of the same style in the same shade of patina soaked light blue with some sort of symbol involving a circle and triangle across the middle.

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Island Map

It contains basic crafting supplies including wood and stone 5 - barrens biome, contains a large number of environmental death traps. only the most hard core players choose to stay here.


Chapter 3

The lack of general contact with the guards as well as the environmental suits earlier had done an excellent job of keeping monica's gender a secret to xenia.

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