D.E1 Chapter 55: The Third Offense Part V
** CHAPTER 55** The Third Offense Part V "We are running as fast as we can, Titan!" Bo, yelled through his ComPod that barely registered Titan's signal. "Sector Zero is less than a kilometer from our location. The tram system is offline and running...
To Touch The Sky Chapter 3: A Passing Thought
Haji walked into the store, as he did most every day, Debbie was waiting in her usual checkout isle and there was a new guy working register 2: a shifty-eyed raccoon that looked just like the villain from an old horror movie; Haji had always been...
Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 7
The golden retriever raised his finger, "one day. just one day where we can maybe pretend like we aren't strangers? i know it's a lot to ask but..." no, it was too much to ask. she'd already given him this meeting, and yet his greed demanded more.
The family was one of golden retrieves, all of which had their own distinct variation of brown, tan, blonde, and white fur. from afar you could tell they were related, especially the two boys who were quite similar in fur patterns.
Gunge Fest (Commission)
The golden retriever peaked, and then began falling down, closing his eyes in fear.
Den Father's Chapter 1
As he crept a little closer something hit his nose and at further investigation he saw that it was a golden furred lump, which felt cold to the touch.
StormCatcher -Part 1-
This is the story of 14-year-old golden rain (a griffin) who starts her journey into a vast and unknown world. i know it's kinda short, but part two is coming out soon! this is cinna marefern, wishing you good luck, and good fortune!
Bonnie's and Clyde's Last Strike - Draft
Opening them, he steps in and shuts them behind his back, but not before jasmine spots the golden mayan hand axe on the bookcase behind his desk.)_ jasmine _(to herself)_ easy access... jemoth will be happy.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 10: The Band Of Friends (part 3) :Torn Apart (part 2)
-Hayden- i laid alone in a hotel room. the feeling of coldness was all around me. im so use to having jeremys body next to me to keep me warm on the cold nights. i turned my head to the empty space next to me wishing that he was here. i looked back at...
Crashing Into Fate
A female golden retriever opened the door, who practically squealed when she saw josh and gave the small corgi a tight hug. "awwwww josh its good too see you!"
Secrets Revealed, Liberation
Suddenly a researcher and a shepherd came into view, a golden retriever following. "who is that? is that me? and keith? what is going on?" hunter continued. before he could see any more, the vision was over. "mmmm..uhhhh..."
The Machine Stops
"it is," the golden retriever agreed. "but you can't make that choice." madison may felt she was in the dark, and she didn't like that one bit. "what choice? you're creating the earthquakes, too?" "to remove any trace of your visit.