Gunge Fest (Commission)

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#4 of Commissions

Commission for MTF-Epsilon-6 (FurAffinity)

Hazelnut finds himself in the midst of a giant game studio, hearing the audience clap to the "Get Your Own Back" intro song, that being the show he was signed up for, as a result of fooling around with his girlfriend, Cherry Roll, who so happened to be part of the game show as well. Things were shaping up to get wild, to say the least, as an audience of hundreds of people clapped and chanted along with the song reverberating through the studio.

The jubilation from the audience would soon be broken up by the appearance of the host walking onto the set, welcoming and thanking the audience for their attendance to the Get Your Own Back show.

Hazelnut let out a bashful giggle, acknowledging the fact that hundreds of eyes were on him and Cherry Roll, who looked back at her as she struck a smug and delighted expression, flaunting her confident appearance with pride.

They then heard the host scrape their throat as the music faded out, welcoming the audience to the show.

"Hello and welcome everyone! I'm your host for today, back with a very special episode of 'Get Your Own back'! We have here 2 new contestants: May I get a round of applause for Hazelnut and Cherry Roll!!" Another round of applause followed until the presenter resumed speaking into the microphone.

"Our sweetheart Cherry here, brought with her his boyfriend, after being a naughty boy and getting on her nerves... and as it turns out, hey maaay have bitten off a tad more than our sweet little Golden Retriever here thought he could chew...!~ Will he succeed in hindering Cherry and take the win, or will he end up paying for his troubles?~ That's exactly what we're about to find out... in a series of fun, goofy games where the winner gets to watch the loser get gunged up and ultimately get what's coming for 'em!! Sit tight, grab your food and drinks, and without any further ado... enjoy the show!!" The audience chanted and jubilated, some clapping while some booed at the contestants, especially Hazelnut for his naughty deeds.

"You're about to pay, naughty pup... better be prepared to lose and get messy...~" Cherry said in a playful tone, giggling and moving her hand up to her forehead with her fingers in the shape of an L, while Hazelnut continuously giggled at her, striking a somewhat insincere attitude. "He really has no idea, has he... Good thing that won't serve him well when the games begin...~" She thought to herself, giggling back to feed into the deceitful innocence, she was here to win, and would give everything to ensure victory, already picturing Hazelnut coated in that nasty, colorful gunge. Cherry used to watch this show before her life suddenly got busy, and with her obsession for the game and her boyfriend constantly irking her with his playful shenanigans, she went out of her way to get her revenge the only appropriate way she knew how.

"I wouldn't mind that! That slime looks so fun, after all!" Hazelnut responded, giggling impulsively as he received no response, paying no attention to the host presenting the first game alongside the rules, which would make a recipe for disaster for the male Golden Retriever. "She's gonna looose...~" He mumbled to Cherry, yielding no response yet again. She appeared attentive in the male Golden Retriever's eyes, just not to him it seemed, and the next thing he knew, he heard the host scrape his throat once more.

"Aaalriiiiight, my dear contestants, please move over to the first course and let the games begin!! First up is a lengthy obstacle course, but not just any obstacle course... Our male contestant, Hazelnut, gets to have many fun tools at his disposal to try and slow down Cherry! If he fails, and his girlfriend passes the obstacle course in time, he'll be the first to get gunged in the kiddy pool full of clay right underneath him!!" Said the host, a smug look slipping on his face, looking at Hazelnut, sat in an inflatable chair on an elevated platform, given a clear view of just how enormous the course really was. The obstacle course consisted of several pillars, jumps over goo pits and various other obstacles, meant to slow down the other contestant. The course itself seemed like a giant inflated castle without a roof, with the layout of... well... an obstacle course.

The tools used to slow down Cherry consisted of giant fans, a select amount of deflatable trap doors, indicated with polka dots, and many more things to toy with. These were all controlled with a single panel mounted on his chair, bridging over his legs and locking him in place, matching the colourful and childish design and the overall aesthetic of the Get Your Own Back show. A large screen captured the obstacle course from above, displaying the intricate layout in all its glory for the spectators to take in.

The longer Hazelnut looked, the more it started to look like some Bloons TD course, but in real life. As interesting as things were getting, Hazelnut was soon snapped out of what he was doing, as from above, his eyes fell on Cherry, who waved up at him in a teasing manner.

The host pressed the microphone closer up to his mouth counting down from three until the sound of horns blaring as Cherry dashed from her starting position.

Hazelnut sat tight, closely watching Cherry run at blistering speeds, avoiding the inflatable obstacles with ease. Something told him she's done this before, and that hindering her wasn't going to be as easy as he assumed at first. Hazelnut had exactly two minutes to stop her from reaching the finish line, coming to the concerning realisation that they were not even 20 seconds in and she had already passed one-fourth of the obstacle.

"Oh darn! The traps, of course!!" He mumbled hastily, fumbling with the various buttons. As he pressed a random button, a gap formed in the inflatable floor, rapidly filling up with slimy gunge. "That'll stop her! Surely...~" Hazelnut watched attentively as the gap between the two grew shorter and shorter, his paws kicking from excitement.

To the male Golden Retriever's misfortune, however, Cherry did not seem phased by the large jump, taking a leap and reaching the other side. She made it look easy, which enabled him to go all-out, seeing what he had at his disposal.

"Riiight... THIS ought to work!!" He chuckled as he pressed another button on his panel. He watched as several hidden spikes quickly pinched through the bottom of the cushiony ground, retracting as soon as the ground started to deflate, leaving only a few platforms for Cherry to step on as the bottom filled up with the same colorful glue-like gunk. Only a select few platforms were safe to use, as stepping on a trap platform would cause it to collapse, ultimately trapping her and slowing her down to the point of certain defeat.

However, as with the previous trap, she would somehow manage to pass this trap unphased and unaffected, taunting her boyfriend adversary with a blatant laugh, putting her paw up in the air forming another L with her fingers.

"Well well well... would you look at that, lovely people... looks like someone's already halfway to passing the course! Things are getting quite interesting for sure, but don't you back down now, sweetheart... Fumble once, and you'll swallow your pride and ultimately Get Your Own Back!!"

Hazelnut remained sat in his chair, dumbfounded and ashamed, watching as his efforts only went to add fuel to the fire. "H-How does she do this...?? Oh well, time to give it all I've got... Once more unto the breach, it is!!~" He mouthed the words to himself, looking back down at his panel, pressing a combination of buttons. He glances back at the course after activating several traps in hopes of stopping Cherry.

Meanwhile, Cherry kicked into high gear as the sounds of whirring and bubbling grew louder and louder, watching as large fans pointed at her rose above the inflatable course, the ground ahead of her deflating and filling up with more gunge as well as several pillars emerging from below and both sides, further obstructing her path to victory.

"Going all-in already, huh...? So cute...~" She murmured to herself, picking up her speed even further, smoothly squirming her way through the inflatable pillars, jumping to one platform after another, even with winds blowing in the opposite direction at high velocities. The audience cheered and clapped, struck with awe, observing her pass one obstacle after another, jumping over barricades, avoiding globs of gunge launched at her with ease. The proficiency of her flawless ways made her look like a character from a cartoon.

"There it is; the finish line, and it's but one last stretch away! The pressure is exhilarating for sure!! Will she reach it?!"

Cherry would make one last sprint for the finish line, feeling the ground beneath her paws soften. She would cross the finish line and become victorious, contrary to Hazelnut's prediction, flourishing her hands in the sky as the audience jubilated.

"Woooohoooooo!! Take that, Hazelnut!!" She shouted, watching the male Golden Retriever chuckle nervously while dying inside of embarrassment.

"This can't be... Oh well then...!" He thought to himself, his tail wagging between his legs ever so subtly, laid back against the headrest and slowly accepting his defeat.

"CONGRATULATIONS, CHERRY!!~ You won the first round of Get Your Own Back, aaaand you know what that means, don't'cha? You get to watch your boyfriend slide into the gunge tank!!" The host said in a teasing tone, turning around to face Hazelnut, who patiently awaited his penalty, smiling nervously as the onlookers boo'ed playfully at the Golden Retriever.

Awaiting his punishment for defeat, he watched as the quietude was broken up by the sound of whirring coming from underneath his seat, he then felt his seat tilting forward, the control panel on his lap slowly moving aside. Trying desperately to grab onto something, The Golden Retriever would slowly slide out of his seat, eyes widened, his futile efforts only making his predicament thrice as embarrassing as he awaited his inevitable, humiliating descent.

"Ooh nonononoooooooo!!~" The next thing he knew he felt himself fall down towards the colourful gunge below, plunging into the glue-like substance with a nasty *SPLORCH*. The pit itself was made of thick glass, allowing everyone to watch him land and struggle in the thick, slimy muck.

*GASP* Hazelnut uttered as he emerged from the dirty gunge pit, the weight of the viscous slime coating every inch of his body, making for a struggle not to lose his footing as the audience burst into hysterical laughter. Trapped inside the gunge tube, he'd pound on the glass, begging to be let out while Cherry approached him, giggling uncontrollably, tapping the glass confinement.

"How's it feel to lose, hmm?~" Said the female Golden Retriever, flicking her tail about and curling her hair around her finger, looking down at Hazelnut with a face of pity. She had already predicted her victory far before the two of them stepped into the thunderdome, and that this wouldn't be the last time either - Things were about to turn very sour for her boyfriend, knowing the next game would be the time where his cute and playful attitude would go to die.

"So blissfully ignorant... he really doesn't know any better, does he?~" She heard the host clear his throat, which seemed to them as his signature move in order to restore order and bring attention to him.

"Aaalriiiight, dear contestants! Please return to your decks while the next game is being prepared!! Hope you two have been working on your body balance - both of you will need it to win... one more than the other, though...~" He winked at Cherry, who smiled back, stretching her arms and legs, her tail swaying left and right at a gentle pace. She knew victory was hers to take, putting in minimal effort and still coming out on top. After all, nor did it seem as if Hazelnut was taking the games too seriously either.

She'd watch as Hazelnut stumbled back to his deck, glazed in a thick layer of gunge, chuckling throughout the whole experience as if nothing happened.

Eventually, the host ordered the contestants to hurry over to stage two, the crowd cheering and clapping as the curtains dropped to reveal a large, transparent container the size of a kid's swimming pool with two small, narrow pvc platforms standing above a 3 foot lake of pale, cake batter like substance. On top of that, above one of the platforms hung a huge wrecking ball made of the same material.

"Doesn't this just look thrilling, right folks!!? One contestant gains access to the wrecking ball, and their goal is to hit the other and knock 'em into the pit!! Stuff may seem simple at first, but oooh boy... once they get on those platforms, it'll be more of a battle between them and maintaining body balance rather than the brawl itself!!" The host spoke in a significantly more exciting tone despite the game appearing simple, at first glance, that was. Hazelnut gulped audibly, turning his eyes to Cherry, who continuously teased him, preying on his downfall and flaunting it in a playful, non-hostile manner, allowing his boyfriend to be humiliated by the crowd for his every mistake.

Reaching the edge of the pool, the two carefully make their way to their platforms. Hazelnut hesitates for a second, placing one foot down on the squishy platform, immediately realizing that keeping his footing wasn't gonna be easy - let alone operate the huge wrecking ball. Despite all that, he remained unphased, watching Cherry climb atop her platform while looking at her with a smirk on his face.

"Here's the part where I'll win, Cherry!~" He shouted, wiggling his hips and upholding taunting and generally cocky manners. He was convinced that this time around, he'd be able to pay back his girlfriend for getting ahead of herselves with her shenanigans, as ironic as it was of him to think so.

"On your positions!!" Shouted the host, holding his paw up in the air with 3 fingers stuck up. Hazelnut glares upon Cherry, firmly holding onto the wrecking ball, subtly digging his nails into the platform to maintain his footing. He heard the host begin the ultimate countdown, followed by the horn blaring through the studio as the second game had officially begun.

Hazelnut watched his opponent shuffle from side to side in an arbitrary and inconsistent pattern, struggling to predict her movement while trying his utmost not to fall off the platform himself.

"Hey! You gonna swing the ball or what?~" She chuckled, swaying her hips side to side, glaring at the Golden Retriever with a smug look on her face, coming across bratty and tempting, which she knew irked him and triggered his pet peeve.

Hazelnut responded immediately by pulling the ball back and swinging it right at her, only for it to miss her by a country mile, watching as the ball went right around her. The ball swung all the way about Cherry, traveling back to Hazelnut at high speeds.

"EEK!!" The Golden Retriever dashed to the right, getting down in order to avoid the wrecking ball coming at him, clinging onto the cylinder platform for dear life, realizing that reacting only a few milliseconds late could've resulted in sabotaging himself in front of hundreds. The crowd, as usual, bursted out into frantic laughter, with Cherry chuckling uncontrollably. Hazel quickly got back on his paws as soon as the wrecking ball slowed down, he swore that this time he'd make an actual effort to knock her off the platform and finally get his sweet, sweet revenge.

"Well well well... didn't think it'd be this hard, hmm? Just try keeping your footing while swinging that huge ball around... just a word of advice..."

Persevering through the crowd's contemptuous and humiliating laughter, he pulls the ball back and aims it at her, allowing suspense to build up while waiting for the right moment to strike. He eventually launches the ball at Cherry, and this time around, he made sure not to miss.

Alas, despite his best efforts, Cherry would dodge the wrecking ball with a subtle dash to the left.

"Wow... even when you aren't seeing ghosts you can't beat me... pathetic...~" The female Golden Retriever mumbled to herself, flicking her hair off her face while sticking her tongue out and winking at her opponent. As the ball returned to Hazelnut, he let out a sigh and immediately fling it back at her again, only for her to duck to the side and dodge it yet again. The more Hazelnut missed his target, the more humiliating things got for the unfortunate Golden Retriever, and the worse his aim seemed to get as a result of feeling riled up from Cherry's neverending taunts and temptations.

"C'mon, just stand still for a second!!" He muttered, taken out of his focus. No matter how precisely he followed Cherry's movement, his predictions yielded no favors, only further embarrassing himself as the crowd continued to laugh and boo at the Golden Retriever, while some were cheering her girlfriend on, applauding her admirable evasive maneuvers seemingly with ease.

"Someone's looking quite fed up with his rival's shenanigans...!~ Only a minute on the clock, better let it all out while you still have the chance!~" The host flashed a subtle wink at Cherry.

It appeared to Hazelnut that there was something between her and the game master that he didn't know, which didn't help his impatience with Cherry either - besides, time was short. It was now or never.

He clenched his wrists, taking the wrecking ball and launching it at her the fastest he could, watching it travel at blistering speeds. Everytime the ball returned after Cherry dodged it, he would immediately swing it back again... and again... and again...

"15 seconds left! Don't back down now, you two!!~" He shouted enthusiastically, the crowd cheering and boo'ing, watching each fight tooth and nail for victory.

At some point, Hazelnut would reach his limit after Cherry's tireless teases. "Oi! Now I've had enough!!" Hazelnut shouted. As his wrecking ball returned once more, he'd firmly grab onto it as he jumped up in the air to launch it the absolute fastest he could, convinced that this'd be the final blow that would finally put an end to Cherry's games.

One thing he did not take into account was that launching himself off the ground meant giving up his footing... and what goes up, must come down.

Right as he was about to fling the ball at her at ridiculous speeds, his paws would slip off the cylinder platform, causing him to stumble forward, holding onto the wrecking ball for dear life, letting out a shriek as his paws dangled only a few inches above the surface of the pale slop below. Unfortunately, his grasp on the cord of the wrecking ball was insufficient, feeling himself fall down into the batter-like sludge below, the pale slop mixing with the colorful gunge from the previous game.

The worst part was that Hazelnut seemingly sabotaged himself mere seconds before Cherry could run down the clock, making his situation twice as embarrassing, knowing he went out in the stupidest way possible.

"Oooh yiiikes, such a close call, that was!! Ladies and gentlemen... it seems our contestant Hazelnut bit off a bit more than he could chew with that swing there, falling off the platform and thus passing the win onto Cherry! Congratulations, dear!!!" As usual, the sound of hysterical laughter reverberated through the studio, rubbing salt in Hazelnut's wounds of embarrassment as he struggled to emerge from the fluffy slime. The presenter turned around to glance at Cherry, who would do a victory dance atop the platform, looking back at the gunge monster that is Hazelnut, his entire body glazed thickly, adding another layer of raunchy slime to his body.

Hazel whined subtly as the embarrassment began to slowly sink in, hearing and seeing the audience booing and laughing at him. What he once considered to be fun and games now ultimately started to get under his skin, feeling utterly violated and humiliated by the crowd, the host and even her own girlfriend poking fun at him with every tiny slip-up.

"Alright, my lovely contestants... Please make your way back to your decks again as our crew prepares the third game of Get Your Own Back, which I am absolutely stoked to present to you folks, as we are about to take quite a differing approach to our courses!! It'll be just as stunning and will leave you on the edge of your seats as always, so be prepared!!"

Riddled with shame, Hazelnut wallows towards the edge of the large swimming pool of muck, struggling to climb out whilst watching Cherry simply hop off the platform with ease, blowing him a kiss with a nonchalant attitude while she walks back to her deck.

"This is starting to really blow now... am I sure I want to continue?" The male Golden Retriever thought to himself, sauntering to his deck, where Cherry and the host patiently awaited him. The curtains dropped, and the sound of whirring could be heard from beyond them as the third game was being prepared. Through his obscured vision, he glanced at Cherry, who would continually poke fun at her, leaning on her deck with her elbows, cupping her face with her paws while wiggling her rear, looking back at her boyfriend whilst trying her damndest not to laugh.

An awkward silence followed.

"...As our crew readies up the course for game numero tres, how about we get into some interesting hints, shall we?" The host said, breaking up the quietude. "Ever had an itch that was begging to be scratched, but doesn't go away no matter how much you claw away at it? Now imagine that, but instead of one specific spot, the itch is spread across your entire body whilst wearing a massive inflatable mascot suit!!" The crowd oooo'd in response to the presenter's idea, Cherry's eyes widening from enthusiasm while Hazelnut felt his body temperature surge from embarrassment and bashfulness, looking down at the ground. It wouldn't take much long before the sound of whirring returned, followed by the curtains dropping, revealing the third obstacle course after a long wait.

The host recoiled from amazement, letting out a chuckle as he held the microphone back up to his mouth.

"Oh whoa!! Would you look at that, lovely people; the third and last game of this episode of Get Your Own Back!! Each participant finds themselves in the midst of this inflatable maze filled with traps, twists and turns galore!!" He paused momentarily as the crowd exclaimed excitement.

The maze, in question, was covered with a giant glass ceiling, along with two circular platforms on either side of the maze, marked with large dots; one being green, the other pink.

"Our victorious contestant, Cherry, is granted a visor that allows her to see Hazelnut through walls as she tries to avoid him, as our tagger Hazelnut is given a feather-filled chicken mascot suit for his losing streak! - Gotta own up to your 'oopsies' somehow!! Will this be the round where our poor puppy Hazelnut takes the win and redeems himself? Let's find out!!" The host looked to Hazelnut, who resumed looking down in utter embarrassment, unable to catch but a single break after having to endure one embarrassing situation after another, only to be forced into a goofy suit designed for the sole purpose of hindering him and grinding his gears - He felt defeated and humiliated beyond words, unable to help but remain silent as the crowd of children and parents mocked him non-stop.

Though, despite being beaten down time and time again, a huge part of him did still appreciate all of it.

The host cleared his throat, turning around to face the audience. "Now, ladies and gentlemen... without wasting any time, let's get right into the third game of this episode of Get Your Own Back!!" He said, resolute exhilaration flourishing in his tone. His words were once again met with a resounding round of applause from the audience.

"Well, dear contestants... See those giant, coloured platforms on either side of the glass panel? Those'll take you down to the maze itself. Please make your way over to the pink dot, dear Cherry!" The host momentarily glanced at Cherry as she walked over to her starting position, then laid his eyes on Hazelnut, letting a smug slip on his face as the Golden Retriever looked back at him in shame.

"I-I'm gonna have t-to put on that suit, don't I...?" After minutes of silence, Hazelnut finally mustered up the courage to ask the host this embarrassing question. The host nodded, keeping the same mischievous smile on his face. The Golden Retriever sighed, remaining bashful, awaiting whatever comes next as the sound of whirring made a comeback, then, a stand with a large inflatable suit rose from the center of the main stage.

"Go on, sweetie! Put on the suit!" Said the host, watching closely as the ashamed Hazelnut reluctantly walked up to the elevated platform at the center of the stage. Once there, he scrutinizes the suit for any openings, only to find none. That's where the Golden Retriever was met with the first challenge of the third game - getting inside the suit, and it appeared he would have to climb the thing to then squeeze through the tight neckband.

"Hnngh... Do I really have to do it this way...??" Perplexed and irritable, he ceases to search for easier ways to approach the ordeal, and starts climbing the stand. Luckily, the clothing rack felt sturdy and appeared to be fastened to the platform, meaning he did not need to worry about falling off and getting injured.

Eventually, after a long struggle, Hazelnut finally succeeded in climbing the rack and squeezing and squirming his way into the chicken mascot suit, feeling the ticklish feathers brush against his fur. The crowd once again bursted into hysterical laughter, some began pointing at the Golden Retriever while some nearly spat out their drinks. It quickly became clear that Hazelnut's situation hadn't gotten any better, which he supposed made sense.

"Jesus Christ this feels awful... These itches... hnngh I wanna scratch them so badly... If there's one thing I want right now, it's that... and that alone..."

He felt the locks on the suit disengage, allowing him to move freely again. As his paws touched the ground, he nearly stumbled down the small staircase on his way to his starting position at the maze, only provoking more laughs and points from the audience. Hazelnut ignored their reactions, keeping his eyes on the ground while he hightailed to his position above the maze, where Cherry awaited her.

"And remember, folks... This maze's got some aces up its sleeve, so stay wary, or Get Your Own Back!!" The host shouted in a tone of excitement, turning his face to the jubilating audience.

He looked back at the two contestants. "Oooon your positions...!" As he said this, Hazelnut and Cherry shrieked shortly in response to feeling the platforms lowering into the maze. Once at the bottom, Hazelnut gulped upon realizing just how much of a hindrance his inflated mascot suit turned out to be, his wide, swollen arms pressed tightly against the walls of the maze - It was going to be quite the struggle to squirm his way through the several hallways.

His ears perked, hearing the host counting down from 3 before he could even grasp the chance to grow accustomed to the situation he found himself in. Hazel knew he had to take a methodical approach as opposed to simply winging it, alas, nor was he given that opportunity, as the reverberating horns and his itchy, tickly suit disrupted his thinking session.

Struck by panic, he frantically looked left and right, confused and indecisive as to where on earth he was supposed to go, stumbling against every wall he could find, his balance beyond his control. Meanwhile, Cherry's unknown whereabouts instilled a sense of fear and pressure in Hazelnut, hastily and anxiously turning one corner after another, wishing upon a star not to run into any traps, or worse, Cherry the tagger.

On the opposite side, Cherry chuckled to herself, seeing her boyfriend stumbling against the bouncy walls of the maze. She quietly moved away from her starting position, keeping her eyes locked onto her helpless victim, tiptoeing her way through the labyrinth as quietly as possible. Cherry made sure to make great use of what she learned about Joei-on Jutsu to the best of her ability, efficiently concealing her footsteps with the sounds of the air frenzying through the inflatable maze as well as Hazelnut's clumsiness.

Though, just when Cherry thought she had everything in control as she snuck her way through the maze, she felt a wire touch one of her foot paws, and the next thing she knew, a bucket filled to the brim with cold, thick gunge was emptied all over her, catching her by surprise. She shrieked, feeling the cold, slimy, colorful ooze drooping down her head and all over her body, coating her visor and obscuring her vision.

"And something just had to go wrong..." The female Golden Retriever sighed in exasperation, wiping the goo off her x-ray vision headset, bearing in mind to also look up every now and then.

She continued onwards, locking her eyes on the tagger Hazelnut, dodging the traps and obstacles to the best of her ability. The thick gunge clung onto every part of her body, and despite her efforts of staying vigilant, some traps still managed to catch her off guard, only adding more cold slime to her already drenched body. Every time she shrieked, she would reveal her position and Hazelnut would know exactly where she was, granting him quite the advantage over her girlfriend despite being locked in an itchy, hindering chicken mascot suit.

"Really? How kind of you to spoil your location!! Heeere I come!!" Hazelnut shouted, cocky and eager to win and thus instantly picking up the pace, squirming and wriggling through the narrow passages as he sped towards the source of Cherry's shrieks. Eventually, he spots her in utter distress, frantically trying to wipe the sticky gunk off her visor with her gooped-up paws. Subtly chuckling to himself, The Golden Retriever begins to very slowly tiptoe over to her.

Hazelnut smiled smugly, closing the gap between him and the other canine, ignoring the itching and tickling from his huge suit. He felt that there was no way he could mess this up, closing in the distance bit by bit while Cherry remained oblivious, watching her desperately fight against the slime that coated her entire body from head to toe. Victory has never been this close for Hazelnut, so close he could nearly taste it.

It seemed too good to be true, the odds had finally granted him a chance to make up for his mistakes after nearly an hour of failing and embarrassing himself.

...Alas, he was immediately hit with the cold water of reality, his hopes of vengeance crushed by the sound of the host loudly shouting into his microphone, announcing that the two only had a minute left.

He shrieked from shock and felt himself stumble into a tripwire, causing him to stumble and inevitably fall forward before he could lay even a finger on his target. And to make matters worse, the poor Hazelnut would faceplant right into a puddle of that cold, colorful gunge he grew to despise. Ashamed and defeated, he watched his girlfriend instinctively back away after hearing the wire snap, also succeeding in clearing her vision as she laid her eyes down on Hazelnut.

"Umm... oops...~" He mumbled to Cherry, waving at her in a goofy manner, trying to mask his embarrassment with a silly shtick as his miserable attempt was met with the usual laughter and boo's from the audience.

"30 seconds! Tick tock!!"

Cherry looked up at the timer above them, and sped off before Hazelnut could extend his arm and tag her. Now feeling defeated and unable to get up, Hazelnut lies down and once again accepts his defeat. His ears perked as he heard the host countdown from 10 while the crowd continued to shame the poor Golden Retriever, their hysteric laughs nearly deafening him after the horns blared, his defeat now set in stone.

The glass ceiling above Hazelnut's and Cherry's heads opened up while the platform underneath the maze rose, the inflatable walls retracting into the ground. Hazelnut couldn't help but turn around to look at her girlfriend, who pointed and laughed at him mockingly. The defeated Hazelnut squirmed and struggled, attempting to get back up on his foot-paws again, eventually managing to do so. This would be the Golden Retriever's biggest achievement so far, though it didn't feel like one at all.

"I... I-I lost again...?!! Wait... does this mean-"

He was quickly interrupted by the host speaking into his microphone, drowning out his voice as he muttered to himself.

"Yiiiiikes!! It would appear that our tagger Hazelnut has crumbled under pressure once again... that's three losses in a row!! 'Think we all saw that coming, did we not, ladies and gentlemen?!!" The audience responded affirmatively, almost as if they were biased to always side with him and Cherry. "Despite falling victim to the traps of the maze, finding herself all slimy and dripping with the cold, clingy gunge, our beloved Cherry persevered and took the crown!! Once again, congratulations to you, Cherry Roll!!"

"And with that, the third and last win goes to our glorious Cherry!! CONGRATULATIONS on winning game number 3 in today's episode of Get Your Own back!! Every single one of them!!!" A round of applause was given by the crowd of kids and adults alike, cheering and jubilating Cherry's well-deserved victory.

Cherry, remaining ecstatic and all smiles, threw her hand-paws up in the air, brimming with pride and determination as she celebrated her victory out loud, jumping up and down, her tail swishing left and right while the crowd raised their paws up in the air as well.

The two hurried back to their decks, Cherry skipping towards hers as stars fill her eyes, while Hazelnut sauntered back to his, whining and on the verge of tears as he kept his eyes locked on to the ground in utterly devastating shame.

"Aaalrightyyyyyy!! So, with you guys finally here, let's get into the results, shall we?~" The host said, folding his hands together, eyeballing Cherry as she smiled at him. "Alright lads 'n gents... the results just came in... Please pay attention to the screen as we announce and reveal who takes the win and who gets to get their own back!!!"

Hazelnut watched as everyone, including Cherry, looked up at the huge display above them, drum rolls playing in the background. He would reluctantly join them, glancing up at the screen while keeping his head down.

Soon enough, a huge zero would make its appearance on the big television screen. The crowd reacted with a resounding series of boo's and laughs as they all pointed at the male Golden Retriever. A strong sense of shame washed over the poor Hazelnut, the spectators continuing to relentlessly toy with his emotions to the point where he almost started crying, only barely managing to hold back his tears of humiliation.

He paid only a brief glimpse, only to see a green, massive three appear right besides the zero as the sound of party horns blasted through the speakers, along with the usual jubilation from the audience. He watched everybody get up from their chair, raising their paws up in the air as confetti rained down from above.

"Aaand CONGRATULATIONS to CHERRY ROOLLLL!! You are the winner in this episode of Geeet Your Ooown Baaaaack!! Oh, and see that over there, my lovely people?? Unfortunately for our losing contestant, Hazelnut, to make up for his embarrassing zero to three loss, our poor little doggie will be stuffed in that giant cannon right over there... to be launched out of the studio and into a large pit of deep, colourful and clingy gunge... whilst still in his dumb chicken mascot suit!!!" The host shouted ecstatically into his microphone, jeeringly wiggling his hips around as he looked at Hazelnut while pointing at a large circus cannon the staff had prepared for him.

Hazelnut shrieked in response to hearing his punishment that sounded nothing short of dangerous and humiliating, only to look to his right to see the huge cannon, unsure if he should run away or face his penalty.

"Yippeeee, I wiiiin!! Take that, Hazelnut!! Told you you were going down...!~" She exclaimed, ever brimming with euphoria, resuming to playfully mock Hazelnut as the crowd once again continued to go off on the already beaten-down boyfriend, watching him whine to himself, abashed and ashamed.

"Now, my lovely Cherry... You know what to do!!" Said the host as he glanced back at Cherry Roll, to which she responded with an enthusiastic nod. The female Golden Retriever swiftly laid his eyes on Hazelnut and smiled smugly, striking a sense of slight unease into his heart.

She began walking over to Hazelnut's deck, her tail playfully swaying side to side, watching as he backed away in worry before proceeding to lift him up and carry him in her arms with no effort at all, giggling and looking into her boyfriend's eyes.

Hazelnut, shrieking in response to her girlfriend picking him up, attempted to escape her firm grasp, squirming in protest.

"Hnngh... C-Cherry...?? W-What are you doing-" Said Hazelnut, confused and uneasy over her girlfriends' antics, watching her take him towards the circus cannon. It soon became crystal clear what was about to happen, though he'd very much rather not have known. Her playful opposition wasn't hard to deduce, but not to this extent. She would never do such a thing to her own boyfriend, would she?

"Just watch...~" Cherry responded resolutely, tightening her grip on the canine's body, carrying on with her unnervingly smug attitude.

His heart pounded in his throat as he and her girlfriend stood right before the big cannon, his body temperature increasing substantially. She began walking to the back of the cannon, where she found an opening, about the size of Hazelnut and his suit.

"W-wait...! Please don't do this, Cherry!! I-I'm your boyfriend!!" Hazelnut would proceed to put up one last struggle, attempting to prevent Cherry from shoving him inside the cannon by keeping his foot-paws against the large barrel and pushing himself and Cherry away from it. Alas, despite his unyielding protests, this only bought him a few extra seconds, as she lifted him up, and with one powerful shove, swiftly stuffed him inside the cannon, closing the lid above his head.

Cherry giggled and looked inside to see the poor Hazelnut pleading for mercy, begging her to let him out.

"Don't be such a wimp... You'll be fiiiine...~" Cherry said, taking the lid of the cannon's barrel as well and swinging it shut, leaving the loser inside as she happily skipped towards the back of the cannon, where a wick and a lighter had been left for her.

Engulfed by complete pitch-black darkness, Hazelnut continued to plead for rescuing as he attempted to crawl out of the massive circus cannon by himself, he quickly discovered that the inside of the barrel appeared to be slathered in some sort of slimy oil, the idea of escaping now seeming nothing short of hopeless.

On the bright side, at least he was given a chance to appreciate the silence after being forced to endure the deafening, non-stop blaring of the spectators and sound effects. Forced to persevere through constant defeat and unyielding humiliation, he stood to gain nothing. What initially appeared like a goofy, innocent game show turned out to provide much more than he bargained for, now forced to pay for his losses by being stuffed inside a big circus cannon before being launched into a pit full of thick, ice-cold gunge, presumably for everybody to watch as well...

It was at this point that Hazelnut would finally come to terms with being the loser for everybody to point and laugh at.

The blissful quietude was soon broken up by none other than the game host he grew to loathe, holding onto himself as he spoke into his microphone in an obnoxious tone.

"Aaalrighty lads and gents!! With everybody in their designated positionsss.... Aaaare you guys ready??! Timer's starting soon, so grab some popcorn and a drink everybody - 'cause things are about to get eeexplosiiive!!!" Meanwhile, beyond the inside of the cannon, the host signaled Cherry to light the wick, to which she happily complied. She took the end of it in her hand, lighter in the other, and set fire to it.

A huge countdown appeared on the massive display, as well as a side panel showing Hazelnut stuffed inside the cannon from the perspective of a hidden night-vision camera. The crowd went off on him, even inside the cannon, Hazelnut wasn't allowed one single break, only to soon be dunked into a huge gunge bath.

Scared for his life, Hazelnut closed his eyes, his ears twitching and hanging down as the host started counting down from fifteen in his usual annoying tone, the spectators tagging along.

"Five... Four... Three... Two... Ooooneeeee..." Then, silence. An eerily suspenseful quietude followed, even the crowd had grown silent.

For a split second, Hazelnut thought that the cannon was a mere joke, and that Cherry would pull him out and take him home. Just as Hazelnut began to feel relieved, a loud bang interrupted the silence as the lid at the end of the cannon's barrel sprung open, and with that, the Golden Retriever was rapidly launched out of the circus cannon, through the open ceiling and up in the air. Now airborne, the poor Hazelnut shrieked and screamed, his body traveling through the air at breakneck speeds.

He quickly spots the huge swimming pool full of gunge, and couldn't help to take his eyes off it, wishing upon a star that it'd be enough to break his fall and let him climb out unscathed. The Golden Retriever peaked, and then began falling down, closing his eyes in fear.

The next thing Hazelnut knew he found himself completely submerged in the cold slime, struggling against the thick gunge to emerge, ultimately succeeding in doing so. Now standing neck-deep in the slime, the gooped-up Golden Retriever spots the several cameras pointed right at him while trying to recollect himself and come to his senses, ever ashamed but happy to be alive.

Even after all he has been through, pushing through hours of humiliation and disappointment, being gunged up, yelled and laughed at... despite all of it, deep down, Hazelnut still appreciated it all. He smiled and waved at the cameras, sticking his thumbs up and forming a heart with his fingers for a girlfriend.

He then felt the locks of his mascot suit disengage, allowing the Golden Retriever to finally exit the itchy costume. To say that being free from his restraining suit would be an understatement, stars filling his eyes as he basked in the sun and bathed in the colorful gunge.

And for a change, the spectators gave the content Hazelnut his first round of applause instead of bursting into hysterical laughter, the host striking an awkward grin while Cherry smiled warmly, her cheeks flushed up slightly.

"Never change, sweetheart...~" Cherry mumbled, also forming a heart with her paws. Despite her shenanigans against him, she loved him to the edge of the universe and back. Hazelnut was and would always be her beloved sweetheart.

The two eventually reunited, and thanked the game host before leaving the stage, both brimming with love and happiness.