That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 10: The Band Of Friends (part 3) :Torn Apart (part 2)
#38 of That Gay Goth Dog
i laid alone in a hotel room. the feeling of coldness was all around me. im so use to having jeremys body next to me to keep me warm on the cold nights. i turned my head to the empty space next to me wishing that he was here. i looked back at the faint glow of the screen in front of me then picked up my wallet. i opend the center piece to show a picture of me and jeremy the day after we met. "you never did change at all pup." i chuckled and looked over the some what puppish fur. i turned off the TV and rolled over on under the covers and cuddled the picture and soon fell asleep.
"oh fuck, oh fuck-oh-fuck-oh fuck." i said wrapping up jeremys paw.
"hon calm down be happy it was just a small cut on his palm." seth said putting a paw on my shoulder.
"i dont give a shit it could have been though his heart." i yelled back making seth step backwards.
"hon calm do-"
"fuck you." i growled and went back to working on jeremys paw. as soon as it was taped up i brought him to his and haydens bed and laid him down.he didnt wake up once. most likely due to loss of blood. "hon. im sorry." i said putting my ears down and my tail between my legs.
"its ok hon... your just scared. i understand." he said. i spun around and hugged him tightly crying into his black furred shoulder.
'hmm till called... yay!' i said happily into my mind and called back.
"hello?" the shepherd voice with a hint of german accent rang though my phone.
"hi hon."
"oh hey leon wassup?"
"nothing saw that you called and wanted to know what was up."
"oh, i wanted to say i love you. also their is something going on with jeremy and hayden. apparently they had a fight. but im not sure."
"them, fight.... ha good one."
"no im not kidding.. they found jeremy on the ground in their room.. and haydens car is gone. i dont know what happened but something did happen."
"oh.. well i hope everything works out fine."
"me to. but hey im sure it will. now i have to get back to the lab report. talk to you tomorrow. love you."
"love you to hon." and with that i fell to my bed scared for jeremy.
"hon?" i said and woke up hopping hayden was beside me. when my eyes looked around the room and saw no sign of hayden i curld into a ball trying to keep my self warm. "never knew it was this cold in our room before." i said then got up and sat on the side of the bed. i noticed a wired lump on the other when i put on my glasses i saw aarons arm wrapped around seths torso. i smirked then got out my guitar amp and rudly woke them up. they both jumped and squeaked at the sound of the A cord that i fell over laughing loudly.
"NOT FUNNY DUDE! I NEARLY PISSED MYSELF!" aaron yelled. seth slowly moved away.
'sorry hon im not being pissed on today."
"gah." aaron said and fell to his back. "well anyways how are you feeling jeremy?" aaron said.
"cold, alone, hated, depressed." i said. "and hungry." i added.
"well hayden texted me and said hes on his way back.. we should go so you guys can have some time together." seth said and put his paw on aarons shoulder. aaron let out a soft whimper then nodded.
"make sure if something happens you come tell me.. ok?" he said sternly. i nodded then they both left.
-10minutes later-
the door opened and my husky came into the room. the fur around his eyes was matted down and his eyes glowing red.
"im sorry." we both said at the same time.
"i didnt mean to hurt you." hayden said.
"its ok. i shouldn't let the old memories of people at school making fun of my accent get to me." i said and looked down. "im also sorry for running off.. i didnt go far i have my hiding place in this building." i said. hayden looked down then back up and pulled me into a tight hug.
"just promise me you will never do anything like that again." he said. as he talked his voice started fading and i could feel his tears hit my shoulder. "i thought, i thought something happened to you. i thought someone took you away from me. please dont do it again." he was crying loudly now and was holding onto me tightly. i was crying with him. my tears staining his hoodie.
"i promise hon. i will not run away ever again." i moved my head back and our lips locked together.
i woke up and looked around thinking hayden was next to me. i noticed quickly that the room was cold. but hayden was on the other side of the room. "hon?"
"dont speak to me." i barked and looked up at me. his eyes were red... pure red... this wasnt my mate.
"whats going on?" i said and started to whimper.
he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. "dont you ever fucking think of leaving again." he growled. their was a shot of a gun.
"dont shot!" i flung up panting fastly. i looked around the room and saw no one. i looked at my phone and saw that i had a message. when i opened the lid haydens name popped up.
"be their soon. we need to talk."
and that was it. "hmm sent 9 minutes ago.." just as i put my phone down hayden walked into the room. he sat on the other bed then me and we looked into each others eyes for what felt like 5 hours.
"so." he started.
"so?... what?" i said.
"you going to say your sorry for running like a pup. are you actually going to tell me what went though your mind." he said.
"hon im sorry. its just old problems... dont worry about it." i said and put my head into the pillow.
"no if it has you running from me i will worry about it. i dont want to lose you." he barked.
"i know. its stupid. just please, hayden. dont worry about it." i said. tears slowly falling down my muzzle.
"fine." he said with a small growl forming in his chest. we sat in silence for about 30 minutes. then he walked over and kissed my lips. i feel against the bed and melted into his arms. it felt so good to have my husky back. "lets never fight again. it hurts to much." he said.
"i agree." i said and hugged him tightly. we soon both fell asleep in each others arms.