Jet-A (2019)
The gear dropped into place, and the flaps were deployed, slowing the plane up for an uneventful landing. at the last second before touchdown, joey flared, bringing the nose up to touch the plane on its main gear.
A Fox's Family (Part 5)
Getting up and heading to the staging area, the team would move swiftly to gather their well-maintained gear and equipment. as a special ops team, they were always ready to go at a moment's notice.
Vadim, Chapter 6: A First Taste
The only gear he had was his 2 way radio and the large fighting knife that said 'ka-bar' on it. when they were both done gearing up, it was only 1:00 am.
Survival of the Fittest- Episode 2
Snow began to fall lightly as a wolf in full winter gear opened the large metal door to the base. the interroom entry point was much like a shed but much more secure to the outside.
Highball (2021)
Felix inspected the gear assembly, and could find nothing suspicious. he was careful about the nose gear, as the liberator express had a habit of collapsing nose gears.
Soar (2019)
"gear up." alvin called out, he raised the gear and flaps and throttled back to avoid overstraining his engine.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 9-The Second Morning
Everyone started running through their gear. "i got everything", hudson said. "same here", issac said. "likewise", i said. "got it", frank said. "then let's get going", john said.
Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 8-DJ Skyline
I gave the truck some more gas and shifted into second gear as mike spoke up. "what exactly are we looking for at the light house?", he asked.
Team Canine Episode 2: The Pilot's Rage
He had a crazy white mohawk, a cybernetic eyepatch, and a ton of gear on with spiky shoulderpads. "welcome, wolf o' donnell," began silver.
Day 11
Rations, sleeping gear and heavy weather equipment, we were told, would be all on the plane?" karen supplied. "yeah. halliburton, grist, get your arses over here and help the doctor and her team stow their gear.
A simple weekend
Closing and locking the door behind him, he set his gear down and moved to the kitchen where he could already smell food being cooked for dinner. "oh do i smell turkey?"
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 23-Transfered
This was the first time i'd seen syralth with out his riot gear. his chest was covered in scars and he was built really well. "mind letting me get dressed?" "i'll meet you at the chopper."