Vadim, Chapter 6: A First Taste
#6 of Vadim
Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy with my mate's birt...
Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy with my mate's birthday and all :3 Here it is, next one should be up tomorrow :3
"Ok Sig, despite all of the gear we got last night, we still need one crucial thing: walkie talkies." The two foxes were on an elevator heading to the ground floor of the apartment building. Sig had just gotten out of school a half of an hour before that. "So do you know of any electronic stores around here?"
"There's only one problem with that, Vaddy. They might not have them in stock because of the cell phone ban. But yes, down the street there is a small store that sells electronics." The elevator got to the ground floor and the pair walked through the lobby then out of the front door.
"Well, let's hope for the best then."
There were a few furs out on this bright, sunny day in the city. The temperature was mild, and the constant light sea breeze was blowing as the two foxes walked towards the electronic store. They walked up to an elder grey raccoon mother walking with her son, who was following close behind. She wore a fancier dress; while her son, who looked to be about 17, wore some dress pants and a white dress shirt with a blue sweater vest over it. The raccoon and Vadim locked eyes for a second, the raccoon giving him a look of despair.
"Hey Sig, is there a private school around here somewhere?"
Sig gave him a questioning look as he responded. "Yes, it's called the Lumen Nation School for Girls and Boys. It was just for boys, but then they got low on funding so they added girls to get more money. Anyways... It's the size of a university campus, and they have dorms that the kids live in. And yes, that raccoon that just past us is from there. He must have got some leave time with his mother or something."
"Interesting... How far away is it?" By now they were just entering the store, which wasn't too big as Sig had mentioned.
"About 3 miles, and it's a big campus."
"Oh yeah, yeah. I think I know what you're talking about, I always thought that was a university. Wow." Vadim padded up to the cashier, a nerdy looking mouse in his mid twenties.
"Can I help you sir?" The mouse said in a nasally voice.
"Yes, we are looking for a pair of two way radios. Do you have any?" The mouse looked shocked at what Vadim just said, like he had just told the mouse he was looking to buy drugs.
"No! No, we don't have anything like that here! Now pl..." The mouse was cut short by a big bear that came from a door behind the register.
"Cody, go do inventory, I'll take care of this. Hi, I'm Tom." The bear said with a deep voice. Vadim was a little intimidated by the bear's size, and he was hoping he didn't do anything bad. "Why don't you two follow me back here." He invited them behind the register and in to the door he just opened. The two foxes gave each other a worried look, then went around and entered the door. They were now in the small warehouse section of the store, with numerous electronics in boxes stacked up high.
"Now, sorry if this seems a little bit weird, but we have cops come in here every once in a while to search for any communication type stuff." The three furs continued to walk down an aisle. "I know you two aren't cops because you are foxes. Our new dictator won't allow your kind on the force anymore. Now, don't say a word to anyone that you got these here." The bear went behind a large box and pulled out a small package.
"In here contains two 2 way radios, having a range of 30 miles on open land, 20 different main channels, and another 40 different sub channels in each main channel. What are you two using these for anyway?"
Vadim winked and said: "We need to keep in touch with each other in case we get split up."
"Haha, ok then. And one more thing, if you get in any kind of trouble, call for help on channel 13 Main, and 37 Sub." The three walked back out in to the store and the big bear rung them up. "That will be $98.07 please."
Vadim pulled a $100 bill out of his wallet and handed it over. "Keep the change, we appreciate your business sir."
With that, the two turned around and started to walk out of the store, but Vadim noticed the same raccoon down one of the aisles. He was giving Vadim the same stare as before, then went back to reading a box he was holding. He completely spaced out as Sig was trying to tell him something. Before he knew it, he was already walking pretty far away from the store.
"Addan? Addan? Hello?" Vadim shook his head and snapped back to reality.
"I'm sorry Sig, I saw that raccoon again when we were leaving the store. It was just... Kinda weird. Now what were you saying?"
Sig sighed before he responded. "I was saying that it was pretty cool that the bear sold us these. I think he knew something was up with us, just makes you wonder how many others in this town are like him."
"Yeah, I totally agree. There is some true unrest in the air at this day and age." Vadim looked to the sky to see some high level clouds moving from the sea. "It looks like we might get some weather before our first mission. This reminds me, I saw in a park a while back a shed that was FAR AWAY FROM A RIVER that we could use to change clothes and such. We should go take a look at it. It's in the park that we had our first kiss in."
Sig looked at him and blushed a little while smiling. "That sounds fine to me."
The pair dropped of the radios at their home, which was on the way to the park. After another five minutes of walking, they arrived at the park and started to walk on a trail. They arrived at the shed that was off of the main trail and in the middle of some trees. It was identical to the last one, even with the hay bedding on the floor. Sig pounced on Vadim and took him to the floor. Vadim looked at Sig in the eyes, and gave him a kiss on the nose. But then Vadim heard some voices outside, so he got up and opened the door. He looked down the trail to see three furs in a school uniform; a grey squirrel, a calico housecat, and that same raccoon. The raccoon smiled as he walked by, but didn't say a word as he and his friends continued down the trail.
"Sig, we need to get home, fast. We're being followed by that raccoon." Sig stood up with a start.
"What's going on? Was that him?"
The pair left the shed and started to jog back towards their apartment. "Yes, it was him. Along with a cat and a squirrel that were the same age. Now let's go!"
They ran quickly out of the park and down the street. They rushed and pushed through furs like they were being chased for a robbery, then slowed down when they got in front of their home building.
"That was weird, Sig. I wonder what's... Oh shit." Vadim froze as he was entering the building, looking straight in to the grey eyes of the same raccoon walking towards him from the opposite direction of the park.
"How the?" Sig started to say, but was cut off by Vadim grabbing his arm and running to the farthest elevator.
"We'll lose him like we lost those guards, Sig!" The pair jumped in to the elevator and went up a few floors below their own, then ran down the hall and jumped in another elevator. This one led them to their door, and they quickly got inside.
"What the hell is going on, Sig?" Vadim gave Sig a hug as they calmed down a little.
"I don't know, Vadim, I don't know. Let's lay in my bed for a bit, shall we?"
A few days had passed since their run in with the raccoon, and Vadim was ready for his first mission. It was a Friday night, so Sig could help him out by being a spotter. For the past two nights Vadim walked around for a few hours, and noticed that at approximately 1:15 AM, a cop would make a patrol through the park where they were going to change their clothes at. Tonight was the night, he would finally take back just a little of what the dictator of his nation took from him.
"You ready to go, Sig?" It was completely dark in the apartment, and they were both at the front door.
"Yes, Let's go." The pair opened the front door and squinted at the brightness of the hallway. They were both wearing casual clothes with black back-packs on. They entered the elevator and rode it to the second to last floor, where they got off and went down the last floor through the fire escape stairs. These stairs led them outside, instead of in the lobby. Sig put a small piece of tape on the inside of the locking mechanism to keep it unlocked for when they returned.
Now they were out in the open air. It was fully cloudy outside, and Vadim knew they only had a few hours before it was set to rain. They walked quickly to the park, making it there in about five minutes. Another five minute walk took them to the shed, where they both entered and geared up. Sig put on a ghillie suit: his job was to stick to the bushes near the head of the path and relay information to Vadim about the approaching officer. He carried a dagger on him for protection. Vadim changed from casual in to full camouflage, and then put a camo vest over it all. The only gear he had was his 2 way radio and the large fighting knife that said 'Ka-Bar' on it. When they were both done gearing up, it was only 1:00 AM.
"Good luck, Sig. And if you come across trouble, tell me on the radio. I'll be there as soon as possible. Please be safe, I care about you a lot." Sig gave him a big hug.
"I will, you too. Just please be careful, ok?"
"I will, don't worry."
The two went their separate ways, and Vadim climbed a tree branch that hung over the path and waited. Sig hopped in to a big bush near the road and radioed in to Vadim.
"It's all clear here, Vaddy. I made it to the bush and I'm waiting it out." There was a light beep at the end of the call.
"Good, I'm up in a tree and once he passes below, I'll jump down and finish him. We got about five minutes, so keep your eyes peeled."
Sig continued to keep an eye out for the cop. He saw a man in a trench coat walking down the street and a cop drove by, but not much else in the five minutes he sat there. He then heard footsteps coming from the sidewalk behind him, and a medium sized weasel walked up to the trail in a police uniform. Sig waited till he walked out of earshot.
"Ok Vad, he just entered the park. He's a weasel, so he should be easy. You got about five minutes till go time."
"Thanks Sig. Don't forget to change back in five minutes time, once I'm done here I'll quickly change and we'll head out."
Vadim anxiously waited for the weasel's arrival. He reached in to his pocket and pulled out a pair of green gloves with Kevlar on the knuckles, then put them on. After a couple of minutes, he heard footsteps, so he unsheathed his knife and held tight. He then saw the cop come in to view, Vadim's heart was racing by now and he let out a few cold, quiet pants. 10 feet and closing; Vadim crouched down, ready to pounce on his prey. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, drowning out all other noises. The cop walked right underneath him, and Vadim jumped out of the tree. The weasel heard the noise from above and looked up to see a black figure coming down on him, then he felt the knife enter his skull and everything went dark from there.
The fox brought him to the ground as he drove his blade through, then stood up and looked at what he had just done. The weasel lay there, dead as the night itself, and Vadim started to feel pity for him. Reality bit him in the butt as the cop's radio went off.
"Hey Jim, how's that stroll through the park goin?" Vadim reacted quickly, and grabbed the radio and pushed the side button.
"Everything is clear here, over."
"Jeez Jim, are you ok? You sound different." Vadim panicked a little.
"Yeah, I'm uh.... Fine. Just inhaled a bug and its messing with my voice, over."
"Ok, see you in a bit."
Vadim let out a big sigh of relief, and then started to undo the officer's utility belt. He didn't even bother to look through it, and threw everything in his pack. Vadim looked at his bloody knife and wiped it on the cop's uniform. He quickly changed on the spot, and started running towards Sig. He pulled out his radio to relay the message.
"He's down, Sig. Now let's get out of here, I'm on my way."
"Got it, I'm already changed."
A few minutes later, Vadim came running down the path and they ran as fast as they could back to their home building. They made it to the fire escape, and opened the door and went in. Just after they had entered, Sig took off the tape on the inside. They both entered the elevator and hugged each other as they went up.
"That was intense. I feel bad for doing it, but I know that he would have killed us in the future."
Sig held Vadim close, as Vadim whimpered a little. "It's ok, Vaddy, you did a good thing. You know damn well he would take your life without thinking twice. Besides, you get to sleep with me tonight."
The elevator door opened and they quickly went inside of their home and in to Vadim's room. Vadim opened the pack and took out the utility belt to see his gold prize: in the holster on the belt was a black pistol. Vadim took it out and looked it over. It was pretty small, and it said 'P. Beretta' on the handle. He looked over it more, and saw that on the slide it said 9mm M9-Beretta. Vadim smiled and put the gun back. Also on the belt was a taser, handcuffs, and two magazines for the M9. He put the whole belt in the black duffel bag, and his pack in the other.
"Let's go to sleep, Sig."
"I'm right behind you." Sig said as he smiled. They both got undressed down to their boxers and curled up in each other's arms, at peace with the world again.