Short and Sweet Dream Story
The raccoon sighed as he looked around the room. At 21 years old, he wasn't like his other friends who were around him drinking and being silly. He preferred to sit on the outside and observe the actions of his fellow friends, and laugh at their goofy...
Vadim Chapter 14: Power of the Gods
Wooo writing here and there :3 kinda slow chapter, but important info that will explain the rest of the story is in it. Enjoy, and point me out to any mistakes and...
Vadim Chapter 13: Heading Out Again
Woo. Finally done, after working and emotional shit, I finished it. Enjoy, comments and faves welcome ^^ Also tell me if theres mistakes. ...
Vadim, Chapter 12: It All Stops Here...
Wow! Three months since I last uploaded. Finally got through my writers block cuz of a dream, so I decided to bust this action packed chapter out. This is where things really start changing and the true foundation of the story begins ^^ Hope you enjoy,...
Vadim, Chapter 11: The Palace
Well, its been a busy month for me but I finally got the time to squeeze out this chapter. Woo! Action, lol. Keep an eye out for errors and tell me please. Enjoy! And Comment! And rate!...
Vadim, Chapter 10: First Day at the Range
Yay! Gun porn! This chapter is more of a filler for the story. If you don't like guns or find them boring, then dont read this. It's not too necessary for the story anyways. Disclaimer: this story does not revolve around guns, you will find this out in...
Vadim, Chapter 7: The Masked Savior
Well, this took longer then expected. This is twice as long as the normal chapters, just so you know. Sorry, I couldn't help but put Phil in this story, he was my personal fave from my previous ones :3 And also, things start taking a big turn after...
Vadim, Chapter 6: A First Taste
Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy with my mate's birthday and all :3 Here it is, next one should be up tomorrow...
Vadim, Chapter 5: Not Alone
Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue, lol. Kind of a boring chapter, but don't worry. Things heat up a bit in the next one :3 As usual, feedback is welcome and if there are any mistakes let me know...
Vadim, Chapter 4: The Handsome Truth
Story progression stuff :3 We're starting to get in to the more actiony portion of this story ^^ Feedback is...
Vadim, Chapter 3: More Than a Feeling
Mushy cute chapter :3 let me know if there are any mistakes... Also, gay romance, so if dun like, dun read...
Vadim, Chapter 2: A New Family
This is a pretty slow chapter, just story progression stuff :3 Let me know what you think, and I'll post more either tomorrow or the next day n\_\_\_n ...