Vadim Chapter 13: Heading Out Again
#13 of Vadim
The next installment in my series
Woo. Finally done, after working and emotional shit, I finished it. Enjoy, comments and faves welcome ^^ Also tell me if theres mistakes.
Phil threw the unconscious body of Vadim in to the back seat of the humvee and quickly jumped in to the passenger seat and buckled in. He tried to remain calm, but inside was very distraught over the possibility of losing his friend.
"Pavel, we need to get the hell out of here, NOW!"
With a look of shock and horror, the fox floored the gas pedal and drove through the hole in the main wall, jamming through the parking lot to make it to the outer wall. Once he got through, Pavel stopped quickly to pick up a waiting Sig. The red and silver fox got in the back seat and lifted his mates' limp body and laid him across his lap, petting him softly. Pavel then continued down the road and away from the palace with haste.
"What the hell happened to him!?" Sig said, barely holding back tears.
"We aren't exactly sure," Phil replied. "We were just leaving when a slinky grey weasel came from around a corner and shot this bolt of electricity at him... Alls I know is I am never going back there again."
Sig looked down in to his unconscious mates face and put an ear to his muzzle, making sure he was still breathing. Everybody became silent, trying to take in what happened and hoping the one they cared about so much would make it through. A smell of burning fur and gunpowder lingered in the air as they drove away. Sig stared in to the rising moon, its white/blue light casting an ambience of coolness after all the heat. Finally, Phil broke the silence that swarmed the vehicle.
"I really don't think we'll get off that easily. When we get in to town, park this beast in a hidden area and I'll call Ivan and ask if there is a place nearby where we can get access to the caverns."
Sig thought of something better. "I have a better idea. How about you text him and ask him to send coordinates of a place to go down, this way we can use our GPS and we'll just leave the humvee where ever we can. This way we don't have to walk around after we ditch the truck."
Phil nodded in agreement to the foxes' plan. "Very well then."
As Phil sent a text to Ivan, Sig softly rubbed his mate's chest.
'I hope you make it through this, Vadim." The fox thought to himself as he nuzzled in to his chest. 'You mean so god damn much to me.'
The ride continued, and they were entering the city limits. All traces of sunlight were now gone from the horizon as Phil directed where to go. As a big surprise to all of them, nobody came after them. Pavel pulled the vehicle in to a sleazy looking motel parking lot and parked in the nearest spot.
"Ivan says that we need to ask the motel clerk for room 132, which is really an elevator that leads down to the caverns." The raccoon said as they entered the run down building. Sig followed behind a bit, carrying the limp body of Vadim. Phil strode up to the hotel clerk, a brown coyote, and asked if they could occupy room 132.
"What is your business wanting that room?" The coyote replied sternly.
"We are using this room to complete our extensive collection of novellas." Phil retorted with a smirk. The coyote smiled as he pressed a button under the counter.
"You may go. Knock three times, and I hope your buddy there is ok." The desert dog said, pointing at Vadim.
"So I'm guessing that was a passcode?" Sig asked Phil, slightly tilting his head.
Before long they arrived at room 132, where Phil knocked 3 times on the door. It swung open, revealing a hooded jackal that welcomed them inside. He pointed them to a platform with another hooded jackal standing on it that was similar to the one in the lake. Sig sat down on the platform with Vadim between his legs as the other two stayed standing. The jackal's face emitted a soft blue glow through the hood as the platform began to lower.
"Those wounds will not be able to be healed by anyone in these depths." A deep voice grumbled from the hooded jackal.
Sig looked up, worried. "What do you mean?"
"The White fox will tell you." He grumbled again.
When they reached the bottom, Ivan was waiting with a couple of paramedics. They took Vadim from Sig, who reluctantly let him go, but held on to his paw. The paramedics then put him on a stretcher and both carried him.
Ivan shot the group a worried look. "So let me get this straight, you were leaving and a weasel came out and shot a bolt of lightning at him?" Phil nodded as they walked towards a group of buildings. "This isn't good. I can't explain too much but we need to get him out of here. There is only one fur I know of that can quickly heal a direct bolt to the body, and he lives many miles outside of here."
Phil gave the fox a glare. "You mean to tell me this has happened before?"
"Well, not a direct bolt like this. But we've been aware of some... Electrical issues to say the least at the palace. But nothing had been confirmed until now. Pretty much, this wasn't an ordinary bolt that hit him; it was meant to attack his brain and put him in to a kind of deep sleep, along with some other internal damage. You guys are lucky he didn't get you either, or things would be much worse."
Phil drug Ivan to the side and stopped him, looking in to his eyes. "You're telling me you had us go in to there knowing they would shoot electricity at us? What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Ivan chuckled a little. "Listen, I'm sorry that happened, but we didn't know that they could do this. Things must have changed since the last guys I sent in there quit going back."
The pair started walking again to catch up with the group. "Where exactly did that bolt come from then?"
Ivan sighed at this. "I can't really explain, someone else can do it much better and I'd rather have it done right. Just know that beyond the walls of this city, it is a much different world then you grew up in. Now we need to get him out to this guy ASAP, I will arrange a car for us to drive once we get out of the city walls. We will be heading through dangerous territory once we get out there, so keep all of your gear with you just in case."
The group got on to a small trolley, which quickly started to transport them through the caverns.
"The drive is about 115 miles once we get out of the city limits..." Ivan continued. "... There are a lot of outlaws out here that are hiding from the Lumen Government. Robbers, murderers, gangs, rapists... Pretty much anyone that has been banned from the Lumen City limits. Our biggest concern though is a two mile stretch of slums where they all live. Once we make it past there, we should be good."
The trolley continued to head through the caverns, and Sig looked at his watch which read 2018.
'This is going to be a long night.' The fox thought to himself as he sighed.
Sig stared out of the window of the van he was in, looking at the moon above and the few stars that were bright enough to see through the moonlight. They had been out of the caverns for an hour and a half, and were well on their way to this healer that would save his mate. The terrain around them was full of rolling hills that gently made Sig feel like he was on water as the van rolled through them.
A few minutes passed and the van went over one last hill that opened up in to a small valley below. In the valley a faint glow of orange lights glowed throughout the area.
"Ok gents, be ready for anything here, we're entering the slums." The driving Ivan told the group.
Sig sat up a bit, stifling a yawn and keeping his eyes peeled on the road ahead. A few shacks dotted the landscape around them as they entered the run down town. These shacks became quite dense as they got farther down the road. Ivan slowed down from 70 MPH to 35 when they got in to the makeshift town. Sig watched all the furs on the side of the road, many of them wearing dark hoods as they stood beside a fire, or grouped around something that Sig couldn't quite see. Many of the furs were staring them down, but looked like they were minding their own business.
Eventually they made it through the slums without a hitch, and Sig let out a sigh of relief. The road started to head back up hill out of the valley. When they reached the top, the land flattened out below for as far as the eye could see. Off in the distance the moon reflected off of a river that snaked through the flat horizon. Within a few minutes they reached the floor below, which gave way to a dense forest. The moon slightly peeked through at times as they drove through the forest.
After another 15 minutes of driving, Ivan pulled the van off of the road and drove it in to a large open bush.
"Ok guys," Ivan said. "We have to walk a few miles from here. Leave all of your gear except a knife and a sidearm, we don't want to make this guy think we are enemies. And keep quiet."
Sig and Phil both grabbed the stretcher that Vadim was on and they joined the group to a trail that led through the forest. The trail was about as wide as a car when it started, but quickly narrowed to three furs wide. After a while the group could hear water up ahead, Sig figured it was from the river he saw from the top of the mountain earlier. Sure enough, the trail led them to walk along the river.
As they continued on, the air got a little chillier, and Sig could make out a faint glow up ahead. As they got closer, he realized it was a building. Ivan motioned for them to stop when they got 50 yards away. Suddenly a door opened showing a big, dark figure with pointy ears.
"Who goes there?" A deep voice said, as electric blue tattoos on his body started to glow. Sig closed his eyes, waiting for the worst.