Vadim, Chapter 12: It All Stops Here...

Story by Nightcoon on SoFurry

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#12 of Vadim

Wow! Three months since I last uploaded. Finally got through my writers block cuz of a dre...

Wow! Three months since I last uploaded. Finally got through my writers block cuz of a dream, so I decided to bust this action packed chapter out. This is where things really start changing and the true foundation of the story begins ^^ Hope you enjoy, and please let me know if you see any mistakes :3


"I think we need to rethink what we are doing, guys." Vadim said as the group sat around a table. It was the morning after their heist, and the groggy group was seated inside of the hotel restaurant. "Going in quietly got us in a lot of trouble, but maybe if we go for a head on approach and just take out the ferret without screwing around, maybe it can work well."

Phil nodded to Vadim's statement. "I agree, if we just go in and take him out quickly we can end this whole mess. I say we go back this evening while the hole is still in the gate. We can steal a big armored vehicle and just smash our way through the walls of the palace and hunt him down from there. Maybe we can have a few explosives around the palace to make everything hectic. How does that sound?"

The group all murmured and nodded in agreement about the plan. Sig spoke up next.

"Where will we get an armored vehicle?"

"Some banks move their money in the evening." Phil responded. "We can go to a bank near the palace and take one there, then drive directly to the palace."

At this time everyone got their meals and started to eat.

"I think we should first take inventory on what we got last night and get ready to use some of it tonight." Vadim said in the middle of chewing. "It will show us what we have and how we can use it. So after we eat we'll head over to the garage and start to gear up."

Everyone nodded as they finished eating their meals. After a short while they paid for the food and headed to the lot that they parked the 5 ton the night before. They all took a couple crates each and sorted through the contents fairly quickly, jotting them down on a piece of paper they passed around. When the group was finished, Vadim took a look at it and started to create a plan. He discoursed with Phil how they could use some of the explosives to be set up around the perimeter of the palace to create further confusion in the attack.

"Ok everyone, here is the official plan." Vadim said as he puffed his chest out a little. "Like we said before, we will steal an armored truck and smash in to the palace. Pavel, I trust you in planting some C4 that we found in these crates around the palace. It should be simple, we'll connect a remote trigger to them before hand and alls you have to do is run around and arm them, then toss them about every 50 yards and meet us back at the truck. By then we should have the ferret taken out and we can take the armored truck back out if it's drivable. If not, we can just steal a vehicle from the barracks again. Sig, you will be in charge of sniping. We will drop you off just before the main gate and find a place to post up. We will radio in when we are leaving and pick you up from there. Phil and I will work on taking out Jono, and we will live our lives happily ever after. Sound good everyone?"

Pavel looked a little worried, but other than that everyone else agreed. Vadim took note of this and questioned him.

"You ok there, Pavel?"

The small fox's eyes shifted around nervously. "Yeah, I just don't think I am cut out for this kind of stuff is all." He said as his vulpine ears drooped.

Vadim gave him a warm smile. "Don't worry, buddy, you'll do fine. Everyone will be focused on us, not you running around. That being said, lets gear up and scope out a bank to get a truck from."


The sun slowly set over the ocean, leaving an orange ambience that Vadim basked in as he sat on top of his favorite tall building in the city. The day was winding down for most of the furs, but for Vadim and his friends it was just beginning. Sig came from the edge of the building to report to him some news.

"Vadim, we just caught sight of an armored truck that just pulled in front of the bank below, shall we go and take it?"

The arctic fox stood up and quickly walked towards the roof access door.

"Let's move guys."

The three foxes and raccoon all wore trench coats with their gear underneath. They made it to the ground floor with haste, speed walking out of the front door and across the street. All but Vadim sat at a bench near the truck. The black and silver fox padded up to one of the guards, a German Shepherd, and quickly grabbed the dog's pistol from the holster, giving it a firm tug as it broke from his belt. In the same motion Vadim pulled his own pistol out and pointed it at the guard through his trench coat.

"Follow me." The fox said sternly as he grabbed the shepherds' neck scruff.

He led the guard to a nearby alley full of dumpsters and hid behind one.

"If you value your life dog, you will give me the keys to the truck. We will toss any money out, we just need the truck. Got it?" The poor young dog whimpered and nodded, then handed the keys over. For good measure Vadim used the handcuffs that were on the dog to cuff him to a drainage pipe, and then dug through the dumpster to find an old rag to stuff in his mouth. After gagging the canine, he calmly walked away and motioned the others to go in to the truck.

"Pavel and Phil, hop in the back and toss out the money bags, we just need the truck."

The pair let out a big sigh and shook their heads as they tossed the bags of money on the sidewalk. Vadim started the truck and fastened his seat belt, waiting. A crowd of people formed, curious at their actions, when suddenly the other guard sprinted out of the bank yelling at them to stop.

"Time to go, Vadim!" Phil yelled from the back. He heard the doors slam, then put the truck in drive and gunned it.

"Trench coats off guys, its go time. Pavel, get your explosives ready. Sig, gear up, we'll be dropping you off in about five minutes. Phil, I hope you are ready for this shit."

A few minutes later, the arctic fox turned off the highway and found the frontage road that led to the palace and turned on to it.

"ETA 2 minutes Sig."

He gunned the big vehicle to 80 MPH on the straight-aways, only slowing for the turns. Finally he saw a Military sign that said 'Gates: 700 ft ahead.' Vadim hit the brakes and gave Sig a quick kiss.

"Love you hun, be safe for me ok?" Sig said with a worried look in his eyes.

"Don't worry." Vadim replied with a smile. "I promise you I will return here safe. I love you too."

With that Sig quickly left the truck and ran in to the bushes. Vadim gunned it once he didn't see Sig anymore. He quickly turned around the last corner, barreling down the road as they were about to hit the dinky remains of the gate ahead.

"Hold on tight back there! We're going in!"


Sig gave a worried look as he glanced back, seeing his mate hit the gas hard and start towards the gate. He quickly ran up the hill he was in front of and set up his bolt action rifle. He peeped through the scope just in time to see the truck smash through the remains of the first gate, and then he saw a body fly through the air. The fox watched the truck gain even more speed on the final straight-away and smash through the bigger wall as it skidded sideways in to the wall of the palace. The truck screeched to a halt in the middle of the main hall just as the last rays of the sun cast out over the horizon. There was a pause for about 20 seconds as Sig held his breath, then he saw Pavel burst out of the back and start to run around the palace.

The silver and red fox saw a couple of guards running towards the truck, and quickly sighted in on one of them. He squeezed off one shot, nailing him in the back. Before he hit the ground, Sig loaded another bullet in and was on the second guard. He slowly pulled the trigger and watched as a red mist formed around the guards head. He then saw Phil and Vadim jump out, and heard a few shots get popped off. There was then a silence for 30 seconds, then more shooting and yelling. Sig saw another guard running across the inner wall and shot the fur in the leg, watching him fall off the other side of the wall.

After more shooting, Sig saw Pavel run from around the other side of the palace and started to run towards the armory at full speed. He quickly made it inside, took a couple of shots, then ran back out and hopped in to a Humvee and drove it through the hole of the inner wall and parked it. Suddenly, there was a big flash of blue from inside the palace and a lot of yelling, then more shooting. A few seconds later, Phil came out carrying the body of Vadim and tossed him in to the Humvee and quickly jumped in himself...


The armored truck smashed through the front gate with ease.

"Woo! First one down guys, here comes the big one!" Vadim yelled, half excited and half scared. He drove the pedal to the floor, nailing a stunned guard, and quickly approached the thicker outer wall as he sped through the parking lot. He closed his eyes just as they hit, then felt the airbags smash his muzzle inward as everything seemed like it was crashing in on him. The motion of the vehicle then shifted from forwards to sideways as it skidded through in to the palace. Then, there was silence. Vadim could feel blood running from his nose as he tore through the airbag. He was met with the awkward and stunned stare from a tiger inside the palace.

"Pa... Pavel. We need.... A... a new car. When you're done running around... Steal a Humvee and park it near here."

The other fox didn't even say a word as he half stumbled out of the truck and started a slow jog away.

"You doin' alright back there, Phil?"

Vadim heard heavy breathing from the raccoon before he spoke. "I think, did we make it?"

The fox smiled, trying to get his bearings. "Take a look out of the back door, mate."

Phil did just that, and quickly stuck his head back inside.

"Vaddy, we got two guards coming our way! Get ready to take them out!"

Vadim cocked his AR-15 and half fell in to the back of the armored truck, getting ready. Suddenly a shot rang out from far away, quickly followed by another. Phil peeked his head back outside.

"Never mind, Sig got 'em! Let's move."

Just as they ran out, another guard inside of the palace came out to try and stop them. Phil took a couple well placed shots to the Doberman, making him fall instantly. They slowly jogged through the halls, not seeing a thing, and then ended up at the end of the hall with a big set of double doors. The pair busted through them and paused at the site before them. They had just entered the dining area, which was full of furs and guards alike. The dictator was nowhere to be found, and the only one Phil and Vadim recognized in there was the Marten. They were all standing, about to run away from the huge crash they just heard, but all of the furs stood there frozen as Phil and Vadim stood there with their guns mounted. A guard finally broke the silence.

"Protect our Leader's son!" With that a couple of guards tackled the Marten and all hell broke loose. Vadim squeezed off a few shots before turning around and running back down the hall, with Phil hot on his heels.

They encountered a few more guards down the long hallway which they quickly took out, but then stopped dead in their tracks just before they reached the end of the hall. A lone grey ferret stepped out of one of the side doors about 100 feet away from them, with bolts of electricity festering around his paws. He gave Vadim an electric stare, then put his arm up and shot a bolt straight at Vadim. At the same time, Phil pulled his rifle up and shot the ferret in the head, but it was too late. The last thing Vadim remembered was slowly seeing the lightning hit his body, and an intense burning before he hit the floor.