Simba Meets James, Part 1
The wand lit up, and simba transformed into a large eagle! "perfect!" he thought. he noticed james was oblivious to the fact that simba changed. meanwhile, james was still hopping around, trying to find simba the mouse!
Consequence and Confession
The eagle horse mix turned and walked out of the room, tail flicking behind him. as soon as he had stepped out, the others had started to move.
Chaos Chapter 12: Kidnapped
eagle eye, mind going to check in with sickle - see if he found anything out?" "i'm gone already!" eagle eye replied before he took off into the air and headed over toward town as fast as his wings could carry him.
The Legend of Animor
Slyren blocked both swords with his double-sided sword staff, and thrust his hand forward for a choke grip that landed on the eagle's neck.
Extreme Rendition Ch. 2
When she landed on the ground, she was staring up at the barrel of the wolf's desert eagle.
The Event
I looked back and behind me were two giant wings, as black as the wings on the bald eagle. i looked at my mom again, "come and eat breakfast, _wum orimaya_."
Aria's Tale- Chapter 1 *Sunday Mass*
He walked swiftly, and soon reached the eagle. he bowed slightly to him, and then quietly spoke with him.
Only So Far
The eagle cursed under his breath. "i'm busy at the moment, stephanie, they will have to come back later." "but, sir, i don't think they're going to take no fo . . ."
Hard Landing
Doktor lead the way out and heard shadow's mcmillan eagle eye .72 sniper rifle. searing plasma crackled through the air and struck home.
Death's Hand
He felt sorry for the bald eagle, on top of an uncomfortable seat, his wings must've been getting cramped. the offensive weapons officer sighed, followed by the sound of the defensive officer scratching her leg through her flight suit.
Two Friends
Most avian species rarely had kin with the ability to fly - hawks and various species of eagles being exceptions.
Round One; Crystal's VS Heros part 1
My lp:800 matt lp:900 "attack cobalt eagle and finish this." my cobalt eagle attacked bringing his life point's to zero. the holograms turned off and the duel disks deactivated, and crowd cheered at that awesome duel.