Round One; Crystal's VS Heros part 1

Story by Battle-Panther on SoFurry

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#7 of Let's Duel

Sorry for the long delay folks, I've been busy, but I'm back and better than ever. As usual the characters in this chapter are owned by me, but not Angel, and Sage. They belong to their owners, so enjoy.

Today's the day the tournament start's. Some duels had already taken place and some of the other duelist's were eleminated. Smith, Mayra, Angel, Sage, Jeff Harvey, Nancy Cypress, Trayvon Miller, Josh Matthews, Marcos,Bob Orton and Jon Anderson had all advanced to the next round. As for me, Jackie cypress, Matt Harvey, and Leon Pewo will get our chance right now. Let the duels continue.

In front of thousands of spectators me and, Matt Harvey made our way to the middle of the duel arena. 'Keep calm, just do what you gotta do.' I thought to myself as we activated our duel disks, drew our cards and life point counters set.

My LP:4000 Matt LP:4000

"Let's duel" We said in unison

"I'll start" I said as I drew my card. "I activate Crystal tree. And summon Sapphire Pegasus (ATK/1800 DEF/1200)" My monster took to the field and a amber crystal appeared behind it. "I set a card face down and end my turn."

Matt drew his card. "I summon Elemental Hero Wild heart (ATK/1500 DEF/1600) and equip him with Cyclone Boomerang" (ATK/2000) "attack his Pegasus." His monster threw the boomerang and it destroyed my Pegasus.

My LP:4000 Matt LP:4000

"I activate Crystal Pair. When one of my crystal beast get's destroyed by battle, I can play another in the spell and trap card zone, and I take no damage this turn." A cobalt crystal appeared

"No wonder you didn't lose life point's, I set one card face down and end my."

I drew my card, "I give up my crystal tree so I can play two more crystal beasts, in the spell and trap card zones." An amethyst and emerald crystals appeared. "I feel sorry to end this duel so early, I activate Crystal Abundance." I played the card in the slot and the card revealed itself.

"I don't think so. Go Magic Jammer." Matt's card flipped up right. "By discarding one card from my hand to destroy your magic card." He discarded his card and my card was destroyed.

"Not bad, I activate Crystal beacon. To play this from my deck; Topaz Tiger (ATK/1600 DEF/1000) and play this Crystal Promise, this card let's me bring back any crystal beast from my spell and trap card zone. Come forth Amber Mammoth (ATK/1700 DEF/1600)" The amber crystal shattered revealing my mammoth. "Topaz attack." My tiger pounced at his Wildheart.

"Your tiger is to weak."

"Not really, when he attacks a monster. He gains four hundred additional attack points. Now continue the assualt." (ATK/2000) My tiger pounced and Wildheart threw the boomerang, destroying each other. "attack Amber Mammoth."

My LP:4000 Matt LP:2300

"I set one card face down and end my turn."

Matt drew his card, "I activate Polymerization, to fuse together my Sparkman, and Necroshade. To make Elemental hero Darkbright (ATK/2000 DEF/1000)" His to monsters leaped into the air and his new monster descended. "And thanks to Necroshade effect, I can summon any Elemental Hero from my hand. I pick Burstinatrix (ATK/1200 DEF/800) Darkbright attack." His monster destroyed mines

My LP:3700 Matt LP:2300

"Your turn Burstinatrix." Matt's second attack landed, brining my life points even lower.

My LP:2500 Matt LP:2300

"I end my turn."

I drew my card, "I activate my face down card, go Rare Value." My card revealed itself. "If I have two or more crystal beast cards in the spell and trap card zone, you pick one and I draw two cards."

"I pick your tiger." He pointed at my topaz crystal, it shattered and I drew two cards.

"I activate the field spell; Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins." I played the card in the field slot and a stadium appeared around us. "I set this monster face down and this card face down as well, and end my turn."

Matt drew his card, "I summon Wroughtweiler (ATK/800 DEF/1200) in attack mode. Darkbright attack." His monster was about to attack, when my trap card revealed myself.

"Crystal Raigeki, go. By sending one of my crystal beast to the graveyard, I can destroy one card you control. I pick your Darkbright." His monster shattered

"Burstinatrix attack his face down card, and Wroughtweiler attack him directly." My card shattered, and his direct attack landed. A ruby crystal appeared. "I end my turn."

My LP:1700 Matt LP:2300

I drew my card, "I activate the fifth effect of my Ancient City; I can special summon one crystal beast from my spell and trap card zone and my Ruby Carbuncle (ATK/300 DEF/300) in defense mode." My ruby crystal shattered revealing my monster. "When she's special summoned I can summon every crystal beast in my spell and trap card zone." All my crystals shattered revealing all my monsters. "I activate Crystal Blessing to bring back my sapphire, and topaz in my spell and trap card zones. I set this card face down and end my turn."

'What? He didn't attack, well it's his loss.' Matt drew his card, "I tribute my two monsters to summon Elemental Hero Bladedge (ATK/2600 DEF/1600) Attack his Ruby and finish this duel." But instead. He attacked my Mammoth

My LP;800 Matt LP:2300

"How come my Bladedge attacked your mammoth intstead of your ruby?" Matt asked quizzically

"Because, if I have another monster on the field you can only attack him." I answered

"Smart maneuver, I activate Future fusion. By sending fusion material monsters to the graveyard and in two turns I can summon the fusion monster they make." Matt sent three cards to the graveyard. "I set one card face down and end my turn."

In the back, the duelist that had already dueled were watching, Smith especially. 'What are you waiting for, Spencer? Summon that Rainbow Dragon already, I need to see it's power.'

I drew my card, "I summon one of the most feared dragons in duel monsters, Rainbow Dragon (ATK/4000 DEF/0)." I played the card on my disc, and all of the crystals floated upward. My dragon descended and floated next to me. The crowd went silent and admired the masterpeice in front of them.

'That's it, Spencer. Now's the chance to study it.' Smith head started to come up with a plan, while watching.

"I'm sorry Matt, but it's gotta end." I said sounding aplogetic.

"That's alright, Spencer. We had one hell of a duel, hit me with your best shot." Matt said daringly.

"Rainbow Dragon attack his Bladedge with Rianbow Blast." I said. As my dragon destroyed his monster.

My LP:800 Matt LP:900

"Attack Cobalt Eagle and finish this." My cobalt eagle attacked bringing his life point's to zero. The holograms turned off and the duel disks deactivated, and crowd cheered at that awesome duel. Me and Matt walked to the middle of the duel arena and shook hands to show respect for one another.

"Nice duel, good luck in the finals." With that said. He turned and left, I turned and started to go to the back. Then I ran into my friend Jackie, it was his turn to duel. "Good luck out there, Jackie."

"Thank's, bro." Jackie said as he made his way to the arena. On the opposite side stood a 6'4 lizard with green scales, yellow eye, wearing all black. Their activated they're duel disks, put their decks in the card holders of the disks, life point counters set, and drew their five cards.

"Let's duel." They said.

To be continue...

What do you think of that? For the first time in a month in a half. Sorry for the long wait, leave a comment after reading, thank you for reading.

Rise of the Wolves

This story contains violence, and other stuff anybody under 18, must turn and leave now. Everyone else enjoy. And all characters are copyright to me, so paws, hands or whatever you touch with back off!!!!! * * * This story is about how the war...

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An hour went by and I went back to the small dueling arena to meet up with Mayra. I pushed opened the double doors and saw Mayra standing in the center with her duel disk on. As I made my way closer, I asked her, "So let me guess, we're going to duel,...

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"Hello my name is Curtis Johnson, I'm a wolf. I wanted what every normal person wants like to live life, make friends, have a girlfriend, get married, and have a family. But I can't, because I'm not normal I'm a science project. I have a wolf body,...

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